Ejército de Rusia

Los Ejércitos terrestres del mundo. Actualidad, orden de batalla, operaciones. La Legión Extranjera Francesa. Tanques, blindados y otro armamento.
General de Brigada
General de Brigada
Mensajes: 4901
Registrado: 27 Mar 2007, 22:48
Ubicación: Lima-Perú

Mensaje por Luisfer »

El video respectivo. Lindos blindados y muy buen espectaculo.

http://rutube.ru/tracks/1681598.html?v= ... 3688cee5ce


Mensajes: 2
Registrado: 27 Mar 2009, 19:35
Ubicación: cali

visores noturnos

Mensaje por Pepitoman| »

hola me gustaria sabes mas sobre visores nocturnos hcm3 creo que son de febricacion rusa, tengo una foto pero no se como subirla. gracias[img][/img]

ola me encanta la teconologia de los visores quiero saber mas de ellos
Mensajes: 2
Registrado: 27 Mar 2009, 19:35
Ubicación: cali

Re: visores noturnos

Mensaje por Pepitoman| »

Pepitoman| escribió:hola me gustaria sabes mas sobre visores nocturnos hcm3 creo que son de febricacion rusa, tengo una foto pero no se como subirla. gracias

ola me encanta la teconologia de los visores quiero saber mas de ellos
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Soldado Primero
Mensajes: 63
Registrado: 27 Dic 2008, 03:54

Mensaje por lgomez »

lei que medvlev planea reestructurar el ejercito en un 100% a partir del 2011 segun analistas la causa es la presion de los altos mandos militares tras los resultados del conflicto con georgia en donde hallaron mucho material anticuado y poca efiencia en tacticas militares, alguien tendra un aspecto de informacion mas certera en cuanto a la reforma planeada?

En la vida solo hay que recordar tres cosas:
1ªReclamar por todo.
2ª No explicar nada.
3ª Negarlo todo.
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General de Brigada
General de Brigada
Mensajes: 4467
Registrado: 10 Ene 2003, 00:17

Mensaje por Giancarlo_HG. »

esas planeaciones existen y se escuchan desde los 90´s y hasta ahora nada, el problema es el poco presupuesto, la tremenda carga que exigio la reducción de efectivos, corrupción de mandos, vivir en la fantasia de una Rusia super potencia, etc, etc...ahora con la crisis internacional la cuestión se pone mas nebulosa aún.

De que hay alguna que otra mejora eso nadie lo discute, pero aún así la introducción de nueva tecnología en las fas rusas se da a cuenta gotas , no a la velocidad que exije el recambio tecnologico, mucho mas lenta respecto a la velocidad de obsolescencia de sus equipos.

General de Brigada
General de Brigada
Mensajes: 4901
Registrado: 27 Mar 2007, 22:48
Ubicación: Lima-Perú

Mensaje por Luisfer »

A ver:

Lo sucedido en Giorgia es una de las causas para la reforma, eso si, tal ves la causa principal. Evidentemente y esto es cierto, a pesar de la contundente victoria hubo deficiencias sobretodo en el área de las comunicaciones y de inteligencia.

Por otro lado, es cierto, el recambio de tecnológica nueva por vieja lleva sus dificultades, pero esto en realidad no es cosas del otro mundo, todo proyecto tiene sus trabas, la matiz esta en que en la FR se toma mas tiempo dado la crisis actual y su recuperación económica luego de haber.

Del resto, corrupción y demás cosas, mucho se dice y se dirá al respecto, pero hay un hecho claro e indebatible, la FR esta muy por encima de lo que fue en los 90 y su condición de potencia hegemonía se ah puesto en el tablero nuevamente.


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Registrado: 05 Abr 2005, 21:31

Mensaje por Eldorado »

Hola a todos:
Para mi en el ejercito ruso hay 2 grandes problemas a dia de hoy:
1) La obsolescencia del material actual
2) El tremendo caos logistico por la cantidad de material

Las fuerzas de tierra en la actualidad se se componen por 4 tipos de material: ATP, APC, IFV, y MBT
Los proyectos rusos, ya estan desarrollados y probados, e incluso algunos ya en produccion
MBT: T-95
La cuestion reside en que el gasto de desarrollo e investigacion ya esta realizado, ya queda el gasto militar de produccion en serie y otros de mayor produccion...
pero hasta que no se den de baja el enorme numero de BMP2, los BTR70 y 80, los T-64, T72, T80 etc... (la mayoria de estos, material anticuado y desfasado) no despegara la produccion del BMP3 que junto con el BTR90 llevan mas de 10 años durmiendo el sueño de los justos esperando su produccion en gran serie.... Las fuerzas de tierra rusas seguiran colapsadas por el monumental complejo logistico, y no se podran llevar a cabo las reformas...
Sin duda la entrada del nuevo material, debe conllevar una gran reduccion de las fuerzas rusas para adaptarse a las nuevas doctrinas abandonando los criterios de la guerra fria...
Hasta que no se asuma dicha reduccion del ,aterial de los efectivos de las divisiones, no llegara la modernizacion ...
El grave problema en cuanto a lo referente a los carros de combate es preocupante...
No se modernizara el ejercito ruso hasta que se asuma que se puede costear con los futuros presupuestos una produccion del T-95 en un numero aproximado de 4000 unidades de aqui a 2018-2020... y que solo se podra complementar con el T-90 y su probable evolucion en 1000-1500 como mucho... como consecuencia el numero de carros se reducira considerablemente
Otra cuestion son los helicopteros... el Mil mi 17 debera ser sustituido por el euromil mi 38, junto con el Ka 60, asi como evolucionar el mil mi 26 Halo ... ademas sustituir los mil mi24 y 35 por los kamov y milmi 28....

En definitiva, La reduccion debera venir porque no se puede mantener 2 lineas de vehiculos aeronaves y material, siendo una de ellas ya obsoleta...... se deben unificar en un solo modelo para cada tipo de material, y si ello supone (y ademas es necesario) una drastica reduccion del material, debe llevarse a cabo...
Un saludo

Mensajes: 223
Registrado: 12 Mar 2009, 16:26
Ubicación: Valencia

Mensaje por Vitali »

Eldorado escribió:Hola a todos:
Para mi en el ejercito ruso hay 2 grandes problemas a dia de hoy:
1) La obsolescencia del material actual
2) El tremendo caos logistico por la cantidad de material

Las fuerzas de tierra en la actualidad se se componen por 4 tipos de material: ATP, APC, IFV, y MBT
Los proyectos rusos, ya estan desarrollados y probados, e incluso algunos ya en produccion
MBT: T-95
La cuestion reside en que el gasto de desarrollo e investigacion ya esta realizado, ya queda el gasto militar de produccion en serie y otros de mayor produccion...
pero hasta que no se den de baja el enorme numero de BMP2, los BTR70 y 80, los T-64, T72, T80 etc... (la mayoria de estos, material anticuado y desfasado) no despegara la produccion del BMP3 que junto con el BTR90 llevan mas de 10 años durmiendo el sueño de los justos esperando su produccion en gran serie.... Las fuerzas de tierra rusas seguiran colapsadas por el monumental complejo logistico, y no se podran llevar a cabo las reformas...
Sin duda la entrada del nuevo material, debe conllevar una gran reduccion de las fuerzas rusas para adaptarse a las nuevas doctrinas abandonando los criterios de la guerra fria...
Hasta que no se asuma dicha reduccion del ,aterial de los efectivos de las divisiones, no llegara la modernizacion ...
El grave problema en cuanto a lo referente a los carros de combate es preocupante...
No se modernizara el ejercito ruso hasta que se asuma que se puede costear con los futuros presupuestos una produccion del T-95 en un numero aproximado de 4000 unidades de aqui a 2018-2020... y que solo se podra complementar con el T-90 y su probable evolucion en 1000-1500 como mucho... como consecuencia el numero de carros se reducira considerablemente
Otra cuestion son los helicopteros... el Mil mi 17 debera ser sustituido por el euromil mi 38, junto con el Ka 60, asi como evolucionar el mil mi 26 Halo ... ademas sustituir los mil mi24 y 35 por los kamov y milmi 28....

En definitiva, La reduccion debera venir porque no se puede mantener 2 lineas de vehiculos aeronaves y material, siendo una de ellas ya obsoleta...... se deben unificar en un solo modelo para cada tipo de material, y si ello supone (y ademas es necesario) una drastica reduccion del material, debe llevarse a cabo...
Un saludo

Señor ELDORADO, no estoy deacuerdo con Ud. En cuanto al carros blindados anticuados - anticuados - posiblemente, pero muy bien revisados. Por ejemplo durante toda la guerra con Georgia sólo se "perdieron" 3 BTR y 3 BMP por causas técnicas.... y eso con los kilómetros que hicieron...

A BTR-90 ni siquiera querrían meterlo en serie, ya que de facto no es un transporte de personal sino un "minitanque", sale caro para lo que es... Seguirán produciendo BTR-80, eso si - añadiendo a ellos algunos BTR-90. Será parecido a la historia de Mi-28N y Ka-52.

Las tropas de tierra en Rusia están tan colapsadas que estaban a unas 20 km de Tbilisi en pocas horas (ni los GENSHTAB se enteraron)... iban por delante de las tropas de Georgia que en este momento estaban retrocediendo...........

No sé porque habla tanto acerca de T-95...

Mil-17V5 servirá a la armada 30 años mas por lo menos... De euro en Mil-38 - nada. Los europeos abandonaron este proyecto. Ademas de momento Mi-38 solo va con lo PRATT... Hasta que no se le incorpore motores fabricados en Rusia - no se puede hablar de su uso en armada rusa.

De Ka-60 aun es muy pronto hablar... Ya hablaremos de él despues del 2012...

Los Mi-24/35 no se van a ser sustituidos por Mi-28... Se les fabricará, y incluirá al ejercito a los dos...

Y olvidese de esa palabra -"obsoleto". El Mi-35, BTR-80 cumple con su deber perfectamente, ya llegaron a la perfección técnica necesaria.

Solo hay MiG!
Entre el pasado y futuro.
Es lo que se llama - Vida.
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General de Brigada
General de Brigada
Mensajes: 4467
Registrado: 10 Ene 2003, 00:17

Mensaje por Giancarlo_HG. »

Giorgia no es la causa principal, hablar así es no tener conocimiento de lo que sucede en Rusia, las reformas rusas han sido pospuestas hace decada y media y más.

Esperemos que esta vez la hagan efectiva, en todos estos años solo he leido promesas y buenas intenciones.

¿Potencia hegemonica? ¿es broma? eso solo se lo cree V. Putin en sus frecuentes masturbaciones nocturnas.....

Esa nación tiene un gran potencial , pero si siguen con sus delirios de super potencia ....uhmmm :roll:

General de Brigada
General de Brigada
Mensajes: 4385
Registrado: 23 Ago 2003, 18:19
Ubicación: Oxfordshire, RU

Mensaje por alejandro_ »

En cuanto a lo comentado por El Dorado, unas cosas:

La cuestion reside en que el gasto de desarrollo e investigacion ya esta realizado, ya queda el gasto militar de produccion en serie y otros de mayor produccion...
pero hasta que no se den de baja el enorme numero de BMP2, los BTR70 y 80, los T-64, T72, T80 etc...

Los T-64 ya no se recuperan. Se utilizan mientras duren los repuestos. El T-72 y T-80 se modernizan utilizando componentes similares. Los BTR-70 tampoco se fabrican, y no hay necesidad de un BTR-90, que es bastante más caro y con opciones poco necesarias. El BTR-80A se adapta mucho mejor a lo que necesitan los rusos. El BMP-2 sigue siendo perfectamente válido con una modernización.

General de Brigada
General de Brigada
Mensajes: 4901
Registrado: 27 Mar 2007, 22:48
Ubicación: Lima-Perú

Mensaje por Luisfer »

Giancarlo_HG. escribió:¿Potencia hegemonica? ¿es broma? eso solo se lo cree V. Putin en sus frecuentes masturbaciones nocturnas.....

Esa nación tiene un gran potencial , pero si siguen con sus delirios de super potencia ....uhmmm :roll:

Pues a los de la OTAN en Kiguizistan no les causa mucha gracia, mas cuando la base rusa sigue allí. :roll: Por lago sera.

Putin se masturbara con quien sea, pero a levantado una nación de una crisis que nadie lo desea le ocurra. :wink:

Nadie ah negado que lo de Giorgia no sea la causa principal, eso esta para el debate, pero si se puede decir con toda certeza que es una de las causas :wink:

Un saludo

General de Brigada
General de Brigada
Mensajes: 4901
Registrado: 27 Mar 2007, 22:48
Ubicación: Lima-Perú

Mensaje por Luisfer »

Luisfer escribió:Imagen

Muy bonito la verdad :twisted:

Última edición por Luisfer el 27 May 2009, 21:18, editado 3 veces en total.

General de Brigada
General de Brigada
Mensajes: 4901
Registrado: 27 Mar 2007, 22:48
Ubicación: Lima-Perú

Mensaje por Luisfer »

Este es un interesante resumen de los ejercicios rusos llevados a cabo en el 2008.

Russian Participation in Combined Training Exercises in 2008

Mikhail Lukin, Kommersant Publishing House, special for Moscow Defense Brief

The number of Russian military training exercises involving the armed forces of other states has increased in line with the overall intensification of military exercises undertaken by the Russian Armed Forces.

The exercises have followed traditional scenarios. In the case of the CIS this means either «Soviet-type» defense against foreign aggressors, or the currently fashionable «peacekeeping» exercises. With other states, Russia typically conducts either «peacekeeping» («anti-terrorist») or the communications and maneuver exercises typical of naval courtesy calls.

This article surveys all exercises conducted in 2008, based on the information available from a database of over 7000 Russian and foreign media, analytical materials and the internet.

January 8. Maritime exercise with Italy. The Admiral Chabanenko destroyer of the Northern Fleet arrived on January 4 at the Italian Navy’s Mar Grande base at the port of Taranto, to conduct sea exercises on the Ionian Sea with the Espero and Bersagliere frigates.

The ships exchanged recognition signals, worked out joint maneuvers, communications, and procedures for the inspection of commercial ships. A Russian Ka-27 helicopter flew from a Russian ship to land on the deck of an Italian frigate. The exercises were led by Vice Admiral Nikolai Maksimov and Rear Admiral Ruggiero Di Biase.

The Admiral Chabanenko and the Nikolai Chiker salvage tug conducted these exercises in the framework of a deployment of Russian Northern Fleet warships to the Atlantic and Mediterranean.

January 16-25. Russia-NATO theatre missile defense computer-assisted exercise. The exercise was held at the Simulation and Integration Test Center of Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft (IABG) in Ottobrun, Germany. This was the fourth in a series of joint Russia-NATO exercises that took place in the USA (2004), the Netherlands (2005) and Russia (2006).

The 2008 exercise involved over 60 participants from 11 nations. Whereas previous exercises focused on command and control of TMD forces and the execution of operations in a joint theatre of operations, this exercise was said to «concentrate on the planning processes required to enable an effective and efficient employment of such forces.»

No further details concerning the exercise were released, either by NATO or the Russian government, and the Russian press provided virtually no coverage of the event.

January 17–18. Russia-France naval exercises. On January 14, as part of the same deployment mentioned above, the Admiral Chabanenko destroyer and the Sergey Osipov fleet tanker made an unofficial visit to the French naval base of Tulon. Following this visit, first the Sergey Osipov (January 17) and then the Admiral Chabanenko (January 18) conducted PASSEX exercises with the French frigate Jean de Vienne. In addition to joint maneuvers and communications, the ships simulated loading water and fuel on the move. Bad weather forced the cancellation of a flight of the Lynx helicopter off the deck of the frigate. Once again, Vice Admiral Nikolai Maksimov led the exercise on the Russian side.

January 22–24. Russia-Tajikistan antiterrorist command post exercise. About 800 troops, armor and artillery from the motorized rifle regiment of the 201st Military Base took place in this exercise, along with helicopters from the 303rd Separate Helicopter Squadron deployed to the Gissar (Aini) air base in Tajikistan. Together with troops from the Tajikistan Ministry of Defense, they worked out countermeasures to a hypothetical attack by international terrorists, including the organization of defenses in the absence of a continuous front and operations in desert and mountainous conditions. Exceptionally cold temperatures of –200C complicated operations in the mountains.

January 24. Russia-France naval exercises. The Admiral Chabanenko destroyer and the French frigate Tourville conducted combined exercises in the Bay of Biscay. The ships worked out joint maneuvers, communications, helicopter landings, and transferred cargo while on the move.

January 28. Russia-Portugal naval exercises. The flagship of the Black Sea Fleet, the Moskva guided missile cruiser conducted combined maneuvers and communications exercises with the Portuguese frigate Alvares Cabral. The Russian side was led by Vice Admiral Vasily Kondakov, deputy commander of the Black Sea Fleet and the commander of its deployment to the Mediterranean.

February 4. Russian-France naval exercises. During its deployment to the Mediterranean, the Moskva guided missile cruiser visited the French base of Toulon on February 1-4 and conducted joint communications and maneuvers with the French frigate Lafayette.

February 8. Russia-Italy naval exercise. After leaving Toulon, the Russian guided missile cruiser Moskva called on the Italian port of Civitavecchia (February 5-8) and then held a naval exercise with the Italian Navy frigate Maestrale. In addition to joint maneuvers and signals exchange, an Italian helicopter took off the deck of the Maestrale and transferred cargo on to the Russian cruiser.

April 4–22. BLACKSEAFOR-2008 exercises with Russia, Bulgaria, Geoftia, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine. The second phase of the seventh exercise of the Black Sea Naval Cooperation Task Group took place under the leadership of the Turkish military, Captain 1st Rank Levent Gergech (commander of the 1st Frigate Division of the Turkish Navy).

Russia was represented by the BDK-64 Tsezar Kunikov large landing ship of the Black Sea Fleet. Other ships included the Turgut Reis frigate (Turkey), the Smeli frigate (Bulgaria), the Contraamiral Horia Macelariu corvette (Romania), and the Ternopol corvette (Ukraine). The drills were conducted in the water zone of the Black Sea, and involved calls on the ports of Batumi, Novorossiysk and Sevastopol.

The antiterrorist, humanitarian and environmental protection exercises involved joint maneuvers, air defense, communications, navigation and anti-mine drills. The training included defenses against small and fast targets, monitoring of civilian boat traffic and the transfer of cargo from ship to ship.

April 22. CIS air defense exercise: Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine. Over 110 airplanes and helicopters took part in this exercise, the goal of which was to work out cooperative measures among the stand-by air defense forces. In addition to sighting and identifying targets, the exercise simulated the forced landing of a civilian airliner. Several exercises on the joint command of air defense forces were also carried out, for example, Russian-Ukrainian.

April 25–27. Black Sea Partnership-2008 naval exercise with Bulgaria, Russia, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine. Russia was represented by the MPK-199 Kasimov corvette of the Black Sea Fleet. The maneuvers took place in the southern reaches of the Black Sea off the coast of Turkey and included a joint search for a submarine.

May 25 – June 7. Bold Monarch-2008 submarine rescue exercise with Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Canada, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, USA, Turkey, Ukraine and France. The main goal of the exercise off the coast of Norway was to work out cooperative techniques and to verify the compatibility of rescue equipment and systems of the Russian Navy and that of NATO countries. During the course of the drill, underwater rescue equipment docked with a submarine lying on the seabed. Russia was represented by the Georgy Titov rescue ship of the Northern Fleet, carrying the AS-34 deep submergence rescue vessel. This was the first time in history that the AS-34 was made to dock with a NATO submarine. Further activities included signals exchange and communications, and landings of rescue teams from airplanes and helicopters.

June 9-20. Baltops naval exercise with Great Britain, Germany, Denmark, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, USA, Finland, France, Sweden, Estonia. This was the 36th time these traditional maneuvers took place, and the 15th time with Russian participation. Over 30 surface ships and boats took part, with two submarines and about 15 airplanes and helicopters. Russia was represented by the Neustrashimy patrol ship and the BDK-58 Kaliningrad large landing ship, and led by the Commander of the 128th Surface Warship Brigade of the Baltic Fleet, Captain 1st Rank Oleg Gurinov.

The exercise included artillery fire at air and sea targets, joint maneuvers of a squadron of ships, air defense and communications, search and destruction of a submarine, and the inspection of a suspect ship. In addition, Russian ships conducted several bilateral exercises, such as with the Danish military on Bornholm Island.

July 5-11. Cooperation-2008 Russia-Kazakhstan Command and Staff Ground Forces Exercise. Maneuvers conducted at the Shygys testing ground in eastern Kazakhstan involved the 37th Paratroop Brigade of Kazakhstan’s eastern regional command, about 200 troops from the 31st Paratroop Brigade from Ulyanovsk, a tactical group from the headquarters of the Volga-Urals military district and the 2nd Guards Army.

The exercises also included 40 aircrafts and helicopters, and over 240 articles of military equipment. The drills tested the military command procedures of the two countries during the planning and command of military operations against separatist formations. During the active phase of the exercise, Russian and Kazakh paratroops formed a tactical brigade to conduct special military operations to suppress and destroy illegal armed formations. The exercise was led by Lieutenant General Nikolai Pospelov of the Vostok regional command.

July 16. Russia-France naval exercises. At the end of the visit of the French frigate Tourville to Severomorsk, the main base of the Northern Fleet, French sailors conducted joint maneuvers with the Admiral Chabanenko destroyer. The crews worked out a joint countermeasures to a terrorist attack on the open sea.

July 21–25. 21–25 Northern Eagle-2008 naval exercises with Norway, Russia and USA. Ships and planes participated in these exercises that simulated defense against an attack, rescue of ships in distress, monitoring of shipping traffic, interception and inspection of a rogue ship and the detection of WMD. This was the fourth time the Northern Eagle exercises were held. Russia was represented by the Severomorsk destroyer, the USA by the Elrod frigate and Norway by the Senja and Nordkapp Coast Guard patrol vessels.

July 22–24. First stage of the Rubezh-2008 command post exercise of the CSTO involving Armenia, Russia and Tajikistan. This is the first time that the traditional Rubezh (Frontier) exercises took place not in Central Asia, but the Caucasus. Moreover, a political touch was added to the scenario. The theme of the exercises was expressed as «preparation and execution of combined defense operations to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of State-Parties to the CSTO». The war game envisaged «blue» states attempting to secure direct access to the hydrocarbon reserves and control over their transportation, and to weaken the role of the CSTO while expanding the regional influence of their «blue» coalition of states. The «blue» states advanced their aims primarily through non-military (informational) means, while demonstrating their preparations for military action.

The first stage, which took place in Armenia, involved political exercises at the strategic level: state agencies of Armenia, the Secretariat of the CSTO and the CSTO Joint HQ evaluated the situation and developed proposals for the provision of military and military-technical assistance to CSTO states whose security, territorial integrity and sovereignty were threatened.

July 30. Second stage of the CSTO Rubezh-2008 command post exercise involving Armenia, Russia and Tajikistan. This exercise took place at the joint headquarters of the CSTO in Moscow, and simulated the provision of military and military-technical assistance to State-Parties of the CSTO that have come under threat.

August 12–24. BLACKSEAFOR-2008 naval exercise with Russia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Turkey and Ukraine. This was the first phase of the eighth activation of the Black Sea Naval Cooperation Task Group. Maneuvers followed the traditional scenario, including antiterrorist, humanitarian, and environmental protection drills. The exercise involved sea surface surveillance, navigation in formation, signals and communications, surveillance of civilian ships and aircraft, transferring cargo on the move, interception and inspection of rogue ships, leading trawlers, air defense, and combat against surface ships. The deployment of a group of ships to the ports of Novorossiysk and Batumi was cancelled due to the eruption of the Russian-Georgian war.

Russia was represented by the Azov guards large landing ship of the Black Sea Fleet. Other participants included the Oruc Reis frigate (Turkey), the Smeli frigate (Bulgaria), the Contre-Amiral Eustatiu Sebastian corvette (Romania), and the Slavutich command ship (Ukraine). The drills took place on the water of the Black Sea, and the ships visited the ports of Karadeniz-Eegli (Turkey), Constanza (Romania) and Sevastopol (Ukraine). At the end of the exercise, command of BLACKSEAFOR was transferred to Ukraine.

August 14. Russia-France naval exercise. Due to the Russian-Georgian war, the traditional FRUUKUS-2008 exercise with the participation of the Russian Pacific Fleet was cancelled. However, the French frigate Vendermaire, which had already arrived in Vladivostok, nevertheless conducted exercises with the Marshal Shaposhnikov destroyer involving communications and maneuvers, helicopter flights, and artillery fire.

August 18–22. Third and fourth stages of the CSTO Rubezh-2008 exercise involving Armenia, Russia and Tajikistan. The third stage took place in Armenia, at the combined force command post, on military operations to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states facing aggression.

The fourth, active stage took place at the Marshal Bagramyan Range and included self-defense operations by the armed forces and the border troops of Armenia, the Russian 102nd Military Base located in Armenia, and paratroop assault troops of the Tajik Army.

Three thousand troops, including 1400 Armenians and 1100 Russians, took part in operational drills with live fire, armor, gun and missile artillery, army, assault and fighter aviation, air defenses, and logistical units. The exercises were led by Armenian Minister of Defense Seyran Oganyan.

September 1–5. Russia-Kazakhstan ground forces tactical drills. These maneuvers took place in the framework of the Tsentr-2008 operational-strategic exercises that took place on September 127. The exercises took place at the Chebarkul testing field in Chelyabinsk oblast. Russia was represented by the 239th Guards Tank Regiment from the 34th Motorized Rifle Division (permanent readiness), and Kazakhstan by the 4th Mechanized Infantry Brigade. The scenario involved defense against attack by a neighboring state.

September 8–12. Russia-Tajikistan ground forces exercise. A combined exercise of the 149th motorized rifle regiment of the 201st Russian military base with army, interior ministry and national security troops of Tajikistan took place in the framework of the Tsentr-2008 exercises.

The exercise took place at the Momirak Range (230 km south of Dushanbe), with over 3000 troops and 300 pieces of military hardware participating. The goal was to cooperate in the defense against an armed attack by international terrorists penetrating the border and attempting to conduct acts of terrorism. Major General Aleksey Zavizyon, commander of the Russian 201st Military Base, led the exercise.

September 21–22. Russia-Belarus Stability-2008 command post exercise. This exercise involved the «mobilization and deployment of forces to localize and liquidate armed conflict, terrorism and natural disasters with the aim of promoting strategic deterrence and to protect the Union State of Russia and Belarus». It included a number of operational, special and command post drills and training exercises in several regions of Russia and Belarus. The Russian MoD was represented by troops from the Moscow and Far Eastern military districts, the Baltic, Northern and Pacific Fleets, the 11th Air Force army, the 32nd Air Defense Corps, the Strategic Missile Forces, the Space Troops, and logistical units. Participation from Belarus involved primarily Air Force and Air Defense troops. Another exercise, called «Autumn-2008», took place at the same time, involving primarily the air forces of the two states conducting air patrols.

October 3. Russia-Kazakhstan Aldaspan-2008 tactical command post exercise.

The maneuvers took place at a training center located in Gvardeysky village, near Almaty. Kazakh participants included airmobile troops, the Southern Regional Command and mock-strength military units. Russian participants included a tactical group from the Air Force command, military aviation, including Tu-160 strategic bombers, and a special operations group from the General Staff.

According to the scenario, the armies of two friendly countries jointly repel an attack by a third state. By the end of the exercise the participants face an attack by a military alliance striking from the north. The official aim of the exercise was to «test the alignment and readiness of the troops for combined defensive actions, to improve field and air skills, and to increase the ability of commanders to act in unfamiliar territory and under changing combat circumstances». The exercise was held in the strategic context of the CSTO Rubezh-2008 command post exercise.

October 3. Russia-Japan naval exercise. Following their visit to the Japanese port of Maizuru, the Admiral Panteleev destroyer and the SB-522 salvage tug conducted combined communications, maneuver, and rescue exercises with the Japanese Navy. Japan was represented by the Shimakaze Coast Guard patrol vessel, the Nagasima Navy minesweeper, and aviation.

October 6–11. Russia-Italy Ioniex-2008 naval exercise. Held now for the third time, this exercise in the Ionian sea focused on operations to counteract illegal acts at sea, the inspection of ships, protection of commercial shipping, communications and maneuvers, and defense against an attack of fast attack crafts. Russia was represented by ships of the Black Sea Fleet, including the Ladny frigate, the Iman fleet tanker and the SB-36 salvage tug. Captain 1st Rank Oleg Krivorog led the Russian side. Italy was represented by the Euro and Granatiere frigates and was led by Captain 1st Rank Fabiani Latini.

October 10. Russia-Korea naval exercises. Com-munications and maneuver exercises took place on the last day of the visit of a group of Russian ships to the South Korean port of Pusan. The group included the Varyag guided missile cruiser, the Admiral Panteleev destroyer and the SB-522 salvage tug. Vice Admiral Konstantin Sidenko, commander of the Pacific Fleet, led the exercise.

October 17. Russia-China naval exercises. After their call on Vladivostok, the Tai Chow destroyer and the Ma Anshan frigate of the Chinese Navy, led by Vice Admiral Siu Hunmen conducted exercises on communications, maneuvers and rescue operations with the Admiral Panteleev and the Admiral Vinogradov destroyers in the Peter the Great Bay.

October 23–26. Russia-Kazakhstan Shield-2008 air defense and missile defense exercise. The exercise involved the S-300 (SA-10/20), Buk (SA-11/17) and Tor (SA-15) SAM systems, as well as Kazakh MiG-31 fighters and the Russian A-50 AWACS aircraft. The drills in the Atyrau region practiced the repelling of aviation and missile strikes.

October 27-November 29. Darkhan-1 Russia-Mongolia combined tactical-special exercises. The maneuvers took place in the central and northern parts of Mongolia, involving 250 Mongolian and 450 Russian troops, including a repair battalion from the Siberian Military District. The goal of the exercise was to increase the capabilities of the armed forces to conduct peacekeeping exercises and to perfect military techniques. Several novel technical challenges and means of working together with the command units were practiced. As part of the exercises, Russia repaired Mongolian military equipment, including spare parts.

December 1–3. Ven-Rus-2008. The Russia-Venezuela naval exercises took place at the end of a much publicized visit of a group of Russian naval ships to the port of La-Gueira. The Petr Veliky heavy nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser, Admiral Chabanenko destroyer, the SB-406 salvage tug and the Ivan Bubnov large fleet tanker, as well as a subdivision of marines, took part on the Russian side. Venezuela was represented by the Mariscal Sucre, the Almirante Brion and the General Soublette frigates, patrol vessels, Coast Guard patrol boats, transport ships and aviation.

The exercises included joint maneuvers and communications, the repelling of an air attack, artillery fire, search, identification, pursuit, arrest and inspection of a rogue ship, assistance to a ship in distress, replenishing of reserves of a ship on the move, and a simulated refuelling of a ship on the move.

The Russian ships were under the command of the Commander of the Northern Fleet, Vice Admiral Vladimir Korolev.

Y algunso cuadros aquí:



Sargento Segundo
Sargento Segundo
Mensajes: 330
Registrado: 27 Ene 2008, 02:04

Mensaje por anwar »

Pedazo resumen xDDDD

Futuro soldado de la marina jeje
Mensajes: 209
Registrado: 16 Sep 2008, 21:15
Ubicación: Canarias

Mensaje por shaderyt »

Luisfer escribió:Imagen

Muy bonito la verdad :twisted:


Jo*** impresionante el bicho, deduzco que es un antiaereo xD, ¿podria contra un F22 :twisted: ?¿como se llama?¿es ruso no?No suelo ver a los americanos con esa inventiva.

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