lei en un reportaje del Washington Times citando fuentes de jane's donde informan que Arabia Saudi tiene desplegados mislies DF-3 en bass en el desierto y estos apuntan contra Tel Aviv en Israel y Teheran Iran...
sabemos de antemano que entre Israel Y el reino Arabe saudi no existen relaciones diplomaticas formales, solo contactos "por debajo de la mesa" y pues con Iran ni se hable, son dos potencias Islamicas de corrientes distintas.
que posibilidad habria que en un momento dado los Saudies realicen un ataque con misiles contra los Israelies o Iranies
aqui dejo el reportaje completo del Washington Times :
Saudi Arabia targeting Israel, Iran with ballistic missiles, satellite images show
Satellite imagery has revealed that Saudi Arabia is targeting Israel and Iran with powerful ballistic missiles.
Saudi Arabia doesn’t have formal ties with Israel. But it’s been believed that Saudi maintains a quiet, behind-scenes diplomatic relationship with Israel, as a hushed effort to keep regional peace, the Telegraph reported. Both Saudi Arabia and Israel regard Iran as the enemy.
The satellite pictures show a previously undisclosed surface-to-surface missile base in the middle of the Saudi desert, the Telegraph reported. Analysts say they saw in the images at least two launch pads — one pointing toward Tel Aviv and another toward Tehran.
The base is home to Saudi’s DF-3 missiles which have a range of 1,500-2,500 miles. The missiles carry a two-ton payload, the Telegraph reported.
The base was constructed within the last five years, analysts said.
“Our assessment suggests that this base is either partly or fully operational, with the launch pads pointing in the directions of Israel and Iran, respectively,” said Robert Munks, the deputy editor of IHS Jane’s Intelligence Review, in the Telegraph. “We do not want to make too many inferences about the Saudi strategy, but clearly Saudi Arabia does not enjoy good relations with either Iran or Israel.”
Read more:
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/201 ... z2YySbUR8Scomparto con los foristas el enlace del periodico Ingles telegraph donde se muestra los lanzadores de misiles apuntando hacia los dos paises
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldne ... siles.html