Ejército de Israel

Fuerzas Armadas y conflictos de la zona, desde Marruecos hasta Iran. Israel y el Mundo Árabe. El Problema Palestino. La Guerra de Irak. La primavera árabe.
Teniente Coronel
Teniente Coronel
Mensajes: 2575
Registrado: 19 Sep 2008, 02:28

Mensaje por Maya »

Israel empieza este domingo 31 de mayo, el mas grande ensayo de defensa civil de su historia, en preparación para una posible confrontación con Iran. El ensayo que durara 5 dias, cuyo nombre codigo sera Punto de Regreso III, incluira ataques simulados de cohetes y misiles sobre las ciudades de Israel, incluyendo preparaciones para un atque no convencional. Esta es la nota:

Israel Begins Biggest Civil Defense Drill Amid Iran Tensions

Sunday, May 31, 2009
Associated Press

JERUSALEM — Israel began the biggest civil defense drill in its history on Sunday, putting soldiers, emergency crews and civilians through rehearsals for the possibility of war at a time of rising tensions with Iran.


The five-day drill, code-named Turning Point III, will include simulated rocket and missile attacks on Israeli cities, including preparations for a nonconventional strike. Air-raid sirens are to sound across the country on Tuesday and for the first time, all Israeli civilians will be required to practice taking cover in shelters when the sirens go off.

It's the third consecutive year that Israel is holding the exercise, a direct result of its inconclusive 2006 war against Hezbollah guerrillas in Lebanon. During the conflict, the Iranian-backed Hezbollah fired nearly 4,000 rockets into Israel, and civil defense authorities, bomb shelters and air raid alarms were found to be unprepared.

Iran's development of long-range missiles, along with international concerns that Iran is developing nuclear weapons, have added to Israeli jitters. While the international community has been seeking a diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear issue, Israel has not ruled out military action.

Israeli leaders played down any connection between those tensions and this week's exercise, and officials have been at pains to allay fears among Arab neighbors, such as Lebanon and Syria, that it could be a cover for a military strike.

Speaking at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting on Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the drill as "routine" and said it was not connected to any specific event or to any intelligence warning.

"We are required to defend Israel, its cities, various installations, from the possibility of attacks by missiles, rockets or other weapons," he said. "I think the fact that Israel is preparing more from exercise to exercise and is capable of better protecting its citizens decreases the chance that we'll have to use these tools."

During the exercise, police, fire and ambulance services, hospitals, military rescue units and local authorities will practice dealing with various attack scenarios, including by missiles carrying non-conventional warheads, the national emergency service said in a statement.

It said the exercise would also include emergency sessions of the Cabinet to debate simulated events.

Defense officials said the exercises were designed to implement lessons learned from Israel's 2006 war with Hezbollah. It also incorporates experience gleaned from barrages of rockets fired into southern Israel by Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip, Deputy Defense Minister Matan Vilnai said.

"We are holding exercises to meet the threats as we have experienced them in the past few years and as we may face them in the future," Vilnai told the radio. "It's the third time we've carried out this drill and I imagine that next year at this time there will be Turning Point IV."

Similar rehearsals were conducted in 2007 and 2008, but the military said this year's exercise would be "the largest and most comprehensive yet." Last year, sirens failed to function in parts of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

A state-of-the-art national civil defense control and command center will be inaugurated in this year's exercises.

Vilnai would not comment on whether the drill was meant to send a specific message to Iran but said every display or preparedness carried an element of deterrence.

"Our enemies long ago showed they believe that the home front is our Achilles heel," he said. "We are drilling there to prove that it is not."


¿Alguien mas tiene alguna duda sobre la determinación y preparación que el pueblo judio le impreme a sus acciones militares o la doctrina militar seguida por ellos, a traves de la historia?



Mensajes: 763
Registrado: 11 Mar 2008, 11:04

Mensaje por JAIME271 »

Los bunkers ya no son seguros con las nuevas generaciones de armas antibunkers, lo único que frena la situación es el panorama internacional, y que tampoco os creais que va a condicionar mucho a Israel , llegado el caso , de ejercer el derecho a la defensa , obviamente tambien se habla de armas nucleares tácticas.

http://noticias.hispavista.com/internac ... ar-a-ir-n/

http://www.noticiascadadia.com/noticia/ ... i-bunkers/


Enfréntate a los malos; enfréntate a los crueles;
enfréntate a todos, menos a los tontos.
Son demasiados y siempre serás derrotado.
(Proverbio hindú)
Teniente Coronel
Teniente Coronel
Mensajes: 2246
Registrado: 21 Nov 2008, 21:58

Mensaje por Geromin »

La nueva arma israelí: la serpiente espía

Los avances tecnológicos israelíes del Instituto Tejnion y del Ejército de Defensa de Isarel no dejan de sorprender una y otra vez. El video a continuación es una muestra de lo que decimos una y otra vez en este espacio. La serpiente o víbora espía permitirá a Israel tener una “vistazo” del campo enemigo que no lo tenía antes. Pero no solo eso. El nuevo robot podrá también buscar entre escombros, utilizarse como bomba para no arriesgar a soldados y mucho más. Increible!

(video en el enlace)

http://www.es-israel.org/2009/07/la-nue ... nte-espia/


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Von Staufenberg
Mensajes: 142
Registrado: 26 Ago 2009, 12:52
Ubicación: Alava

La gran idea del ejercito reservista

Mensaje por Von Staufenberg »

Nada mas o aproxiomadamente si no me falla Israel se vio emvuelta en la guerra de los seis dias donde tuvieron una enorme victoria segun mi opinion.Pero antes tuvo que luchar contra los paises arabes desplegando su ejercito reservista,eso a mi mew parece una azaña aun mayor

Mensajes: 23
Registrado: 27 Ago 2009, 14:00

Mensaje por ZarinVx »

Impresionante el avance militar de Israel, frente a la desventaja de tener un territorio muy chico, poca poblacion y sin petroleo se ha adelantado a los arabes que tienen lo que Israel no tiene.

Interesante la serpiente, increible como hicieron un robot de ese tipo, con el tiempo se mejorara bastante.

Aqui les dejo un video de algo que puede ser consideradon un disparo perfecto, hay varios miembros de Hamas, uno de ellos sale con un Ak 47 realiza un disparo y cae muerto, un certero disparo a la cabeza.


Quien lo haya hecho es muy profesional.

Cabo Primero
Cabo Primero
Mensajes: 162
Registrado: 14 Ago 2008, 21:21

Los cambios en la Doctrina de Combate de las FID

Mensaje por NN_1972 »

Los cambios en la Doctrina de Combate de las FID a la vista de la Operación Plomo Fundido


La nueva investigación del Comité Público Contra la Tortura en Israel (CPCTI) concluye: "Un cambio fundamental en la doctrina de las Fuerzas de Defensa Israelíes (FID) ha dado lugar a daños de gran magnitud sobre los civiles y la infraestructura civil durante la Operación Plomo Fundido en la Franja de Gaza. Este cambio es legalmente y políticamente peligroso. Es una mancha moral y exige un importante debate público".

El CPCTI publicó hoy un nuevo informe que expone los cambios en la doctrina de combate de Israel como se evidenció en el enjuiciamiento de la operación "Plomo Fundido" y en numerosas declaraciones públicas orales y escritas realizadas por oficiales militares de alto rango y funcionarios israelíes gubernamentales de gran categoría.

El informe, "No hay duda: Los cambios en la doctrina de combate de las FID a la vista de la Operación Plomo Fundido", demuestra la aplicación por parte de Israel de una nueva doctrina de combate durante las hostilidades en Gaza, que está basada en dos principios:

1."Cero Bajas": la total priorización de evitar bajas en las FID omitiendo el creciente riesgo para los civiles palestinos. La implementación de esta política es evidente en el uso masivo del poder de fuego, en la utilización de bombas de fósforo blanco en áreas densamente pobladas, y en el tiroteo a los palestinos en las calles, sin discriminación entre combatientes y civiles, incluso después que las FID ordenaran la evacuación de los residentes de las viviendas civiles.

2." La doctrina Dahiyah": denominada así por el distrito residencial de Dahiyah, en Beirut, donde Hezbolá disfrutaba de apoyo y también tenía sus cuarteles generales. El distrito fue masivamente bombardeado por las FDI durante la segunda Guerra de Líbano. La doctrina promueve apuntar como objetivo la infraestructura civil a fin de causar el sufrimiento y la destrucción generalizada entre la población civil para fomentar la oposición popular a los adversarios de Israel (específicamente Hamás y Hezbolá ).

Como resultado de la puesta en práctica de estos principios, la lucha en la Franja de Gaza ocasionó daños intencionados y a gran escala a la infraestructura civil así como la matanza de centenares de civiles no combatientes (a pesar de la ausencia de una política oficial de matar intencionadamente a civiles). Las acciones de Israel contradicen directamente las declaraciones oficiales que sostienen que las FID actuaron según la ley humanitaria internacional y tomaron todas las medidas posibles para evitar dañar a los civiles no militantes.

Esta doctrina de combate mancha moralmente a los ciudadanos de Israel. Puede conducir al creciente aislamiento internacional de Israel y a una situación en la que los soldados, oficiales y líderes israelíes se enfrenten a detenciones fuera de Israel y a acusaciones de crímenes de guerra. Los redactores del informe resumen: "Un cambio tan fundamental en la doctrina de combate de las FID, que tiene un impacto de semejante alcance, no debería considerarse únicamente en los foros cerrados del Cuartel General y el Gabinete de Seguridad, sino que exige un importante debate público".

Para información adicional: Yoav Loeff , portavoz, Tel : 972-2-6429825 Móvil: 972-54-3368434 Fax: 972-2-6432847 [email protected]

La fuerza, sólo la fuerza da y quita razones, fuente de toda civilización y de toda legalidad
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Mariscal de Campo
Mariscal de Campo
Mensajes: 25769
Registrado: 21 Feb 2003, 20:39

Mensaje por Mauricio »

Ensayos del sistema Iron Dome para defensa contra cohetes de artillería y misiles balísticos de corto alcance:

Iron Dome system successfully intercepts Kassams, Katyushas


Israel inched a step closer to deploying a missile defense system along the border with the Gaza Strip on Wednesday after the Iron Dome successfully intercepted a number of missile barrages in tests held in southern Israel this week.

The tests were overseen by the Defense Ministry, the Israeli Air Force and the Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. which has developed and is manufacturing the Iron Dome, slated to become operational and deployed along the Gaza border in the middle of 2010.

The missile barrages that the system succeeded in intercepting included a number of rockets that mimicked Kassam and longer-range Grad-model Katyusha rockets that are known to be in Hamas's arsenal.

The Iron Dome is supposed to be capable of intercepting all of the short-range rockets in fired by Hamas in the Gaza Strip and Hizbullah in Southern Lebanon, by using an advanced radar that locates and tracks the rocket that is then intercepted by a kinetic missile interceptor.

During the test, the radar succeeded in detecting which rockets were headed towards coordinates that were designated as open fields and therefore did not launch an interceptor to destroy them.

The IDF has already established a new battalion that will be part of the IAF's Air Defense Division and will operate the Iron Dome. Prototypes of the Iron Dome have already been supplied to the new battalion which has commenced training with the systems.

The IDF has also located positions along the Gaza border that will be used as bases for the system, which includes a launcher and radar system. After it completes the deployment of the system along the Gaza border, the IDF will begin deploying the system along the northern border with Lebanon.

MOD Dir.-Gen. Pinhas Buchris said that the system would eventually "transform" security for residents of southern and northern Israel.

"The defense establishment continues to be committed to do everything it can to provide all residents of Israel a multi-layered defense against missiles and rockets," he said.

Imperialista entregado a las Fuerzas Capitalistas del Mal
Dersu Uzala
Mensajes: 249
Registrado: 08 Jun 2007, 19:24

Mensaje por Dersu Uzala »

Mauricio escribió:Ensayos del sistema Iron Dome para defensa contra cohetes de artillería y misiles balísticos de corto alcance:

Iron Dome system successfully intercepts Kassams, Katyushas (...)

Interesante. Va a dar mucho que hablar! Se ha probado en escenarios de ataques de saturación?

Me imagino que un proyectil inteligente que usa este paraguas valdrá mucho dinero, nada que ver con los Kassam que a lo sumo valdran de 100 a 200€!

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Mariscal de Campo
Mariscal de Campo
Mensajes: 25769
Registrado: 21 Feb 2003, 20:39

Mensaje por Mauricio »

Dersu Uzala escribió:
Mauricio escribió:Ensayos del sistema Iron Dome para defensa contra cohetes de artillería y misiles balísticos de corto alcance:

Iron Dome system successfully intercepts Kassams, Katyushas (...)

Interesante. Va a dar mucho que hablar! Se ha probado en escenarios de ataques de saturación?

Me imagino que un proyectil inteligente que usa este paraguas valdrá mucho dinero, nada que ver con los Kassam que a lo sumo valdran de 100 a 200€!

Es una de las asimetrías claves entre el sistema ofensivo (el cohete de artillería sin sistema de guía) y el defensivo. Una de las maneras en las que se busca disminuír el gasto es usando un sistema que mapea el área defendida. El radar del Iron Dome utiliza las trazas del cohete en vuelo para predecir dónde impactará y procede a ejecutar una intercepción solamente si va a caer sobre un área poblada.

Imperialista entregado a las Fuerzas Capitalistas del Mal
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Mensajes: 15515
Registrado: 23 Oct 2007, 11:22

Mensaje por Yorktown »

El radar del Iron Dome utiliza las trazas del cohete en vuelo para predecir dónde impactará y procede a ejecutar una intercepción solamente si va a caer sobre un área poblada.

Mira que bien pensado...

We, the people...
¡Sois todos un puñado de socialistas!. (Von Mises)
Mensajes: 1637
Registrado: 03 Oct 2008, 23:48
Ubicación: Ucrania

Mensaje por Bogdan-The-Kozak »

Se ha probado en escenarios de ataques de saturación?

En noticias rusas leí que esta prueba fué justamente una prueba de saturación.

"A los esclavos, no los dejan ir al Cielo". Ivan Sirkó.
General de Cuerpo de Ejército
General de Cuerpo de Ejército
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Registrado: 08 May 2006, 21:23

Mensaje por vet327 »

Bogdan-The-Kozak escribió:
Se ha probado en escenarios de ataques de saturación?

En noticias rusas leí que esta prueba fué justamente una prueba de saturación.

En noticias francesas hablan mas bien de varios ataques simultaneos, lo cual no es lo mismo. Varios puede referirse a 3 o 4, saturacion es otra cosa.
Les 5 et 6 janvier, des tests ont été réalisés avec succès dans le sud d'Israël, Kibat Barzel parvenant à intercepter plusieurs menaces simultanément.

Mensajes: 1637
Registrado: 03 Oct 2008, 23:48
Ubicación: Ucrania

Mensaje por Bogdan-The-Kozak »

Bueno si, igual no se hasta cuantos misiles se podrian lanzar simultaneamente, me refiero a que el nivel de coordinacion de los extremistas no debe ser muy elevado. A "simultaneamente" me refiero en un rango de segundos.


PS: Además - son muy pocos los proyectiles/misiles que caen en zonas pobladas, reduciendo aún más la "saturacion".

"A los esclavos, no los dejan ir al Cielo". Ivan Sirkó.
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Ali Al Saachez
Mensajes: 566
Registrado: 16 Ene 2010, 04:11
Ubicación: Taking Tea

Mensaje por Ali Al Saachez »

Israel's military avatar: Robots on the battlefield


With self-detonating grenades, thinking bullets and robot warriors, humans on the frontline could soon be a thing of the past.

When armies clash in the not-too-distant future, remotely-operated robotic weapons will fight the enemy on land, in the air and at sea, without a human soldier anywhere on the battlefield.

The first robotic systems are already being used by the Israel Defense Forces and other armies across the world, and only budgetary constraints seem to be keeping science fiction from becoming reality.

In places where there is no choice but to send in troops, constantly improving broadband technologies, developed from the civilian communications industry, will serve as an essential part of the infrastructure for all modern military forces.
A helicopter that spots suspicious movement on the ground will, for instance, be able to relay a command to a drone aircraft to photograph the site and transmit the picture in real time to troops on the ground and to the command posts in the rear.

Soldiers will be able to mark their target by its coordinates and with lasers, allowing missiles launched from dozens of kilometers away to be guided by global positioning systems, ensuring accuracy and destruction of the target.

The systems will be coded to prevent enemy interception of the operation. Spy satellites that today weigh several tons will be shrunk down to anything between one and 100 kilograms or less, with engines the size of postage stamps. Infantry rifles will be computerized and fire "smart" rounds telling them when and where to explode. New rockets will also be able to think by themselves to enhance their accuracy.

Israel's military industries, already world leaders in arms technology, are hard at work developing weaponry for the 2020s. Development of new weapons for the IDF is generally carried out with assistance and in cooordination with the Defense Ministry?s research and development arm.

The Israeli military's demands are the cornerstone of the local weapons industry, and they can be summed up in two words: miniaturization and accuracy. The former will enable the troops in the field to carry their weapons or communications equipment more easily, and the latter will help avoid civilian casualties.

Military censorship prevents disclosure of the Israeli arms industries? most exciting and futuristic devices, but a good picture of what can be expected can be compiled using what is already in the public domain.

rest of the post .


Empléame con razón. Enfúndame con honor. Saber y obrar son la misma cosa.
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Ali Al Saachez
Mensajes: 566
Registrado: 16 Ene 2010, 04:11
Ubicación: Taking Tea

Mensaje por Ali Al Saachez »

The Israeli Foreign Ministry has prepared a 220-member rescue team for departure to the disaster-stricken country,

"Even the main prison in the capital fell down, and there are reports of escaped inmates," United Nations humanitarian spokeswoman Elisabeth Byrs said in Geneva.

The head of the UN peacekeeping mission was missing and the Roman Catholic archbishop of Port-au-Prince was dead.

The international Red Cross said a third of Haiti's 9 million people may need emergency aid and that it would take a day or two for a clear picture of the damage to emerge.

At first light Wednesday, a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter evacuated four critically injured U.S. Embassy staff to the hospital on the U.S. Naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where the military has been detaining suspected terrorists.

A small contingent of U.S. ground troops could be on their way soon, although it was unclear whether they would be used for security operations or humanitarian efforts. Gen. Douglas Fraser, commander of the U.S. Southern Command, said roughly 2,000 Marines as part of an expeditionary unit might be deployed aboard a large-deck amphibious ship. Fraser said the ship could provide medical help.

Obama said he has ordered the U.S. government to provide fast, coordinated help to save lives, saying military overflights had already begun assessing damage, emergency supplies were being sent and search and rescue teams were to arrive on Wednesday and Thursday.

"We are just now beginning to learn the extent of the devastation, but the reports and images that we've seen of collapsed hospitals, crumbled homes and men and women carrying their injured neighbors through the streets are truly heart-wrenching," Obama told reporters.

The airport in Port-au-Prince has been closed since the quake hit on Tuesday evening, but Israel decided to send the team with the hope that they would be able to land by the time they arrive.

Israeli ambassador to the Dominican Republic, Amos Radian, was scheduled to join the rescue team whose purpose is to gauge the best way Israel can assist with the crisis and decide on the most immediate needs.

IsraAID also planned to send a 12-man search-and-rescue team, which includes emergency medical staff.

Many will have to help their own staff as well as stricken Haitians. Taiwan's Foreign Ministry said its embassy was destroyed and the ambassador hospitalized. Spain said its embassy was badly damaged.

"Haiti has moved to center of the world's thoughts and the world's compassion," British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said.

"The hospitals cannot handle all these victims," Dr. Louis-Gerard Gilles, a former senator, said as he helped survivors. "Haiti needs to pray. We all need to pray together."

The UN's 9,000 peacekeepers in Haiti, many of whom are from Brazil, were distracted from aid efforts by their own tragedy: Many spent the night hunting for survivors in the ruins of their headquarters.

On Wednesday, The UN said that 17 of its personnel were killed in the quake and that 150 workers were still unaccounted for, including the mission chief.

UN officials said 56 others were injured. "Seven who were seriously hurt were evacuated from the country," they said.

The quake struck at 4:53 P.M., centered 15 kilometers west of Port-au-Prince at a depth of only 8 kilometers, the U.S. Geological Survey said. USGS geophysicist Kristin Marano called it the strongest earthquake since 1770 in what is now Haiti


Empléame con razón. Enfúndame con honor. Saber y obrar son la misma cosa.

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