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Fuerzas Aéreas del Mundo. Noticias e historia. Sus aviones de guerra, helicópteros y misiles. Programas de construcción aérea. Pilotos y paracaidistas.
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¿Será cierto? ¿no lo será?

Según comenta la prensa helvética el elegido por su comite de expertos es ....... el Rafale. ... d=11603422

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BREAKING: VIDEO & PICTURES: Boeing 787 Dreamliner lifts off on maiden flight ... video.html ... _embedded#


Y la toma...

"That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important lesson history has to tell."
Aldous Huxley 1894-1963
delta 021
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16-12-2009 08:30

Ha anunciado el ministerio de defensa del país que Pakistán se prepara para recibir tres sistemas adicionales de alerta temprana (AWACS) en el 2010, El Ministro de Producción de Defensa, Abdul Qayyum Kah Jatoi, informó a la prensa que un avión AWACS ya está en el país y tres más estarían expectante para el próximo año . El Saab 2000 es uno de los aviones turbohélice más rápidos de la historia de la aviación. Es una versión modificada del Saab 340 capaz de volar a una velocidad de crucero de 665 km/h (360 nudos).
En junio de 2006, Pakistán finalizó la operación de compra de 6 Saab 2000 valuados en aproximadamente 1.600 millones de dólares, equipados con el sistema Saab-Ericsson ERIEYE de Alerta Temprana Aerotrasportada. El radar PS-890 Erieye utiliza una antena activa integrada por 200 módulos de estado sólido que operan en la banda S. La antena se encuentra montada por encima del fuselaje y tiene un peso de 900 kilogramos y una longitud de 9 metros. A una altitud de patrullaje de 6.000 metros el alcance máximo de detección es de unos 450 kilómetros, pudiendo detectar una aeronave del tamaño de un caza a unos 350 kilómetros y blancos navales a 320 kilómetros.

Julio César,Shakespeare
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Insurgents Hack U.S. Drones
$26 Software Is Used to Breach Key Weapons in Iraq; Iranian Backing Suspected

WASHINGTON -- Militants in Iraq have used $26 off-the-shelf software to intercept live video feeds from U.S. Predator drones, potentially providing them with information they need to evade or monitor U.S. military operations.

Senior defense and intelligence officials said Iranian-backed insurgents intercepted the video feeds by taking advantage of an unprotected communications link in some of the remotely flown planes' systems. Shiite fighters in Iraq used software programs such as SkyGrabber -- available for as little as $25.95 on the Internet -- to regularly capture drone video feeds, according to a person familiar with reports on the matter.

U.S. officials say there is no evidence that militants were able to take control of the drones or otherwise interfere with their flights. Still, the intercepts could give America's enemies battlefield advantages by removing the element of surprise from certain missions and making it easier for insurgents to determine which roads and buildings are under U.S. surveillance.

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El espacio aéreo checo será vigilado por aviones de alerta temprana de las fuerzas de la OTAN comenzando el próximo mes de enero. Así lo aprobó el gobierno uniendo el país al sistema de alerta temprana y control aerotransportado E-3A AWACS de la OTAN, según un comunicado de prensa del gabinete.

El ministerio de defensa checo pagará 290.000 euros por año para unirse al programa de dieciséis países que supervisan en conjunto el tráfico aéreo sobre sus territorios y protegiendo de posibles intrusos.

Diecisiete aviones Boeing E-3A de la unidad internacional de la fuerza aérea de la OTAN despegarán principalmente de Geilenkirchen en Alemania, y cubrirán el espacio aéreo de Bélgica, Canadá, Dinamarca, Alemania, Grecia, Hungría, Italia, Luxemburgo, Países Bajos, Noruega, Polonia, Portugal, Rumania, España y Turquía. Gran Bretaña opera tal sistema.

.- Saludos. ... ws&id=7541

Compañero forista fallecido el 16 de julio de 2011. Ver homenaje en el FMG
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Registrado: 16 Sep 2009, 13:44

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¿Será cierto? ¿no lo será?

Según comenta la prensa helvética el elegido por su comite de expertos es ....... el Rafale.

No conozco detalles de la necesidad de Suisa en lo que respecta a cazas, por sus basis aereas, localización, detalles de organización, medios para manutención, etc, pero si és cierto el Rafale, en lo que se refiere solamente al caza (F3) escojieron muy bién.


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mma escribió:¿Será cierto? ¿no lo será?

Según comenta la prensa helvética el elegido por su comite de expertos es ....... el Rafale. ... d=11603422

Pues a saber lo que será cierto. Tienen un lío de narices, ya que el GSSA ha lanzado un referéndum para que sean los ciudadanos los que decidan si compran o no compran los aviones. Cuando decidieron comprar los F18 los ciudadanos lo aceptaron claramente en referendum, pero la situación económica y social del país era bastante diferente a la actual, por lo que no es para nada seguro que esta vez el electorado diga que si a los militares. ... y/18233977

Empiezan a hablar de esperar a 2015 para decidir que avión comprar, por lo que los primeros aparatos los recibirían en el...2020.
Si estos rumores son ciertos, de verdad de la buena alguien se cree que los suizos en el 2020 van a recibir rafales??
Pues eso, que los USA boys tampoco
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Wilcommen F35

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Associated Press informa que Vietnam ha hecho un pedido por otros 12 Sukhoi Su-30MK2 a Rusia, por unos 600 millones de USD. Se unirían a los 4 que ya hay en servicio en un regimiento de cazas en la base aérea de Bin Hoa y los 12 pendientes de recibir del pedido realizado a inicios de 2009: ... 0-mas.html

La compra está encuadrada dentro de una adqusición de armamento mas ambiciosa de Vietnam a Rusia, según Defense Industry Daily. Se incluirían fragatas, submarinos Kilo y apoyo a la construcción de una planta nuclear.
Tambien podría tener que ver las tensiones territoriales con China, en especial con las Islas Spratly ... etnam.html

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Grecia ha cancelado el concurso para proveerse de un avión de patrulla marítima, tras confirmar la Agencia Europea de Defensa que no se ha recibido ninguna oferta para este concurso.
Grecia se había propuesto la compra de cinco aviones de patrulla marítima, con opción para uno mas, para sustituir a los cinco antiguos P-3B que tiene en servicio.

El dinero asignado al programa, unos 200 a 250 millones de euros, no parece que sea una cantidad muy realista teniendo en cuenta los precios de los posibles candidatos ( P-8, C-295, ATR-72, etc. ).

Ahora este dinero se podría emplear para modernizar los P-3B.

La grave crisis económica que sufre Grecia y el impago de contratos ya firmados ( el caso de Thyssen Krupp ) podrían haber llevado a las empresas de defensa a no participar en este concurso.


.- Saludos.[/u]

Compañero forista fallecido el 16 de julio de 2011. Ver homenaje en el FMG
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La Fuerza Aérea Alemana (Luftwaffe) ha recibido los primeros cuatro Eurofighter que se utilizaran para misiones de ataque aire suelo. La unidad será la JG 31 (Jagdbombergeschwader 31, ala de caza y ataque) basada en Norvenich, Westfalia. Se espera alcanzar la plena capacidad operativa en 2012. Entre otros equipos se utilizarán la bomba guiada por laser GBU-48, y el pod Litening designador de blancos. La conversión al Typhoon de la unidad, actualmente equipada con el Tornado, estará completada en 2010. ... -para.html

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AEW for United Arab Emirates



The contract covers two Saab 340 AEW (Airborne Early Warning) systems, comprising of the Saab 340 aircraft equipped with the advanced Erieye radar system. The contract also includes ground equipment as well as logistics and support services.

A true multi-mission system

An Airborne Early Warning system is used to monitor a country's airspace, borders and territorial waters. Together with the associated ground equipment, the surveillance system provides a detailed situational picture that can be used in conjunction with, for example, border control and rescue operations.

"We've been conducting discussions with the UAE for several years concerning an airborne surveillance system," says Saab's CEO Åke Svensson. "This contract is an additional proof of our expertise and international competitiveness within the field of network-based solutions for defence and civil security."

Operational in several countries

Saab's Erieye surveillance system is a market success. The first Erieye surveillance system was delivered to the Swedish Air Force on a Saab 340 aircraft platform. The system also has been sold to Thailand with the Saab 340 as a platform, and this time the United Arab Emirates.

The surveillance system has also been installed on the Embraer-145 aircraft and is operational in Brazil, Mexico and Greece. The system will soon be delivered to Pakistan on Saab 2000 aircraft.



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General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Royal Air Force to Acquire 7th Boeing C-17 Globemaster III


LONG BEACH, Calif., Dec. 17, 2009 - The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and the United Kingdom Ministry of Defence this week announced an agreement for the acquisition of a seventh C-17 Globemaster III for the Royal Air Force (RAF). Boeing is scheduled to deliver the aircraft in December 2010.

"The RAF has an urgent need for additional airlift capability," said Robin Philip, Head of Commercial Air Support, UK Ministry of Defence. "We know firsthand the capabilities and reliability the C-17 brings to every mission, and that's why we're adding another one to our fleet."

The current UK fleet of six C-17s has logged more than 50,000 flight hours to date. The newest C-17, like the others, will operate out of RAF Brize Norton in Oxfordshire, England, and provide critical airlift capability.

"The RAF's C-17s have served the United Kingdom well, performing superbly in aeromedical evacuations, humanitarian and disaster-relief missions, and in Iraq and Afghanistan," said Tommy Dunehew, Boeing Global Mobility Systems vice president of Business Development. "And now more help is on the way."

"We're proud to support the RAF with an aircraft that continues to set the standard for advanced airlift capability," added Liz Pace, C-17 program manager, United Kingdom and Australia. "The addition of a seventh C-17 illustrates, once again, why it remains the airlifter of choice for both U.S. and allied commanders."

As part of the worldwide C-17 fleet, the United Kingdom participates in the C-17 Globemaster III Sustainment Partnership logistics support program, which aims to increase mission readiness and reduce operations and support costs. The Boeing C-17 Field Services team located at RAF Brize Norton provides engineering, supply chain management and support, and maintenance of essential support equipment, along with configuration and data services 24 hours a day.

In addition to supporting operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, the RAF's C-17s have provided humanitarian relief to the victims of tsunamis in Southeast Asia and earthquakes in Pakistan. The C-17 is the world's only tactical airlift aircraft with strategic capabilities that allow it to fly between continents and land on short, austere runways.

There are currently 211 C-17s in service worldwide, including 19 with international customers. The U.S. Air Force, including active Guard and Reserve units, has 192. International customers include the United Kingdom, Qatar, the Canadian Forces, the Royal Australian Air Force, and the 12-member Strategic Airlift Capability consortium of NATO and Partnership for Peace nations.



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General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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mas información del "hackeo" realizado por los insurgentes en Irak

SkyGrabber: the $26 software used by insurgents to hack into US drones


"SkyGrabber is offline satellite internet downloader," the page begins confidently, at once informing the native English speaker that the page wasn't written by one. In fact SkyGrabber is a Russian programme – the site is apparently run by Cherkashyn Vyacheslav in Nab Podeba, Ukraine.

SkyGrabber is a simple enough concept: grab the signals that spill from a satellite broadcast (or even narrowcast), aimed from a satellite towards a specific location, and turn them into TV feeds you can look at. Or as the website puts it: "You don't have to keep an online internet connection. Just customise your satellite dish to selected satellite provider and start grabbing."

The US drones would send their video up to a US military satellite (the "uplink") that cannot be intercepted. The signal would then be beamed by that satellite or a linked one down to the controllers – who might be in Afghanistan or Iraq. Because that signal was unencrypted, anyone who tuned their satellite dish to the correct frequency and location in the sky could pick up the signal, and decode it. And because any satellite downlink signal spreads a little, the area where it can be picked up is potentially huge.

The weakness has been known for a very long time. In February this year Adam Laurie, an "ethical hacker" who has spent a lot of time looking at satellite feed hacking, told the BlackHat conference that "anyone with a [satellite] dish can see data being broadcast" and that "things you would expect to be secure turn out not to be secure. The most worrying thing is you can just see all this data going by." He has been at it since the 1990s – and in 1997 could see French TV reporters beaming back closed circuit coverage of Princess Diana's death to the UK over unsecured feeds.

The only surprise is that the US army is surprised – given that it has known since the 1990s that the "downlink" (from the satellite) of the drone video was unencrypted. The internet may have been invented in the US, but its knowledge has spread far and wide — and insurgents have used websites and computer networks to organise themselves for years.

The thinking of the author of SkyGrabber is clear enough, given the other products he touts: they include Tuner4PC – for establishing internet connections via satellite uplink and downlinks – and LanGrabber, which "intercepts network downloads started by other users and saves information on your hard disk". The latter is what hackers call a "sniffer", seamlessly picking up the data that others are transferring and making a copy for you.



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General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Tyndall F-15 Drawdown Delay


F-15s at Tyndall will continue to serve the base and the community for at least a few months longer.

The final Defense Appropriations bill for 2010 includes a provision to postpone movement of any F-15s from Tyndall until April 1, 2010.

Congressman Allen Boyd, who has been instrumental in the process to delay the drawdown, says although it’s not a new mission, it does give them additional time to secure one.

This bill is slightly different from the versions that passed both the House and Senate earlier this year. Boyd says legislators from both then got together to create this bill from those versions.

The original drawdown was scheduled for 2013. Earlier this year, the Air Force announced its plan to begin the draw down of Tyndall’s F-15s in January 2010, which would greatly impact not only Tyndall Air Force Base but also local economy.

The biggest concern is still securing a new mission to replace the F-15s, and although they lost the bed-down of the F-35s, Boyd says they may have another option with the F-22s.

“They have F-22s at more facilities than they need and they’re going to consolidate those facilities and we hope that… having more F-22s come into Tyndall, we think that’s a natural fit,” Congressman Boyd says.

The language will also require the Air Force to provide Congress with detailed reports on long-term effects from the drawdown, including defense capabilities and local economic impact.

The Air Force would be required to submit a cost-benefit analysis of its proposal to move F-15 training to Kingsley, Oregon.

In addition, the bill also allots more than $17 million in federal funding toward defense technologies at Tyndall and the Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City, including money to help the Air Force collect 50% of its aviation fuel from non-petroleum based sources by 2016, to support development of Special Forces equipment, including assisting the Navy in developing a non-gasoline engine and to create better fire suppression technology.

Tyndall AFB had this to say in response to the bill: “Team Tyndall takes great pride in its F-15 mission. It has been a part of the base for decades. We recognize the F-15 drawdown will not only affect the base, but the local community as well, and we are fully prepared to work hand-in-hand to make this as smooth a transition as possible for all concerned.”

The 2010 Defense Appropriations Bill passed in the U.S. House of Representatives Wednesday. Although it’s not a done deal, Congressman Allen Boyd says he expects the Senate to vote on the bill in the next few days and expects the president to sign the bill before the end of the year.



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General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Boeing anunció que ha entregado el primer Chinook HC3 convertido a MK3 a la RAF en la base de Odiham,Hampshire, el 30 de Noviembre. La capacidad operacional incial ha sido declarada, para permitir su despliegue en el extranjero. Los ocho HC3 entregados en 2001, tenian un cockpit standard, para igualarlos al resto de la flota, lo que los convertía en HC2A. Los siete restantes serán entregados a principios de 2010. ... rimer.html


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