Guerra en Afganistán (archivo)

Fuerzas Armadas y conflictos de la zona, desde Marruecos hasta Iran. Israel y el Mundo Árabe. El Problema Palestino. La Guerra de Irak. La primavera árabe.
Mensajes: 16014
Registrado: 28 Jul 2007, 18:18
Ubicación: hoy aquí, mañana ya veremos

Mensaje por jandres »

Fusilier escribió:

Tan dificil es tener medio millon de soldados sobre el terreno?...o se tienen o esa guerra se pierde.


No sé si miraste un mapa de manera reciente. Imagina las dificultades de la cadena logistica para alimentar un ejercito de 500 000 h.
Ademas para arreglar el problema, no sé cuantos ejercitos y equipamientos diferentes....[/quote]

pues si no se puede...

a chapar la paraeta, y todos para casa.

A España, servir hasta Morir
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Registrado: 22 Feb 2008, 00:49

Mensaje por jerwin »

España está pensando en enviar un batallon (500 soldados) para las proximas elecciones de los que 100 se quedaran alli para reforzar la seguridad de nuestras tropas.

esto hecha por los suelos el tope de 3000 soldados impuesto por el congreso para misiones en el exterior.

lanzo una pregunta al aire, creeeis que se necesitan mas tropas y ademas enviariais algun otro material (leos, pizarros, centauros, tigres...)

un saludo

ESPAÑA no llores... que aún te quedan ESPAÑOLES
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Registrado: 02 Jun 2006, 09:26

Mensaje por Arnau »

¿Dentro de 4 años? Aún queda...

Si mal no recuerdo si iban a reforzar con soldados colombianos.

Eso de poner un cupo a soldados en el exterior, creo que no es más que una gilipollez y una forma de poner en peligro a los tropas que requieran más efectivos.

Teniente Primero
Teniente Primero
Mensajes: 1007
Registrado: 09 Jul 2006, 11:59
Ubicación: Barcelona

Mensaje por Tuerka »

España ahora mismo en Afganistan esta haciendo el más absoluto ridiculo. Mientras paises Europeos como Francia y Alemania estan participando activamente en la lucha contra los Talibanes nosotros permanecemos atrincherados en nuestra base y nos limitamos pasearnos por el país en convoys haciendo de diana para los Talibanes.

Si dependiera de mí metia a España hasta el cuello en aquella guerra, es nuestra obligación como miembros activos de la OTAN, y enviaria todo lo que les hiciera falta a nuestros soldados.

Pero para participar como estamos haciendo más vale recoger el tenderete y volvernos a casa. Las medias tintas no valen en una guerra, o participas o no participas.


Mensajes: 16014
Registrado: 28 Jul 2007, 18:18
Ubicación: hoy aquí, mañana ya veremos

Mensaje por jandres »

Reino Unido lleva a cabo la mayor operación logística en un bastión taliban en Afganistán
Las tropas británicas completan el traslado de una turbina de 200 toneladas en la provincia de Helmand.- Participaron 2.00 soldados británicos y otros 2.000 de la OTAN y militares afganos
ELPAÍ / REUTERS - Represa de Kajaki - 02/09/2008

Las tropas británicas, respaldadas por fuerzas especiales, completaron una de las operaciones logísticas más grandes realizadas en los siete años de conflicto en Afganistán, al trasladar una turbina de 200 toneladas a una remota región dominada por los talibanes, han informado hoy fuentes militares. En la operación han participado 2.000 soldados británicos, respaldados por otros 2.000 militares de la OTAN y los militares afganos.

La enorme turbina, cuyo coste asciende a unos 4,13 millones de euros, está destinada a la represa de Kajaki, que llevará electricidad a casi dos millones de personas. Fue trasladada por una caravana de 100 vehículos que atravesaron el territorio taliban durante cinco días hasta llegar a la central hidroeléctrica en el suroeste del país. La caravana viajó a lo largo del valle de Helmand, atravesando áreas que han estado bajo control de los insurgentes los últimos dos años, cargando siete secciones de entre 20 y 30 toneladas. Un portavoz de las Fuerzas Armadas británicas ha dicho que ésta es la operación de despeje de un área controlada por fuerzas enemigas más grande realizada por tropas de ese país desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

La caravana sufrió ataques frecuentes durante el viaje, según contaron los soldados que participaron en la operación, en la que resultaron muertos al menos 250 talibanes. La caravana estuvo custodiada también por helicópteros y vehículos acorazados.

Unos 1.000 soldados de la OTAN, de EE UU, Australia, Dinamarca y Canadá, participaron en la operación junto con un millar de soldados afganos que protegieron a turbina en las partes más peligrosas de la travesía.


A España, servir hasta Morir
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Mensajes: 103
Registrado: 22 Feb 2008, 00:49

Mensaje por jerwin »

hay un documental en discovery chanel llamado "mision en Afganistan" que ilustra perfectamente la mision de nuestros aliados en suelo afgano.
esta gente si va a combatir y los soldados hablan abiertamente del peligro que saben les esperara alli, ademas se filman por el periodista que hace el doc diversos combates en el que los ingleses pierden a 8 ó 9 miembros del regimiento, estoy intentando buscarlo por la red, son varios episodios os lo recomiendo...

da un poco de escalofrios ver a chavales de 18 o 19 años como hablan del fuego fraticida y de los combates y saben que van a una guerra.

espero que España sepa afrontar los cada vez mas reiterados ataques por parte de los insurgentes y diga las cosas como son, quizas despues de "decirlas" se actue en consecuencia y se manden alli los medios (que los tenemos...) para que nuestras tropas puedan hacer su trabajo con el minimo riesgo.

rezo por ello

ESPAÑA no llores... que aún te quedan ESPAÑOLES
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Mensajes: 61
Registrado: 26 Sep 2007, 13:17

Mensaje por Petraeus »

Sabria alguien decir cual es numero de efectivos españoles desplazados en Afganistan... o si los hay... ?¿ :conf:

Mensajes: 579
Registrado: 24 Feb 2007, 09:38
Ubicación: Francia

Mensaje por Fusilier »

Petraeus escribió:Sabria alguien decir cual es numero de efectivos españoles desplazados en Afganistan... o si los hay... ?¿ :conf:

todas la misiones en curso.... ... uditoria=F
La web de la ISAF

Desperta Ferro Desperta
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Carlos Martín
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Registrado: 26 Jun 2007, 15:25
Ubicación: Madrid


Mensaje por Carlos Martín »

BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Sept. 4, 2008 – Coalition forces have positively identified five Taliban subcommanders killed during operations over the past month in Afghanistan’s Kapisa province.

Qari Nejat, along with four other enemy fighters, was killed during a coalition forces operation in the province’s Nijrab district Aug. 5. Officials said Nejat was a Taliban commander in the Tag Ab valley region, with ties to senior insurgent figures. He was implicated in the July 21 suicide bombing in the Tag Ab bazaar that injured six Afghan nationals, as well as the July 16 kidnapping of three Afghan National Police officers in Jalokhel. Nejat also was wanted in connection with the torturing and beheading of an Afghan citizen June 30.

Khairullah Nezami and Qari Ezmarai, along with four other Taliban operatives, were killed in the Tag Ab district on Aug. 23. Nezami was a known roadside bomb facilitator and also coordinated the movement of suicide bombers and foreign terrorists within the network. Ezmarai is believed to have helped foreign terrorists move into and around Afghanistan to conduct attacks for the Taliban.

Both militants were local Taliban commanders in the Tag Ab valley region of Kapisa. During the operation, the force also discovered multiple assault rifles and machine guns.

On Aug. 30, Ahmad Shah and Mullah Rohoullah were killed as coalition forces attempted to search a compound in the Nijrab district. As they approached the compound, they were met with small-arms and rocket-propelled-grenade fire. Coalition forces responded with precision air strikes, killing both Taliban leaders. Six other militants also were killed in the strikes.

Officials said both leaders were heavily involved in foreign terrorist facilitation and conducting numerous attacks against NATO and coalition forces, including a recent ambush on NATO forces on Aug. 18. They were known to facilitate the movement of weapons and foreign fighters into Afghanistan.

Albert Einstein
“Lo importante es no dejar de hacerse preguntas.”
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Carlos Martín
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Mensajes: 365
Registrado: 26 Jun 2007, 15:25
Ubicación: Madrid


Mensaje por Carlos Martín »

WASHINGTON, Sept. 5, 2008 – Though U.S., coalition and Afghan troops are making steady progress against increasingly active insurgent forces in Afghanistan, it’s time to turn up the heat, a senior U.S. military officer said today.

“I believe that more forces are required. And I think that over the next several months we can put them, certainly, to good use,” Army Maj. Gen. Jeffrey J. Schloesser, commander of Combined Joint Task Force 101 and 101st Airborne Division, told Pentagon reporters during a satellite-carried news conference.

Insurgent attacks in Afghanistan have increased 20 to 30 percent from 2007 to now, said Schloesser, who arrived in Afghanistan in April and also heads counterinsurgency operations for NATO’s Regional Command East.

Discussions about increasing the U.S. troop presence in Afghanistan are ongoing among senior leaders in Washington, Schloesser acknowledged.

“We’re making some steady progress” in Afghanistan, Schloesser pointed out. However, defeating the estimated 7,000 to 11,000 insurgents there “will take longer the way we are doing it right now, as far as the resources that we have,” he said.

“I’d like to speed it up,” Schloesser said of the anti-insurgent campaign’s pace in Afghanistan. He estimated that a troop increase on the order of “a series of thousands” would be of sufficient size.

“I’m going to ask for more troops. I think it’s pretty commonly known that I already have,” Schloesser said. “And, I’m optimistic that we’ll potentially see them in the coming months.”

NATO’s International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan consists of about 45,000 troops, including around 15,000 U.S. troops. Another 19,000 or so U.S. troops are assigned to Combined Joint Task Force 101, commanded by Schloesser.

Arrayed against U.S. and allied troops in Afghanistan is a loosely knit collection of terrorists, Schloesser said, who share a radical Islamic ideology and the belief that President Hamid Karzai’s democratic government is illegitimate.

“Again, this is not a huge, strong movement; it is not a team,” Schloesser said of the polyglot enemy operating in Afghanistan, which includes Taliban extremists, Pakistan-based radicals and al-Qaida-aligned terrorists. “There are ways to break it apart.”

To put added pressure on insurgents in Afghanistan, Schloesser is preparing a two-pronged winter campaign.

“This campaign has got two components. One of them is a strong military offensive and the other is a developmental surge,” Schloesser said. Recent anti-insurgent operations in Khowst province and elsewhere in Afghanistan, he said, have eliminated some key extremist leaders and uncovered numerous enemy supply and weapons caches.

The winter offensive will root out the enemy “where he hides,” the general said.

“We will pursue them wherever they run. We will intercept them, and we’re going to destroy their resources,” Schloesser said. “My intent is to eliminate the support areas within our sector to diminish the enemy’s ability to operate next year.”

The development part of the winter campaign will feature projects designed to keep young Afghans occupied during this winter and through the spring and summer, Schloesser said.

“They’ll be doing things such as clearing ice and snow from roads, doing construction training workshops, road maintenance, distribution of essentials to villages that are basically isolated, such as clothes and food,” the general explained.

The purpose of the development portion of the winter campaign, Schloesser said, is to provide employment for the people most vulnerable to insurgent recruiting pitches. This program, he said, will also provide roads, wells, schools, clinics, micro-hydroelectric plants and more in remote areas of Afghanistan that have lacked modern infrastructure.

This year, nearly $480 million in Commanders Emergency Response Program money has been committed to fund such projects in Afghanistan, Schloesser said, noting that’s double the amount committed last year.

“We’re trying to match the power we have here, both the hard power … as far as the [military] operations that we’re going to do on the ground with our troops, as well as soft power, and that’s the CERP, then, the development funds that I’ve talked about,” Schloesser explained.

Meanwhile, there is “absolutely no way” that the enemy will triumph in Afghanistan, Schloesser declared.

“We’re not losing this war, and we won’t lose [it even if additional troops] don’t show up in the next several months,” Schloesser said.


Albert Einstein
“Lo importante es no dejar de hacerse preguntas.”
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Carlos Martín
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Registrado: 26 Jun 2007, 15:25
Ubicación: Madrid


Mensaje por Carlos Martín »

WASHINGTON, Sept. 5, 2008 – Coalition and Afghan forces killed more than two dozen insurgents while disrupting terrorist cells along the southeastern and southwestern borders of Afghanistan during operations over the past days, military officials reported.

Coalition and Afghan forces killed six militants today after being ambushed while conducting a reconnaissance patrol in the Farrah province in southwest Afghanistan, coalition officials said.

The insurgents ambushed the patrol from an isolated compound with intense and accurate small arms and rocket-propelled grenade fire, officials said. Coalition forces responded with ground fire and close air support, killing six militants, they said.

Although no Afghan or coalition casualties were reported, two civilians were killed in the attack and two were wounded, coalition officials said. The victims were immediately treated and medically evacuated to a nearby coalition medical facility, they said.

In addition to the weapons carried by the ambushing force, a weapons cache containing a rocket-propelled grenade, machine gun, AK-47 rifles and an assortment of ammunition was discovered at the site.

Also today, coalition forces killed several militants and detained five during an operation to disrupt an explosives network in Paktika province, along the Pakistan border, coalition officials said.

Coalition forces were searching a compound in the Bermel district targeting a militant known to coordinate and direct roadside bomb attacks against coalition Forces. The targeted militant is also known to be associated with Taliban commanders, both locally and abroad, who bring foreign fighters into Afghanistan, officials said. Several civilians, as well as military members, recently have been injured by these roadside bombs, they said.

As Coalition forces searched the compound, they received small-arms fire from militants inside the building. The force returned fire, killing several insurgents, they said.

A similar incident also happened today in Kapisa province, north of Kabul, when coalition forces came under fire while searching a compound in the Tag Ab district targeting a Taliban commander responsible for smuggling in foreign fighters, as well as conducting bomb attacks against coalition forces.
During the operation, militants fired on coalition forces, who responded with small-arms fire, killing several militants and detaining two.

Multiple AK-47s, hand grenades, bomb-making materials and stock piles of ammunition, to include armor- piercing rounds were discovered at the site and destroyed.

Four militants also were detained after coalition forces searched a militant compound in the eastern border province of Khowst.

Today’s fighting comes three days after Afghan and coalition forces killed 20 militants while conducting operations in Naw Bahar in the southwest province of Zabul.

The troops were conducting a combat security patrol when they were attacked by militants with small-arms and rocket-propelled grenade fire. The troops responded with small-arms, heavy-weapons and close air support, killing 20 militants. No coalition forces or civilian casualties were reported.


Albert Einstein
“Lo importante es no dejar de hacerse preguntas.”
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Carlos Martín
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Mensajes: 365
Registrado: 26 Jun 2007, 15:25
Ubicación: Madrid


Mensaje por Carlos Martín »

WASHINGTON, Sept. 7, 2008 – Coalition forces in Afghanistan killed more than 10 insurgents and captured seven others during a series of operations conducted in Khowst province over the past few days, military officials reported.

Yesterday, coalition forces killed more than ten armed militants and detained three others during an operation in Khowst province. The operation targeted a Haqqani militant wanted for conducting and coordinating direct and suicide attacks in Sabari district. This militant was killed during the operation.

As coalition forces approached the targeted compound, groups of militants fled the area, firing on the force as they moved to a nearby treeline. The force pursued the militants and engaged them with small-arms fire. Coalition forces killed at least 10 of the enemy with direct fire from ground forces, helicopters and precision airstrikes. A search of the treeline revealed multiple rocket-propelled grenades, AK-47 rifles and other military equipment.

During the fire fight coalition forces encountered three additional armed militants. The force repeatedly called for the militants to surrender, but one militant refused to comply and was killed. The other two militants were detained. Coalition forces found additional RPGs, AK-47s, ammunition and other equipment. Another militant found in the compound was detained.

In other news, coalition forces detained four suspected militants during multiple operations conducted in Khowst province Sept. 5.

The first operation resulting in the capture of a suspected terrorist leader wanted for facilitating the movement of foreign fighters into the region and directing attacks against innocent civilians and coalition forces. It is also believed he aids financial operations for the Haqqani terrorist network.

The second operation resulted in the capture of two more suspected militants. One of the detainees is wanted in connection with suicide attacks and vehicle-borne improvised explosive assaults in the Khowst area. Intelligence reports indicate the militant is a longtime Haqqani-network member linked to recent attacks that killed and injured innocent civilians.

Albert Einstein
“Lo importante es no dejar de hacerse preguntas.”
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Carlos Martín
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Mensajes: 365
Registrado: 26 Jun 2007, 15:25
Ubicación: Madrid


Mensaje por Carlos Martín »

IRNA - Islamic Republic News Agency

Islamabad, Sept 12, IRNA
Pakistani security forces Friday killed 20 more militants in fresh clashes that broke out in the tribal region of Bajaur, officials said.

The militants were killed in the operation at Loisam, Sangkhata, Shankai areas of Bajaur Agency, officials said.

The ongoing clashes have continued for six weeks and have killed about 700 militants so far.

The security forces also continued operation against militants in another tribal region of Darra Adamkhel, some 30 kilometers, southeast of Peshawar.

However no loss of life was reported.

Fighting is continuing in the tribal regions and the restive Swat valley in the northwest despite a government's decision to halt operation in respect of the holy month of Ramazan.

The security forces used artillery to hit positions of local Taliban in Bajaur, local tribesmen said.

They said that fresh fighting forced thousands of people to flee homes and move to other towns.


Albert Einstein
“Lo importante es no dejar de hacerse preguntas.”
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Carlos Martín
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Mensajes: 365
Registrado: 26 Jun 2007, 15:25
Ubicación: Madrid


Mensaje por Carlos Martín »

ISLAMABAD, Sept 15 - Firing by Pakistani troops forced U.S. military helicopters to turn back to Afghanistan after they crossed into Pakistani territory in the early hours of Monday, Pakistani security officials said.

The incident took place near Angor Adda, a village in the tribal region of South Waziristan where U.S. commandos had carried out a heli-borne raid earlier this month. At least 20 people, including women and children, were killed, sparking outrage in Pakistan, and prompting a diplomatic protest.

Pakistani army chief General Ashfaq Kayani said in a strongly worded statement last week that Pakistan would not allow foreign troops onto its soil and Pakistan’s sovereignty and territorial integrity would be defended at all cost.


Albert Einstein
“Lo importante es no dejar de hacerse preguntas.”
George S Patton
Mensajes: 3265
Registrado: 30 May 2006, 14:42

Mensaje por George S Patton »

USA está queriendo atacar con golpes comando, la base de Al Qaeda en Pakistán, de donde salen los reclutas talibanes ( recordemos que son de la misma etnia muchos paquistaníes que los talibanes, y que los talibanes salieron precisamente de Pakistán , de las madrassas , escuelas islámicas).
Es la región de Waziristán , en el norte de Pakistán, donde tienen su principal base-refugio y ni las FFAA de Pakistán los molestan.
El ataque contra esos helicópteros de USA se debe a la decisión unilateral del Gob de ese país de entrar sin siquiera avisar al gobierno ( de Pakistán) al espacio y territorio paquistaní.
Los yanquis sospecharán que si avisan de sus operaciones, complices dentro de Pakistán alertarán a los de Al Qaeda?
No sé.

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