Eso es cierto, pero no solo en Afganistán. El gran problema del ejército USA ha sido siempre la falta de comprensión de donde han ido, pero en Afganistán, en los Balcanes, en Líbano etc...Americans were deeply ignorant of Afghanistan’s culture, leading to scenes out of some dark comedy. Afghans mistook urinals on military bases for drinking fountains, according to one U.S. military official, while a special forces officer being deployed to the country prepared by reading Islam for Dummies on his plane ride in.
Lo que se llama el cross cultural awareness, y esto es de 2011. ... ghanistan/
How has an absence of “cultural awareness” disadvantaged the ongoing counterinsurgency effort in Afghanistan?
The current campaign in Afghanistan has lasted for over nine years and the Taliban has grown into a formidable insurgency, seemingly capable of enforcing a stalemate upon the world’s most powerful militaries. Counterinsurgency (COIN) has therefore become a critically important issue in international affairs. Accordingly, this paper explains why a lack of cultural awareness will condemn a counterinsurgency to almost certain defeat, and subsequently link this statement’s accuracy to the current campaign in Afghanistan. An initial analysis of the Afghan campaign in terms of perceived ethnocentrism and a lack of an attempt to positively influence perceptions demonstrates this point effectively. Consequently, an analysis of the successful integration of cultural awareness in historical counterinsurgencies in Malaya, Vietnam and Dhofar, serves to prove that the two most prominent counterinsurgent actors in Afghanistan today have a strong historical precedent for doing what they are not today. An explanation for this significant paradox is then found in the analysis of three notable theories on counterinsurgent and insurgent strategy and culture, and on military culture and organizational learning.
No lo han tenido en cuenta y si siguen así, les volverá a pasar.