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S. Korean Aerobatic Team to Debut T-50s
Published: 30 Apr 2009 18:48

SEOUL - South Korean air force's Black Eagles acrobatic flight display team will re-debut with a fleet of eight T-50 Golden Eagle supersonic trainer jets at the international air show here in October, the service said April 30.

The team retired its Cessna A-37 Dragonflys after the 2009 Seoul Air Show.

Related TopicsAsia & Pacific Rim
Air Warfare
The new T-50s will make the Black Eagles one of the few air force aerobatic teams to use indigenously designed and manufactured supersonic aircraft, the service said in a news release.

Since its 2006 arrival, the T-50, South Korea's first indigenous supersonic aircraft, has been the world's only high-performance supersonic trainer jet in production. State-funded Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) is the prime contractor, Lockheed Martin the principal subcontractor, assisting with development and international marketing.

The $25 million aircraft has a top speed of Mach 1.5.

The South Korean air force is buying 82 T-50s, including 50 advanced jet trainers and 22 TA-50 light armed aircraft.

In May 2010, the Black Eagles will receive 10 T-50Bs modified for aerobatics through the addition of smoke oil tanks, spray nozzles, switches, lights and other gear, according to the release.

The air force picked a jet-black color scheme crowned by an eagle design in a two-month contest that drew 260 entries, it said.

In this year's air show, renamed the Seoul International Aerospace and Defense Exhibition (Seoul ADEX 2009), the Black Eagles will perform aerial maneuvers both independently and jointly with the U.S. Thunderbirds acrobatic team of six F-16 aircraft, according to the release.

The weeklong event is expected to draw about 300 aerospace and defense firms from 300 countries worldwide, Air Force officials said.

The South Korean aerobatic flight display team was first established in October 1953 with four F-51 Mustangs after the three-year Korean War. The team operated until 1958, and a new team called the "Blue Sabres" was formed in 1962, flying four F-86 Sabre jet airplanes.

In 1966, the Black Eagles was organized and operated seven Northrop F-5A Freedom Fighter aircraft through 1978. The team was reformed in 1994 with the A-37s.



Si caigo en combate, toma la bandera, dale un beso y continúa adelante......
General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Problema de ventas para el A/T-50 Golden Eagle
Plane Maker on the Block
S. Korea's KAI Sale Clouds Future of T-50 Trainer
Published: 3 May 2009 Print | Email

SEOUL - Attempts to sell South Korea's T-50 supersonic trainer jet abroad are likely to suffer further setbacks amid talks of the sale of the aircraft's maker, Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI), industry sources and observers here anticipate.

Following the April 14 announcement by state-owned Korea Development Bank (KDB) that it will sell its 30.5 percent stake in KAI, the other three major shareholders - Samsung Techwin, Doosan Infracore and Hyundai Motor - are considering selling their 20.5 percent stakes in the country's only aircraft manufacturer. Doosan has already made public the decision to sell its stake. The other 8 percent in shares is held by KAI staff.

The announcement comes in the wake of KAI's losing bid to sell the T-50 Golden Eagle to the United Arab Emirates, which announced Feb. 25 that it selected the M-346, built by Alenia Aermacchi of Italy. The deal could involve up to 48 aircraft and total up to 1 billion euros ($1.31 billion). Other trainer jet contests are coming up in Singapore, Greece and Poland.

The prospective sale of KAI is part of a policy by the administration of President Lee Myung-bak to privatize state assets. Local and foreign companies are being invited to bid for KAI shares in coming weeks, according to officials with South Korea's Ministry of Knowledge Economy. Korean Air Lines (KAL), the national flag carrier, is close to taking over KAI to achieve its long-cherished dream of consolidating the country's aircraft-building sector into a single company.

The Aerospace Division (ASD) of Korean Air has built about 500 aircraft, including the F-5 fighter and UH-60 helicopter. The division also repairs and upgrades military aircraft, and makes spare parts for commercial jets.

Korean Air announced April 1 that it is consolidating into ASD other sectors of the company that handle commercial airplane maintenance and overhauls, and the repair of electronic systems, such as navigation gear. The restructuring is an effort to transform the firm's tech center in Busan into a national aerospace business hub, a "one-stop" center for the design, manufacture, assembly and repair of both commercial and military airplanes.

KAL's parent, the Hanjin Group, could act as the buyer of KAI shares on KAL's behalf, while a few major local defense companies, such as Hanwha and LIGNex1, have shown interest in a bid, according to sources.

Korean Air is expected to easily take more than 50 percent of the stake held by KDB, Doosan and other shareholders through a consortium with either domestic or foreign firms, according to the sources. They added that KAL wants to secure a stake of 70 percent or more to hold full management authority.

Under the regulations that created KAI, a foreign company can buy up to 10 percent of KAI's shares. But if the investor forms a consortium with local companies, it can buy up to 20 percent.

Among potential foreign bidders are the U.S. firm Boeing, the French-German consortium of EADS, Britain's BAE Systems and Italy's Finmeccanica group, an industry source told Defense News.

Since the issue of KAI's sale emerged early this year, Boeing and EADS, in particular, have been engaged in a "war of nerves," said the source, with both saying that if either buys major stakes in KAI, future arms deals will see one-sided competitions.

The two aerospace giants are competing for several big-budget deals here, including the AH-X attack helicopter acquisition program, which may begin later this year.

"We still prefer a South Korean firm's taking over of KAI, but are closely watching developments evolving and may participate in the KAI deal if conditions are met," a Boeing official said.

The Fate of the T-50

Some observers are worried about the timing of the privatization.

"Regardless of KAL ... any fuss about the KAI privatization at a time when trainer jet biddings are proceeding in other nations would likely have a negative impact on the stalled overseas sales of the T-50," an analyst at the state-funded Korea Defense Institute for Analyses said on condition of anonymity.

"I believe it will be more desirable to put the country's energy on exporting the indigenous T-50 trainer jet for the time being," he said.

KAI is preparing to compete for deals in Singapore, Poland and Greece. Singapore is scheduled to open a contest to acquire advanced trainers by June and select a final bidder by the end of the year, said Lee Myung-hwan, a KAI deputy senior manager.

Lee said, "If irreversible, we hope the privatization issue would be discussed at least after the current bid in Singapore is finalized."

KAI's labor union vehemently opposes the firm's prospective sale, especially a takeover by Korean Air, vowing to go on strike. The union argues there is no clear reason for the government to sell KAI at a time when the firm's sales are growing. Since it paid off most of its debts in 2006, KAI has seen its sales and operating profits grow steadily, it says.

Last year, the company earned 910 billion won ($678.3 million) in sales with an operating profit of 79.4 billion won. In 2006, KAI sales reached 704 billion won with 8.1 billion in operating profit.

KAI also claims KAL's takeover will not yield "synergy effects," saying there is no airline in the world that does all the activities of aircraft development, manufacturing, passenger flight service and other services.

"Let's say KAL has begun manufacturing passenger planes or military aircraft," said Lee of KAI. "Then do you think other airlines worldwide will buy jets built by [a] competitor?"

He added that Korean Air has few offset options, and lacks integrated logistics support programs, as it largely depends on spare parts sales.

KAL, however, rebutted the claims by saying its decades-old spare parts business and licensed production lines are solid enough to make annual sales of 370 billion won.

KAL officials also cite the airline's recent expansion of its Aerospace Division. The division made 380 billion won in sales last year and aims to make 520 billion won this year, with the goal of 1 trillion won by 2014, the officials said.



Si caigo en combate, toma la bandera, dale un beso y continúa adelante......
General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Russia: Turkey Seeks To Buy Air Defense System

MOSCOW - NATO member Turkey wants to acquire Russia's new-generation S-400 Triumph (NATO codename SA-21 Growler) air defense missile systems, a senior official at the Russian government arms export agency Rosoboronexport, Anatoly Aksyonov, said April 27.

"Turkey has demonstrated a persistent desire to buy S-400 missile systems from Russia." said Aksyonov, a senior adviser to the general director of Rosboronexport, who headed the agency's delegation to the International Defense Industry Fair (IDEF) 2009 in Istanbul, RIA Novosti news agency reported.

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Middle East & Africa
Air Warfare
Aksyonov said the possible purchase of the S-400, which was shown at IDEF-2009, was discussed during his talks with Murat Bayar, undersecretary at Turkey's defense procurement agency. Rosoboronexport's press service in Moscow confirmed the talks.

"The interest in the S-400 is not occasional; this system has no analogs in the world," an agency spokesman said.

Developed by Almaz-Antei, the S-400 was first deployed in Russia in 2006. The system reportedly is capable of detecting and engaging targets, including stealth aircraft, cruise and ballistic missiles. It is designed to intercept and destroy airborne targets at a distance of up to 400 kilometers, twice the range of the U.S. MIM-104 Patriot, and 2½ times that of Russia's S-300PMU-2.

So far, Russia has not exported S-400s, although there were reports in the Russian and foreign media that Moscow had been offering the system to China, the United Arab Emirates and Greece.

Iran has been reportedly showing interest in the S-400.

Russian military experts have described S-400 not just as an air defense system, but as a potential part of a strategic missile defense architecture that also can protect the airspace of neighboring states.



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General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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¿Y eso es una noticia? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Si Dios me hubiere consultado sobre el sistema del universo, le habría dado unas cuantas ideas (Alfonso X el Sabio)
Debemos perdonar a nuestros enemigos, pero nunca antes de que los cuelguen (H.Heine)
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Ismael escribió:

¿Y eso es una noticia? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


No muy positiva pero es ;);)

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celorios escribió:
Ismael escribió:

¿Y eso es una noticia? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


No muy positiva pero es ;);)

Pues no le veo la gracia, donde hubo muertos no es para burlarse, sea cual sea el pájaro q estén volando.

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Cazas de la República Checa por primera vez vigilarán el espacio aéreo de las repúblicas Bálticas

Pilotos y cazas de la Fuerza Aérea de la república Checa a partir de hoy asumirán la vigilancia del espacio aéreo de Estonia, Lituania y Letonia, países miembros de la OTAN, informó un portavoz del ministerio de Defensa de Lituania.

En una ceremonia espacial en la base aérea lituana Zokniay, los pilotos y cazas checos reemplazarán a la flotilla de cazas daneses, que el curso de los últimos cuatro meses custodiaron el espacio aéreo de las repúblicas bálticas.

El equipo militar checo está integrado por 75 oficiales de la Fuerza Aérea y ocho especialistas militares y civiles suecos que asesorarán a los militares checos en la explotación y manteniendo de cuatro cazas JAS 39 Gripen, recién adquiridos por la república Checa.

El Gobierno checo comenzó la compra de este tipo de cazas en 2005, y por primera vez serán utilizados en misiones de la Fuerza Aérea Checa en el exterior.

Tras el ingreso de los estados bálticos en la OTAN en 2004, los aviones aliados vigilan su espacio aéreo en correspondencia con el régimen de defensa colectiva que la Alianza brinda a sus miembros, y también porque Lituania. Estonia y Lituania carecen de defensa antiaérea.

Desde entonces, el espacio aéreo de los tres países bálticos ha sido vigilado por cazas de Bélgica, Dinamarca, Reino Unido, Noruega, Alemania, Estados Unidos, Polonia, Turquía y España, entre otros, en misiones rotatorias que duran de tres a cuatro meses.

.- Saludos.

Última edición por Iris el 06 May 2009, 14:03, editado 1 vez en total.

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Mensaje por Bravo013 »

Pues no le veo la gracia, donde hubo muertos no es para burlarse, sea cual sea el pájaro q estén volando.

Bueno, para aplacar un poco los animos, al final no hubo muertos en el accidente segun ponen en el articulo:

Pero ambos pilotos sufrieron lesiones serias y fueron trasladados por un equipo de rescate de IAF a un hospital militar próximo

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El Ministerio de Defensa de Australia ha firmado un memorándum de entendimiento con la US Navy para participar en el desarrollo del avión antisubmarino P-8 Poseidon, especialmente en lo referente a las futuras modernizaciones del avión y al mantenimiento durante su vida operativa.
El programa está valorado en unos 5 mil millones de dólares australianos, y contempla la compra de ocho aviones, que deberán de sustitutir a los AP-3C en servicio, los cuales está previsto dar de baja en el 2018.
Como complemento a un avión de patrulla marítima tripulado. Australia también adquirirá un modelo de UAV de largo alcance. ... entId=9056

.- Saludos.

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Pruebas de empuje vertical del F-35B.

La variante STOVL (Short Take-Off/Vertical Landing) de despegue corto y aterrizaje vertical del F-35 Lightning II ha demostrado que produce un empuje vertical superior al requerido (41.100 libras frente a las 40.550) en pruebas, llevadas a cabo en un foso de sustentación diseñado especialmente para dichos tests, validando el rendimiento del software de la aeronave, los controles, la gestión térmica, el sistema de hardware, etc. El F-35B funciona con un único motor Pratt & Whitney F135, el cual propulsa un turbofan de impulso vertical de Rolls-Royce.

Es el propulsor más poderoso jamás utilizado en un reactor de combate. Para estas comprobaciones, la aeronave es anclada a una rejilla de metal a casi 5 m. por encima de un suelo de hormigón inclinado, que esta estructura permite reproducir el efecto de empuje del reactor contra el suelo y simular la sustentación. Se trata del primer avión que combinará capacidades stealth y STOVL con velocidad supersónica. Las tres variantes derivadas de un diseño común, desarrolladas conjuntamente y utilizando la misma infraestructura de soporte a nivel mundial van a reemplazar a por lo menos trece tipos de aeronaves de once naciones inicialmente

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Nota de la revista "Espejo Aeronáutico"

AUSTRALIA AUMENTA SUS FONDOS PARA DEFENSACategoria: Aviacion - 06-05-2009 07:25


En las próximas dos décadas Australia quiere reforzar su capacidad militar. El Gobierno del primer ministro, Kevin Rudd, calcula una inversión de alrededor de cincuenta mil millones de euros hasta el año 2030. Con los fondos se adquirirán, entre otros, cien aviones de combate del tipo, JSF.

Además, la administración australiana duplicará el número de submarinos nucleares de 6 a 12. Según el documento de Defensa, no es impensable un conflicto armado en Asia y en la región del Pacífico teniendo en cuenta la creciente potencia militar de China. Por otra parte, Rudd niega que la inversión multimillonaria sea una respuesta a la expansión militar del gigante asiático.

.- Saludos.

Compañero forista fallecido el 16 de julio de 2011. Ver homenaje en el FMG
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Scout 645 para EE.UU


El “Armed Scout 645", la respuesta de EADS para el U.S. Army

EADS sigue dando pasos en su estrategia de expansión en el mercado estadounidense de Defensa, donde trata de romper el monopolio que hasta ahora mantenían los contratistas locales. Tras el éxito logrado con la adjudicación inicial del contrato para renovar la flota de tanqueros estadounidense, el consorcio europeo quiere ahora hacerse con el programa para la fabricación de los nuevos helicópteros de exploración de la Fuerza Aérea de Estados Unidos (USAF). Foto: Helicóptero Scout 645, versión de exploración armada.

El grupo anunció ayer un acuerdo de colaboración con la estadounidense Lockheed Martin para tratar de ganar un contrato que puede rondar los 6.200 millones de dólares (4.635 millones de euros).

La propuesta del consorcio es el Armed Scout 645, un helicóptero desarrollado a partir de la plataforma del EC145, uno de los modelos civiles de Eurocopter. El aparato se fabricaría en las instalaciones que la filial de EADS tiene en Columbus (Missouri) y Lockheed Martin sería el responsable de la integración de los equipos.

La USAF pretende reemplazar los antiguos OH-58 Kiowa de Bell, empresa que se adjudicó inicialmente la fabricación de 512 nuevos aparatos. Pero el contrato fue anulado a finales de 2008 porque el proyecto triplicó el gasto presupuestado.

Fuente: EADS North America

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Ernest J
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Registrado: 09 Ene 2009, 20:40

Mensaje por Ernest J »

demás, la administración australiana duplicará el número de submarinos nucleares de 6 a 12.

cagada en articulo........¿¿submarinos nucleares???

va ser que no ya que los Collins son Diesel y sin AIP

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Mensaje por ICBM44 »

Parece que los USABoys lograron obtener dos SU27 ex Ucranianos por unos cuantos dolares :mrgreen: , y bueno ahora si que los podran comparar realmente con sus cazas ya que los 2 ejemplares ya se encuentran en Norteamerica , fotos y articulo en el link.

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Registrado: 20 Mar 2009, 02:35

Mensaje por ArsenaL »

ICBM44 escribió:Parece que los USABoys lograron obtener dos SU27 ex Ucranianos por unos cuantos dolares :mrgreen: , y bueno ahora si que los podran comparar realmente con sus cazas ya que los 2 ejemplares ya se encuentran en Norteamerica , fotos y articulo en el link.

yo tengo una duda... tanto los EEUU desarman y analizan los aviones rusos... tambien los rusos hacen lo mismo?... o no son tan curiosos como los norteamericanos...


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