Todo sobre el MBT Merkavá

Fuerzas Armadas y conflictos de la zona, desde Marruecos hasta Iran. Israel y el Mundo Árabe. El Problema Palestino. La Guerra de Irak. La primavera árabe.
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Mensaje por gran general »

Mauricio escribió:
alejandro_ escribió:Imagen

Interesantísima, nunca la había visto.

¿Fuente? ¿Contexto?

que le paso realmente a ese tanque fue producto de una emboscada o que ?


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Mariscal de Campo
Mariscal de Campo
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Registrado: 21 Feb 2003, 20:39

Mensaje por Mauricio »

gran general escribió:el tanque merkava siempre me han llamado la atencion por su singular forma que tiene si no me equivoco el merkava tambien tiene motor a turbina de gas

Diesel solamente.

Imperialista entregado a las Fuerzas Capitalistas del Mal
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Mensaje por Kaiser_87ct »

gran general escribió:el tanque merkava siempre me han llamado la atencion por su singular forma que tiene si no me equivoco el merkava tambien tiene motor a turbina de gas

tiene motor diesel,no se si el MTU aleman o el americano...

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Mensaje por zimisces »

En el último mensaje de la siguiente página de ese foro, un forista hace un comentario sobre la foto del cañón: ... &start=585

Por desgracia la traducción Google Ruso-Español es críptica y no parece decir mucho, imposible seguir más adelante la conversación:

Aquí hay otro Merkavka con un agujero en la frente.

Antiguo Mercano-2 y las 3 de la FIL más de 4 app. Y ellos estaban bien afectados en la frente, incluso los viejos métodos de EFP.

Dicho sea de paso se alinea con 2-inyección de yki que establece específicamente que está rodeada de un RPG con una cabeza nuclear conjuntamente.

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Mensaje por Yorktown »

un RPG con una cabeza nuclear

Joder que miedo....

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Mensaje por zimisces »

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: ¡El arma definitiva!

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Teniente Coronel
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Mensaje por GMSA »

zimisces escribió::mrgreen: :mrgreen: ¡El arma definitiva!

Claro, resultarían vaporizados tanto el tanque atacado (y su tripulación) como el atacante. Un uso intensivo de semejante arma y la guerra finalizaría prontamente por falta de combatientes vivos en ambos bandos y por dejar el campo de batalla inutilizado debido a la contaminación radiactiva…:mrgreen:.

Cambiando de tema, me llamó la atención en el reportaje que colocó Alejandro_, que uno de los puntos débiles que le encontraron los combatientes palestinos al Merkava es una de sus características más interesantes: su puerta trasera.

General de Brigada
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Mensaje por alejandro_ »

Cambiando de tema, me llamó la atención en el reportaje que colocó Alejandro_, que uno de los puntos débiles que le encontraron los combatientes palestinos al Merkava es una de sus características más interesantes: su puerta trasera.

Puerta o no, un impacto en esa zona del carro (cualquiera) suele afectar de manera considerable el carro.


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Teniente Coronel
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Registrado: 11 Feb 2006, 22:26
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Mensaje por GMSA »

Bueno, en eso tienes razón. Un impacto en esa parte en un tanque con configuración "convencional" podría dañar al motor e incluso iniciar un incendio.

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Mariscal de Campo
Mariscal de Campo
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Registrado: 21 Feb 2003, 20:39

Mensaje por Mauricio »

alejandro_ escribió:
Cambiando de tema, me llamó la atención en el reportaje que colocó Alejandro_, que uno de los puntos débiles que le encontraron los combatientes palestinos al Merkava es una de sus características más interesantes: su puerta trasera.

Puerta o no, un impacto en esa zona del carro (cualquiera) suele afectar de manera considerable el carro.


Es propaganda. Lo mismo dijeron del anillo de la torre. La realidad es que los Palestinos nunca destruyeron un número importante de Merkavás y el puñado que destruyeron, todos a causa de IED.

¿Qué pueden saber entonces de la puerta?

Y en cualquier caso las armas ATGM no son lo suficientemente precisas para apuntar a cosas tan específicas como el anillo de la torre o la compuerta.

Imperialista entregado a las Fuerzas Capitalistas del Mal
General de Brigada
General de Brigada
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Registrado: 23 Ago 2003, 18:19
Ubicación: Oxfordshire, RU

Mensaje por alejandro_ »

Y en cualquier caso las armas ATGM no son lo suficientemente precisas para apuntar a cosas tan específicas como el anillo de la torre o la compuerta.

Si recuerdo bien en el documental hablan de RPG y puerta, no de ATGM y anillo.


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Registrado: 08 Ago 2010, 16:16

Mensaje por Mehdi »

chicos, os referis a este tanque merkava? ... 785731.jpg

o este otro?



General de Brigada
General de Brigada
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Registrado: 23 Ago 2003, 18:19
Ubicación: Oxfordshire, RU

Mensaje por alejandro_ »

chicos, os referis a este tanque merkava? ... 785731.jpg

Eso es un M60 Sabra. Menuda tonteria de mensaje ¿Qué quieres afirmar con esas fotos?

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Registrado: 08 Ago 2010, 16:16

Mensaje por Mehdi »

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Mensaje por Yorktown »

Enésima vez que vemos ese video...

Y enésima vez que el pequeño troll moroccan se da de bruces con la realidad. Espero que algún día cumpla sus sueños de enfrentarse de bruces a la realidad en forma de Merkava.

Libano. Las tropas acorazadas israelies sufrieron la muerte de un total de 23 de sus soldados. 15 de esas muertes, provocadas por ATGM y 7 por minas. El que falta, probablemente un comandante de carro alcanzado mientras estaba asomado por la escotilla. Tanques (incluye todos los modelos) perdidos por ATGM, seis (6). Despues de cientos de enfrentamientos, solo se reportaron 9 incidentes donde los ATGM fueron capaces de provocar muertes a soldados en el interior de los vehiculos, esto incluye los APC, no solo los tanques.

Brigadier General Halutzi Rodoi, the chief of the IDF Armored Corps was asked to assess the performance of his tank force and especially the lessons drawn from the fighting against advanced anti-tank missiles fired by Hezbollah on the coveted Merkava Mk4, which saw its first combat engagement in Lebanon. According to General Rodoi, the Merkava proved to be well protected and designed to minimize the risk even when it was penetrated.

The IDF employed several hundred tanks in combat. According to official reports, about ten percent were hit by various threats. Less than half of the hits penetrated. In overall assessment, the potential risk to crewmen would have been much higher, if the tank would be of a conventional design. A colonel commanding an armored brigade, which bore the brunt of battle, mentioned in an interview that during the war that hundreds of antitank missiles were fired on his unit and in total only 18 tanks were seriously damaged. Of those, missiles actually penetrated only five or six vehicles and according to statistics, only two tanks were totally destroyed, however, both by super-heavy IED charges

During operations against Hezbollah in South Lebanon, IDF Merkava Mk 4 tanks endured several attacks by anti-tank guided missiles, RPGs, IEDs and heavy belly charges. Merkava crews suffered several casualties, and tanks were damaged. Overall, the new tanks demonstrated supperior protection and endurance, compared to earlier models. Some of the damaged tanks have already been put back to service, following repairs at the IDF depot. This series of photos shows an event near the Israeli vilage of Metula, just across the border, where a section of Merkava tanks, supported by infantry troops moved to asist recovery operations of a Puma armored engineer vehicle carrying a Carpet counter-mine system, which overturned from the narrow mountainous road into a ravine. During these operations, Hezbollah tank-hunter team launched several anti-tank missiles at the Merkava tanks, hitting and damaging one of the tanks while the other lost a track over the steep roadside. [b]Eventually, all tanks were recovered safely, included three wounded soldiers from the AIFV. ... chive.html

According to various Israeli and Western sources, during the course of battle in Lebanon, between 46 and 50 Merkava main battle tanks (of the 400 deployed) and 14 APCs were hit by anti-tank weapons, including 22 incidents where tank armour and 5 cases where APC armour was penetrated. Another six tanks and at least one APC were blown up by mines and IDEs.

Of those tanks hit by anti-tank weapons, 18 were the newest Merkava Mk 4 version (from the 401st armoured brigade), and six of these had their armour penetrated. Twenty-three tank and five APC crew members were killed. A large number of anti-tank guide-missiles and RPG grenades hit the tanks, but in most cases these did little damage. It was reported that one of the Merkava Mk 4 tanks survived 23 hits from anti-tank guided—missiles before it was finally disabled and its armour penetrated. All penetrations of Merkava armour, according to Israeli statements, were achieved by the Konkurs, Metis-M and Kornet-E anti-tank guided—missiles, and the RPG-29 rocket-propelled grenades. If one considers that 22 of 50 tanks had their armour penetrated, that gives a penetration rate of 44% (and only 33% for the Merkava Mk 4). According to Israeli Army statistics, the penetration rate for tanks during the 1982 Lebanon War was 47%, and 60% during the 1973 War. The crew casualties rate was also much higher in 2006 at 0.5 crew member for each damaged tank, while the rate per disabled tank in 1973 War is one full crew member.

The number of irrecoverable tank losses among those damaged, according to recent Israeli publications, was five altogether, of which two (a Merkava Mk 2 and Mk 4) were destroyed by IDEs and three tanks were completely burned out after hits by guided anti-tank guided—missiles. This attests to the high degree of protection afforded by the most modern Merkava Mk 4 tanks, which could be damaged only by the most modern anti-tank weapons with powerful tandem HEAT warheads hitting, it would seem, weakened armoured zones.

From the point of view of relevance to our context, the employment of Russian third generation Anti-tank Guided Missiles merits the closest attention. The Israeli made Merkava is said to be the worlds most highly protected/heavily armoured tank. Despite use of Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA), 45 percent of Israeli tanks that sustained hits were penetrated.

Alon Ben David writing in the 11 Oct, 06 issue of the Janes Defense Weekly states that Israeli Merkava mark 1, 2, 3 and 4 MBT (Main Battle Tanks) were confronted with an array of Russian ATGMS to include:

■Kornet E-9 P133 “This is claimed to be able to penetrate 1 to 1.2 metres of armour protected by ERA”. This has a Semi Automatic Command Line of Sight laser beam riding guidance system and a range of 5km
■Metis – M9M131 This is equipped with a tandem High Explosive Anti-tank (HEAT) war head and a range of 2 km
■Konkurs 9K113 (ATS) This is an older version ATGM. Also called AT - 5 (Spandrel) this has a range of 4kms and has a shaped charge
■Fagot 9K111(AT-4) The bulk of the ATGMs used were of this type which was available to the Hezbollah in very large numbers. This was first used in the 1973 Arab-Israeli war along with AT-3 Sagger and AT-4 Spigot. The Sagger was used in large numbers (as much as 30-40 at a time)
■RPG 29. This is a tandem war head rocket propelled grenade (the first ambush that triggered this war was done with this weapon)41
The penetration rate of US made Israeli MBT by first generation Russian ATGMs was 60 percent in the Yom Kippur war. Tremendous improvements in armour (sandwiched/laminated armour and ERA) brought it down to 47 percent in the 1982 Lebanon war. Two crewmen were killed in each penetrated MBT in the 1973 war. The Merkava tank design seeks to enhance crew protection by putting the engine in front. Statistically the crew attrition rate was brought down to 1.6 crew member killed per tank penetration.42 Out of some 20 Israeli MBTs destroyed in this war, 14 were lost to ATGMs (mostly Russian third generation ATGMs) However, the crew loss rate has now been brought down to approximately one per penetration.43

Tactical Aspects
Part of this high penetration rate is attributed to tactical errors by the Israeli Armour. Retired Brigadier General Avigder Klein said that instead of leading wide offensives, small armoured formations were sent on isolated rescue and covering mission. This unnecessarily exposed them to the ATGMs.44 ... ofile.html
Última edición por Yorktown el 09 Ago 2010, 19:44, editado 1 vez en total.

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