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Fuerzas Aéreas del Mundo. Noticias e historia. Sus aviones de guerra, helicópteros y misiles. Programas de construcción aérea. Pilotos y paracaidistas.
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Russia To Sell 20 MiG-29 Fighters To Myanmar

MOSCOW - Russia has signed a contract to deliver 20 MiG-29 fighter planes to military-run Myanmar, the daily Kommersant reported Dec. 23.

The contract was signed a few weeks ago and came to nearly $570 million (400 million euros), according to a source close to Russian arms sales company Rosoboronexport quoted by the paper.

the Southeast Asian country is under Western sanctions. Human-rights campaigners complain that its ruling junta has received a steady supply of arms from neighboring China and India, as well as from Russia.

A source close to Rosoboronexport said the Russian offer beat one by China that offered Myanmar "ultra-modern" J-10 and FC-1 fighters "on very advantageous conditions."

The daily said Russia delivered 12 MiG-29s to Myanmar in 2001.

"It is the largest contract to deliver fighters of this type after the breaking of a similar transaction with Algeria in 2007," Kommersant said.

Algeria cancelled its order for 34 MiG-29s worth $1.406 billion (987 million euros) as their quality was lower than expected and returned several planes to Russia in 2008, the paper said.



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General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Registrado: 06 Oct 2004, 22:21
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Russia could double number of bombers on strategic patrols - general

RIA Novosti


MOSCOW, December 22 (RIA Novosti) - The number of strategic bombers performing routine patrols could be doubled if the Russian General Staff makes such a decision, the commander of Russia's strategic aviation said Tuesday.

Russia resumed strategic bomber patrol flights over the Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic oceans, the Black Sea and along the borders of the Commonwealth of Independent States in August 2007, following an order from then-president Vladimir Putin.

"As a rule, up to four strategic bombers perform patrol flights simultaneously. However, under specific circumstances and on orders from the General Staff, their number could be increased to up to eight aircraft," Maj. Gen. Anatoly Zhikharev said at a news conference in Moscow.

According to the general, the bombers can continuously patrol the skies for up to 22 hours with in-flight refueling provided by Il-78 Midas aerial tankers.

"Our planes also carry out missions to detect and pinpoint the location of foreign aircraft carriers, as well as to supply missions to support the activities of [Russian] polar stations in line with the concept of the development of our Arctic zone," Zhikarev said.

All flights by Russian aircraft are performed in strict compliance with international law on the use of airspace over neutral waters, without intruding the airspace of other states, the general reiterated.

According to various sources, in addition to 16 Tu-160 bombers, the Russian Air Force currently has 40 Tu-95MS bombers and 141 Tu-22M3 bombers in service.



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General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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United Kingdom Announces Approval Of Third F-35B Joint Strike Fighter Purchase

Lockheed Martin


FORT WORTH, Texas, December 22nd, 2009 -- The Joint Combat Aircraft (JCA) program has announced that the United Kingdom has received financial approval to purchase its third Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] F-35B Lightning II operational test aircraft, reinforcing the U.K.'s continued commitment to the Joint Strike Fighter program's upcoming Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E).

"The U.K. this week received financial approval to go ahead and purchase the third U.K. STOVL OT&E aircraft that is planned within LRIP 4. Given the extremely tight financial climate in the U.K. government and the consequent impact across public spending, especially defence, this is a significant achievement," said Air Commodore Graham Farnell, the U.K.'s Joint Combat Aircraft Team head. "I believe it reflects well upon the JSF program and it is a measure of the confidence that the U.K. has in both the F-35 Lightning II and the program to deliver this capability."

This approval follows recent F-35 down-select or procurement commitments by Australia, Norway, the Netherlands, Italy and the United States. The strength of the F-35 business case has enabled program suppliers to obtain the capital financing needed to recapitalize the industrial base and produce the F-35 in high quantities over the next 30 years.

"The United Kingdom's participation in F-35 Operational Test and Evaluation, and the associated commitment to purchase F-35s in early production lots, help ensure production stability as we move from the current assembly rate of one aircraft per month to our goal of oneper day," said Matt Maxwell, Lockheed Martin director for F-35 Low Rate Initial Production.

The U.K. has invested $2 billion in the F-35's development – the largest contribution among the program's eight partner nations. More than 100 British companies are involved in the program, including BAE Systems, which produces the aircraft's aft fuselage and tails; Rolls-Royce, developer and manufacturer of the shaft-driven lift fan and other propulsion components for the F-35B STOVL variant; and Martin Baker, maker of the jet's ejection seats.

The F-35 is a supersonic, multi-role, 5th generation stealth fighter. Three variants derived from a common design, developed together and using the same sustainment infrastructure worldwide, will replace aircraft in at least 13 services for nine nations initially, making the Lightning II the most cost-effective fighter program in history.



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General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Registrado: 06 Oct 2004, 22:21
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First Four Lynx Mk9A Helicopters Delivered Just 12 Months After Contract Award



AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is pleased to announce that the first four upgraded Lynx Mk.9A helicopters for the British Army have been delivered, with the fourth aircraft delivered today, just 12 months after contract award. Three of these four aircraft will be used by the Army Air Corps for conversion to type and conversion to role training at its Dishforth base in Yorkshire. In 2010 the Lynx Mk.9A helicopters will deploy to Afghanistan to support British and coalition forces, where its exceptional hot and high performance will enable the aircraft to operate year round in the demanding environmental conditions experienced there.

Nick Whitney, Senior VP - UK Government Business Unit, said at the handover of the fourth aircraft “Everybody involved at AgustaWestland, our suppliers and the MoD Project Team are to be congratulated for delivering the first four aircraft in just 12 months against an extremely tight programme schedule. We know the enhanced operational capabilities these aircraft will deliver will be of great benefit to our troops in Afghanistan and we are now working around the clock to ensure we deliver the remaining aircraft not just on time but ahead of schedule.” Following the flight of the first aircraft in September 2009 the Lynx Mk.9A completed its qualification test programme successfully demonstrating the airframe was capable of maximising the improved performance provided by the LHTEC CTS800 engines, thus meeting or exceeding the customers’ Key User Requirements.

In addition to upgrading the aircraft AgustaWestland has successfully completed maintainer and aircrew training programmes at its Yeovil facility, delivered new Integrated Electronic Technical Publications, spares packages and lap-top based training emulations. A further three aircraft will be delivered by April 2010, followed by the final batch of five aircraft by September 2010, giving the British Army 12 Lynx Mk.9A helicopters three months ahead of the contracted date. AgustaWestland is also working with the MoD on a follow-on-contract to upgrade the remaining 10 Lynx Mk.9s to Mk.9A standard, which would see the final aircraft being upgraded by early 2012.



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General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Registrado: 06 Oct 2004, 22:21
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U.S. Army fires TALON Laser-Guided Rocket Rounds from OH-58D Kiowa Warrior



EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, Fla., Dec. 22, 2009 /PRNewswire/ -- The U.S. Army fired two TALON Laser-Guided Rocket guided test vehicle rounds during the Aviation Multi-Platform Munition Demonstration.

TALON LGR is a cooperative development effort between Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) and Emirates Advanced Investments of the United Arab Emirates.

The TALON LGR rounds were launched from a U.S. Army OH-58D Kiowa Warrior and hit targets at 3,500 meters (2.17 miles). This exceeded accuracy requirements for the Department of Defense's Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System II program.

"In September, the U.S. Army clearly stated the need for a guided munition capable of being launched from the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior," said Dr. Taylor W. Lawrence, Raytheon Missile Systems president. "TALON LGR can meet that operational need. U.S. forces will be able to obtain a fully qualified laser-guided rocket that meets or exceeds all the guided 70 mm rocket requirements without expending tens of millions of dollars in research, evaluation and testing."

The TALON LGR is a low-cost, semi-active laser guidance and control kit that connects directly to the front of the legacy 2.75-inch unguided rockets fired from the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior. It requires no software or hardware modifications to the launcher or aircraft platform and can be fired from any aircraft that fires 2.75-inch unguided rockets.

"LGR is a highly reliable precision rocket solution for a variety of fixed- and rotary-wing platforms," said Hussain Al Hammadi, EAI's chief executive officer. "The success of this demonstration further proves the TALON LGR will provide warfighters with a precision capability they've never had before."

TALON LGR fills the critical operational capability gap between unguided rockets and guided, heavy anti-tank missiles.

"This year's small-guided munition demonstration is critical because we're exploring options to provide precision-guided capabilities to our combatant commanders in Iraq and Afghanistan," said Col. Michael Cavalier, Joint Attack Munitions Systems project manager. "This demonstration has given us a better understanding of our options with regard to developing a precision-guided weapon that can be launched from a Kiowa Warrior."

EAI continues to be the region's leader in providing modernized defense capabilities to the United Arab Emirates.



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General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Registrado: 06 Oct 2004, 22:21
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Russian military to receive Il-476 heavy transport planes in 2012

RIA Novosti


MOSCOW, December 25 (RIA Novosti) - The Russian Air Force will start receiving Il-476 heavy transport planes in 2012, the commander of the Russian Air Force's military transport aviation said on Friday.

The Il-476 is a significantly modernized version of Russia's Il-76 Candid transport plane, featuring a fully-digital flight control system, new avionics and PS-90A-76 engines with improved fuel efficiency systems.

"I think the Il-476, which will eventually replace the Il-76, will start arriving in the military transport aviation sometime in 2012," Lt. Gen. Viktor Kachalkin said.

The plane will be built at the Urals-based Aviastar-SP aircraft-manufacturing plant.

The Russian Defense Ministry plans to buy at least 38 Il-476 in cargo and aerial tanker versions in line with the state arms procurement program for the period of 2011-2020.

According to various sources, there are up to 300 transport aircraft in service with the Russian Air Force, including An-12 Cub, An-72 Coaler, An-22 Cock, An-124 Condor and Il-76 Candid planes. Most of the aircraft entered service in the 1960s and 1970s and are considered outdated by modern safety and noise pollution standards.



Si caigo en combate, toma la bandera, dale un beso y continúa adelante......
General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Registrado: 20 Dic 2009, 01:33
Ubicación: España



Según la agencia France Presse, funcionarios de Ecuador y China, han firmado un contrato de colaboración, mediante el cual, Ecuador recibirá un préstamo de China por 438 millones de USD para equipar a su fuerza aérea con aviones de combate, quizá el J-10. El precio de unitario sería de 100 millones de dólares, por lo que el número de cazas sería de 4.

+info: ... -para.html

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India recibirá 150 Su-30MKI y 80 helicópteros Mi-17-1B. Adicionalmente también se está mirando a Rusia para conseguir cazas y helicópteros "de quinta generación",todavía en desarrollo. Presumiblemente, este avión es el Sukhoi PAK FA T-50, que está previsto que tenga capacidad Stealth, y que reemplazará entre otros al MiG-29, y Su-27. El primer vuelo está previsto para 2010.
Rusia e India planean el desarrollo conjunto para la
La espina dorsal de la aviación de combate de la Fuerza Aérea India, la forman los Su-30MKI, Mirage 2000, MiG-21, MiG-27 and y. El total de Su-30MKI es de 104 units. En 2009 se han perdido 2 aparatos por causas técnicas.

En el periodo 1996-1998, India pidió 50 Su-30MKI, y mas tarde otros 40. Además, se obtuvo licencia de fabricación de 140, a entregar en el periodo 2003-2017. En octubre se anunció la intención de la compra de 50 mas.

Para 2015, el numero de Su-30M será de unos 230. ... su-30.html

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Registrado: 20 Dic 2009, 01:33
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El despliegue ha sido motivado por unas maniobras multinacionales, en el que participaron 150 miembros de la USAF y 6 F-22 procedentes de la base de Langley, Virginia.

Según el jefe del escuadrón expedicionario, el F-22, pudo realizar mas salidas de las previstas, ya que se tenían dudas de su rendimiento, dadas las temperaturas y el clima extremo existente en la zona.

Los despliegues anteriores del F-22 fueron a Kadena, Japón, y Andersen AFB en Guam.

Aunque no participaron directamente en el ejercicio, los F-22 volaron junto a aviones del Reino Unido, Francia, Jordania y Pakistán. El motivo era que estos países aliados conocieran este sistema para complementarse mejor. Debido a los buenos resultdos obtenidos, se esperan mas despliegues en breve. ... ez-en.html

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SUECIA: Presentan Gripen NG Naval


El fabricante sueco SAAB ha revelado avanzados planes de rediseño para una variante del cazabombardero Gripen NG para empleo desde porta-aviones. Voceros de la firma escandinava informaron que la posibilidad de una versión naval para exportación fue considerada desde el inicio mismo de los trabajos de diseño del Gripen, a fines de los años setentas, en consideración a las avanzadas prestaciones STOL exigidas por la Real Fuerza Aérea Sueca para el nuevo aparato. Esos diseños originales están siendo revisados ahora, en previsión de exigencias de variantes navales del Gripen NG por parte de la India, que estaría interesada en un aparato de estas características, para equipar a sus portaaviones ligeros en construcción.

De hecho, la Marina de la India ha enviado solicitudes de información sobre soluciones para un potencial requerimiento de un cazabombardero para portaaviones a BOEING, DASSAULT, EUROFIGHTER, LOCKHEED MARTIN, SUKHOI y SAAB. Las soluciones deben estar disponibles para entrar en servicio entre el 2017 y 2018. SAAB también ve un potencial interés futuro en una versión naval del Gripen NG en Brasil, donde ese avión ya es la solución preferida en lo técnico, tecnológico e industrial para el proyecto F-X2 de la Fuerza Aérea Brasileña.

SAAB hará una presentación técnica del Gripen Naval en India en Enero, y entregará una propuesta inicial el mes siguiente.

Fuente: Enfoque EStrategico.

.- Saludos.

Compañero forista fallecido el 16 de julio de 2011. Ver homenaje en el FMG
Orel .
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Registrado: 18 Dic 2005, 14:28

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De hecho, la Marina de la India ha enviado solicitudes de información sobre soluciones para un potencial requerimiento de un cazabombardero para portaaviones a BOEING, DASSAULT, EUROFIGHTER, LOCKHEED MARTIN, SUKHOI y SAAB.

Es muy raro que no incluyan a MIG en la lista, cuando sus actuales cazas navales son los al parecer muy capaces Mig-33 (derivados del Mig-29K).

Mensajes: 1637
Registrado: 03 Oct 2008, 23:48
Ubicación: Ucrania

Mensaje por Bogdan-The-Kozak »

Orel . escribió:
De hecho, la Marina de la India ha enviado solicitudes de información sobre soluciones para un potencial requerimiento de un cazabombardero para portaaviones a BOEING, DASSAULT, EUROFIGHTER, LOCKHEED MARTIN, SUKHOI y SAAB.

Es muy raro que no incluyan a MIG en la lista, cuando sus actuales cazas navales son los al parecer muy capaces Mig-33 (derivados del Mig-29K).

MiG es ahora parte de Sukhoi.

"A los esclavos, no los dejan ir al Cielo". Ivan Sirkó.
Claudio Daniel Erra
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Registrado: 08 Nov 2008, 17:02

Mensaje por Claudio Daniel Erra »

Orel. las designaciones rusas/soviéticas son todo un tema y llega un momento en el que me pierdo (o sea que puede ser este el caso). Pero los MiG-29 que adquirió India para su portaaviones son justamente K y KUB, (poco tienen que ver con las versiones K iniciales, son mas bien M2 navalizados). El MiG-33 original no era otra cosa que un MiG-29M, es la primera vez que escucho que también se diera esa denominación a las versiones navalizadas ¿estas seguro de eso?

Saludos y suerte.

Orel .
Teniente Coronel
Teniente Coronel
Mensajes: 2413
Registrado: 18 Dic 2005, 14:28

Mensaje por Orel . »

MiG es ahora parte de Sukhoi.

¡Gracias Bogdan!
Llámala Sujoi, hombre, que nuestro idioma sí tiene el sonido "J" ruso que no el inglés.

El MiG-33 original no era otra cosa que un MiG-29M, es la primera vez que escucho que también se diera esa denominación a las versiones navalizadas ¿estas seguro de eso?

Buscando he encontrado que se le llama más habitualmente Mig-29K, aunque a veces Mig-33. Yo prefiero la denominación -33 porque realmente no es un Mig-29K de los de los 90, el Mig naval indio es un caza más avanzado.

Un saludo

Mensajes: 1637
Registrado: 03 Oct 2008, 23:48
Ubicación: Ucrania

Mensaje por Bogdan-The-Kozak »

Llámala Sujoi, hombre, que nuestro idioma sí tiene el sonido "J" ruso que no el inglés.

Heheh - costumbre.

"A los esclavos, no los dejan ir al Cielo". Ivan Sirkó.

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