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Registrado: 12 Jun 2009, 06:11
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Mensaje por Chepicoro »

Edito... que esto es para poner noticias, no comentarlas, lo lamento.

"La muerte tan segura de su victoria nos da la vida como ventaja"
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Emile Zola
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Registrado: 25 Sep 2007, 16:00
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Mensaje por Emile Zola »

Por fin lo podemos ver volando ! El A400M despegó de Sevilla esta mañana hacia las 10h15 y aterizó más de 3 horas después hacia las 14h00

Aquí el momento mágico del primer despegue del gordito bicho europeano en pequeña video de 53 segundos :

Anda cooperación europeana y gracias a Francia y España por haber tan insistido para con los otros socios en seguir el desarollo del aparato a pesar de las numerosas dificuldades que encontró (y tal vez encontrará otras) :D

PD : me extraña mucho que el compañero Iris que suele ser muy rápido y empeñado en informarnos de toda noticia hasta postearlas en varios hilos, no me haya adelantado (quizás se personó al aeropuerto San Pablo de Sevilla para vivirlo "en directo" ; espero que todo vaya bién para él, y cual sea le saludo atentamente)

Última edición por Emile Zola el 11 Dic 2009, 17:00, editado 2 veces en total.

El éxito es lo de intentar, no lo de lograr (Richard Branson)
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Emile Zola escribió:PD : me extraña mucho que el compañero Iris que suele ser muy rápido para informarnos de todas las noticias, no me haya adelantado (espero que todo vaya bién para él y le sludo atentamente)


Lo hizo, lo que pasa es que debió olvidarse de este hilo, el pobre ya va viejo :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Registrado: 21 Nov 2006, 21:17

Mensaje por Iris »

No amigos no me olvidé, lo pude ver en directo gracias a un enlace facilitado por el forista MAURICIO , al menos el aterrizaje final. Y lo vi en los telediarios, en fin, creo que todos los "europeos" podemos estar de Enhorabuena. Y realizar un brindis con un buen vino de mi tierra (La Rioja), por el éxito de ventas de éste super-avión.

.- Saludos.

P.D. La noticia en Infodefensa:

El A400M despegó con éxito en su primer vuelo


Sevilla - El nuevo avión de de transporte militar A400M de Airbus Military llevó a cabo hoy su vuelo inaugural en Sevilla, casi tres años después de lo previsto inicialmente, sin incidentes de importancia y ante la expectación de más de 3.000 personas, entre ellas el Rey Don Juan Carlos, y personalidades de los siete países socios en el proyecto (Alemania, España, Francia, Reino Unido, Turquía, Bélgica y Luxemburgo).

El avión de cuatro motores despegó hacia las 10:15 horas de la factoría del consorcio aeronáutico europeo de San Pablo, la planta del grupo en la ciudad española.

En rueda de prensa, el responsable de los ensayos de vuelos de la aeronave, Fernando Alonso, afirmó que todo se había producido con normalidad. "Todo ha ido bien", subrayó Alonso, quien destacó que durante las tres horas de vuelo se comprobarán los sistemas básicos del avión, como el aire acondicionado, trampas de aterrizaje y sistemas eléctricos.

Alonso mostró su satisfacción por el éxito del despegue y la satisfactoria evolución del vuelo que durará aproximadamente unas tres horas, pilotado por el español Ignacio Lombo y el británico Edward Strongman, que están acompañados por cuatro ingenieros franceses que abalizar determinados parámetros de la nave.

El primer vuelo del avión, que despegó con un peso de 127 toneladas, lleva 15 toneladas de equipamiento de test de vuelo, y está siendo monitorizado por un equipo de ingenieros en Sevilla y Toulouse (Francia).

Durante el mismo, la tripulación explorará varias configuraciones de 'flaps' y hará evaluaciones iníciales de sus sistemas, explicó Airbus.

Por otra parte, el "número dos" de Airbus, Fabrice Brégier, reconoció que los retrasos y problemas en el diseño del nuevo avión han producido unos sobrecostes cercanos a los 5.000 millones de euros. "Esto hace necesario -agregó- que los Estados acepten un aumento del precio de avión" que, sin embargo, no cuantificó.

Un proyecto demasiado ambicioso y caro

El A400M, en el que se han gastado ya cerca de 20.000 millones de euros, fue encargado por siete países integrantes de la OTAN para apoyar operaciones de combate en zonas conflictivas como Afganistán o para asistir en operaciones humanitarias.

Se espera que el vuelo inaugural de tres horas ayude a salvar el mayor proyecto de defensa en Europa, después de que un exceso de costes de unos 5.000 millones de euros lo haya puesto en riesgo, forzando a Airbus a negociar con los compradores en el marco de la celebración del vuelo inaugural.

'Los países van a reunirse entre ellos y luego recibirán al equipo de EADS (matriz de Airbus)', dijo una fuente cercana a las negociaciones.

Airbus vendió 180 aviones a Reino Unido, Francia, Alemania, España, Bélgica, Luxemburgo y Turquía. Cuatro más están reservados para Malasia, mientras Sudáfrica canceló un pedido.

Fórmulas para pagar los sobrecostes

EADS dijo a los países compradores de Europa que no es responsable de parte del aumento de costes, cerca del 25 por ciento del presupuesto.

Los 40 aviones no entregados necesitarían nueva financiación, pero no sería antes de diez años, aproximadamente, una vez se superen los efectos de la crisis económica.

El presidente de la división militar de Airbus, Domingo Ureña, dijo que EADS estaba lista para pagar el resto de los costes de desarrollo si los compradores absorbían parte del sobrecoste de producción mediante un ajuste y un aumento de precios.

En una entrevista, Ureña explicó que los compradores se enfrentaban a la opción de tener la misma cantidad de aviones a un precio más alto o menos aviones por el mismo dinero, agregando que, por el momento, sólo Turquía ha manifestado oficialmente de acuerdo con el pago del coste total.

El país que más aviones encargó, Alemania, se opone al plan, y quiere que EADS absorba 'la mayor parte del daño ella misma' porque quiere garantías para obtener todos sus aviones y cree que una subida de precio por unidad podría fracasar.

.- Saludos. ... =2111&n=El A400M despegó con éxito en su primer vuelo

Compañero forista fallecido el 16 de julio de 2011. Ver homenaje en el FMG
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Registrado: 15 May 2009, 16:17

Mensaje por Howard_Hughes »

Ya se te echaba de menos amigo.

Un saludo.

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Registrado: 23 Abr 2005, 21:13

Mensaje por fjm »

Estados Unidos inicia el concurso para la compra de 100 aviones de ataque ligero por 2.000 millones:

US Air Force Forges Ahead with Light Attack Armed Reconnaissance (LAAR) aircraft Programme

17:10 GMT, December 8, 2009 The initial funding instalment, of an eventual $2 billion to purchase 100 Light Attack Armed Reconnaissance (LAAR) aircraft, has been received by the US Air Force, for asymmetric operations like those being carried out in Iraq and Afghanistan. LAAR is required to become operational in 2013, one year after initial deliveries start. The chosen type may be a propeller-driven aircraft, but whichever type is selected will be fitted with hardpoints for light support weapons and will carry a targeting pod, making it capable of independently engaging targets.

Possible contenders include the AirTractor AT802U (a modified crop duster), Alenia Aermacchi M-346, Embraer EMB-314 Super Tucano, Hawker Beechcraft AT-6L and Pilatus PC-6 Porter. Boeing’s OV-10(X) Bronco proposal, based on the twin-engine, twin-boom forward air controller of the Vietnam era—for which no production facility has even been chosen—now appears an unlikely candidate. The aircraft will be required to have a rapid engagement capability, in order to reduce the sensor-to-shooter timeline. The LAAR aircraft will also operate as a forward air controller (FAC), with voice, video and data-links. LAAR is being procured under the OA-X programme and should have significantly reduced operating costs—required to be around $1,000 per flying hour. For comparison, an F-16C fighter costs $7,750 per flying hour while the F-15E costs $44,000.

Air-to-ground weapons will include one or two podded 7.62mm mini-guns, two 500lb (227kg) guided-munitions, 2x 3/4in rocket projectiles and the AGM-114N Hellfire air-to-ground missile. An as yet, informal requirements document, calls for operating from austere airfields on five-hour missions over distances of 900nm (1,667km) up to a ceiling of 30,000ft (9,144m). Air Combat Command (ACC), rather than Air Force Special Operations Command (SOC) has responsibility for the programme. ACC requires the first 24-aircraft squadron to be ready for combat within two years and will then decide whether to equip an entire wing. The 53rd Wing at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, is the likely first operator of the aircraft. LAAR funding in the FY2010 budget is expected to be $90 million.


P.D.: Es increible el costo de la hora de vuelo del F15E, 44.000$, no creo que usen estos cazas demasiado, así que supongo que los F16 están realizando un gran desgaste en Iraq y Afganistán.

Sargento Segundo
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Registrado: 01 Oct 2009, 21:38
Ubicación: mexico

Mensaje por depreyautja »

con la novedad de que los SU-27 "civiles" que llegaron hace poco a EU ya fueron restaurados y puestos en condicion de volar,video del "primer" vuelo:

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Registrado: 14 Ene 2009, 21:13
Ubicación: München

Mensaje por RGSS »

EADS builds case for A400M sale to USAF ... -usaf.html

Solo un dia tras el primer vuelo, ya se piensa en venderlos a la USAF, me encanta el optimismo que genera un primer vuelo exitoso... :mrgreen:


"That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important lesson history has to tell."
Aldous Huxley 1894-1963
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Registrado: 06 Oct 2004, 22:21
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Wreckage found in Tatar Strait belongs to crashed Tu-142

VLADIVOSTOK, December 11 (RIA Novosti) - Wreckage discovered in the Tatar Strait in the past three days was confirmed to belong to the Russian military Tu-142 plane that crashed to the surface in the strait in early November, a search team member has said.

"A detailed research showed they [the fragments] belonged to the crashed [Tu-142] plane," he said.

Eleven people were on board the Pacific Fleet plane that went down during a combat training flight on November 6 some 20 kilometers (12 miles) off the Tatar Strait, which separates mainland Russia from the Far East island of Sakhalin.

A recovery operation is underway, but is frequently suspended due to bad weather.




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General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Northrop Grumman's E-2D Advanced Hawkeye Program Demonstrating Continued Success

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, Dec. 9, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Northrop Grumman Corporation's (NYSE:NOC) Jim Culmo, vice president of Airborne Early Warning & Battle Management Command and Control Programs, said today that the company's E-2D Advanced Hawkeye Program is on track for initial operational test and evaluation in 2011. Culmo provided a program overview at the Airborne Early Warning and Battle Management 2009 Conference in Amsterdam.

"The E-2D System Development and Demonstration (SDD) Program is going very well," said Culmo. "We've successfully completed 94 percent of the SDD Program, and flight tests to date have produced excellent results. We have a strong Advanced Hawkeye Team, dedicated to ensuring that we continue to meet, or exceed, all major program milestones and performance criteria."

Culmo noted that the company is on-track to deliver three pilot production E-2Ds to the U.S. Navy in 2010 and that manufacturing of the first two Low-Rate Initial Production aircraft is also progressing well.

"We're exceedingly pleased with where we are in the flight test program," said U.S. Navy Capt. Shane Gahagan, Hawkeye Greyhound program manager. "The AN/APY-9 radar is performing very well and will bring to the fleet a significantly increased ability to operate in a highly cluttered environment while providing critical 360-degree coverage."

The E-2D was designed to provide the warfighter with the enhanced capabilities required to meet emerging threats and improved mission effectiveness. With its newly developed AN/APY-9 Electronic Scan Array (ESA) radar, Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) system, Electronic Support Measures (ESM), and off-board sensors, in concert with surface combatants equipped with the Aegis combat system, the E-2D will have the capability to detect, track, and defeat cruise missile threats at extended ranges. It will also provide unparalleled maritime domain awareness including airspace control for manned and unmanned assets, monitoring of surface movements, civil support, and command and control of tactical forces.

The combined radar modes work together to provide continuous, 360-degree air and surface scanning capability, allowing flight operators to focus the radar on select areas of interest. "The AN/APY-9 can 'see' smaller targets and more of them at a greater range than currently fielded radar systems," Culmo said. He added that the E-2D's systems, including radar long-range detection, "are exceeding key performance specifications."




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General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Maritime Safety Administration Of China Takes Delivery Of Two Grand Helicopters

Agusta Westland

AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is pleased to announce that the Maritime Safety Administration (MSA) of China has taken delivery of two Grand light twin helicopters during an official ceremony held at AgustaWstland's Vergiate facility in Italy today. The MSA is responsible for monitoring all inland and coastal waters and these two helicopters will be dedicated to controlling and fighting water pollution. The aircraft will also be based aboard the MSA's new large vessels performing missions in the Guangdong province, Southern China. The contract also includes an option for an additional two aircraft to be exercised next year.

Giuseppe Orsi, Chief Executive Officer, AgustaWestland said “We are delighted to deliver these two helicopters to the MSA, marking another major success for AgustaWestland in the increasingly important Chinese commercial helicopter market. As additional vessels on order are completed for the MSA, further expansion of its helicopter fleet will be required and we are committed to offering the best solutions to meet future customer requirements”.

The Grand helicopter was selected following the evaluation of the responses to an international tender issued by the Ministry of Telecommunications of China, to whom the MSA reports. The Grand was chosen for its class leading operational capabilities and performance in the maritime role. AgustaWestland has already sold almost 30 helicopters in China and sees growing future business opportunities in the country where it aims to establish itself as the market leader in the light and medium twin commercial markets. The Grand is a top-of-the-range light twin helicopter offering high performance capabilities, space and payload, previously only associated with larger helicopters, whilst retaining attractive light twin economics. The Grand has set a new standard in its class offering the highest performance, including full Cat. A/Class 1 capability enabling it to operate from elevated helipads. Orders for nearly 280 helicopters have been placed by almost 150 customers in over 30 countries worldwide for various roles including EMS, SAR, harbour pilot shuttle and VIP/corporate transport.




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General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Russian strategic bombers complete patrol mission over Arctic

RIA Novosti


MOSCOW, December 10 (RIA Novosti) - Two Russian Tu-95 MS Bear strategic bombers have accomplished a routine patrol mission over neutral waters of the Arctic and Pacific oceans, an Air Force spokesman said on Thursday.

"In the period of December 9-10 two turboprop Tu-95 MS bombers took off from the Ukrainka air base and successfully accomplished the air patrol mission. The route of their flight passed from the neutral waters of the Arctic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean," Lt. Col. Vladimir Drik said.

The bombers were accompanied by F-15 Eagle and F-4 fighters.

Russia resumed strategic bomber patrol flights over the Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic oceans in August 2007, following an order from then-president Vladimir Putin.

All flights by Russian aircraft are performed in strict compliance with international law on the use of airspace over neutral waters, without intruding the airspace of other states.



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General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Report: Crew error led to F-15E crash


High above Afghanistan, in the dark, Capt. Mark R. McDowell pointed the nose of his F-15E Strike Eagle at a practice target on the ground. He thought the dry lake bed was 4,800 feet above sea level. It was 10,200 feet high.

The F-15E went into a 31-degree dive going 515 mph. The jet’s ground collision alarm snapped on, lighting up display screens with arrows pointing up and a computer voice warning four times to “pull up.”

McDowell and Capt. Thomas J. Gramith, his weapons systems officer, didn’t react. Three seconds after the alarm came on, the jet crashed, killing both airmen. They didn’t try to eject.

The Air Combat Command accident investigation board is attributing the July 18 crash, the first fighter-jet crash in Afghanistan since the war started, to aircrew mistakes.

“It was a tragic, human error,” Brig. Gen. Harry D. Polumbo, the lead investigator, told reporters in a conference call.

McDowell and Gramith, both deployed to Bagram Air Field from the 4th Fighter Wing, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, N.C., were in the second jet of a two-jet formation that had spent almost four hours flying on-call close-air support. As the uneventful sortie neared its end, the fighters received permission to practice what Polumbo described as one of the “most difficult and challenging things that an aircrew member does” — a high-angle strafing run at night with the officers wearing night-vision goggles.

The airmen had used the lake bed, about 30 miles west of the town of Ghazni, as a training target before.

The first F-15E, flown by pilot Capt. Kenneth Fryar and weapons systems officer Capt. Benjamin Hopkins, led the way to the lake bed. About 10 minutes before reaching the practice target, Hopkins checked its altitude using a digital map. The computer display read 4,800 feet high and Hopkins relayed the information to McDowell and Gramith.

As the Strike Eagles flew over the lake bed, none of the four airmen realized their jets’ radar altimeters and laser rangefinders showed the lake bed was 10,200 feet high, Polumbo said.

The lead F-15E made the first run but aborted the attack because the dive was not steep enough. The second F-15E, the one flown by McDowell, started its dive 22 seconds later. And crashed.

Fryar and Hopkins have continued to fly and neither faced disciplinary action, Polumbo said.

Air Combat Command is reviewing pre-deployment night strafing training.

The four airmen were all considered “experienced,” but McDowell and Gramith had limited practice flying night strafing runs.

A similar crash June 22 claimed the life of an F-16 pilot in a training mission over Utah.



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General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Registrado: 06 Oct 2004, 22:21
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Russia-Lebanon deal on MiG-29 to enter final phase soon

Xinhua News Agency

BEIRUT, Nov. 16 (Xinhua) -- Russia's plan to supply Lebanon with 10 MiG-29 fighter jets will enter its final phase soon, the Beirut-based Al-Markazia news agency reported.

The news agency reported that a Russian military group of experts will be visiting Lebanon in the next few days, on a mission that consists of exploring the capabilities of Lebanese airports to maintain the MiGs.

Days later, Lebanese military envoys will pay a visit to Mosco win order to put the final touches on the deal, the report said.

Lebanese President Michel Suleiman had planned to visit Russia last September, but the trip was canceled due to the busy schedule of his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev.

The deal was announced in December 2008 by Lebanese Defense Minister Elias Michel Murr during a visit to Moscow.

The fighters would be provided free to Lebanon under an agreement on military-technical assistance, and the jets would come from Russia's existing stock, the head of Russia's defense cooperation service Mikhail Dmitryevn said during Murr's visit.

Since then, the deal has sparked an internal debate about the necessity of obtaining these aircraft in a small country like Lebanon, which has a national army and an armed militia Hezbollah, which owns thousands of short and mid-range rockets.

Lebanon's air force now have three airbases, which accommodate only five fixed-wing fighters in service, four of which are Hawker Hunters, a kind of jet fighters Britain produced in the 1950's and1960's. Another one is a turboprop-driven light attack aircraft, the U.S.-made OV-10 Bronco.

Israeli warplanes violate Lebanon's air space on a daily basis, however, with the outdated fighters whose number can be negligible, Lebanon's air force can not challenge with their Israeli counterparts equipped with F-15s and F-16s.




Si caigo en combate, toma la bandera, dale un beso y continúa adelante......
General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Registrado: 01 Oct 2009, 21:38
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video recien "salido del horno" del hermes 900:

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