Acabo de modelar en 3D un Panzer IV Ausf E de cañón corto. L apregunta es si puedo hacer una versión del mismo con cañón largo o me estaria inventando un What If
esa es la cuestión, por más qu ehe buscado por San Google, no he visto ni nguno con tubo largo, asi que pido ayuda.
Gracias y un saludo
Si , eso esta claro, salir de fabrica nuevo esta clarisimo, pero ¿ habria alguna posibilidad de que en alguna reparación saliesen con el cañón largo ? Porque supongo que se irian adaptando los que habia a las nuevas versiones. O Colocarle la torreta entera de un F o G o H por ejemplo, lo que llamamos un hibrido.
Si habeis visto alguna imagen similar
Our exhibit was completed as an Ausf D, with 30mm extra armour on the superstructure front and 20mm armour on the hull and superstructure sides before it even left the factory. In 1943 additional armour was put on the front and the original 75mm KwK L/24 replaced with the KwK 40 L/43 and this may well have been as part of the development of these various changes.
Further improvements were fitted in 1943: the short 7.5cm KwK 37 (muzzle velocity 450 metres/sec, range 6,500 metres) was replaced by a high velocity long gun, the 7.5cm KwK 40 L/43 (muzzle velocity 920 metres/sec, range 8,100 metres) and even more armour added to the hull. The tank was further improved by the installation of spaced armour (or schurzen) around the sides and back of the turret. Schurzen provided protection against the shaped charges contained in infantry anti-tank rockets and demolition charges. Some late model Panzer IVs carried additional schurzen on the hull sides to protect the hull and running gear.
After all these changes the Museum’s Panzer IV more closely resembles an Aus G rather than the Aus D that it really is! Numerous upgrades were added to many early Panzer IVs in varying combinations, a process that can make it difficult to identify the precise Ausfuhrung of a particular tank.
Y aunque se trata de una Ausf D, supongo que podría valer para muchos E.
"Si usted no tiene libertad de pensamiento, la libertad de expresión no tiene ningún valor" - José Luís Sampedro