y por lo que es del T90sa mas fuentes
http://vpk.name/news/55222_zakazyi_ne_p ... utsya.html
y aqui fotos del t90 y varientes del t72

-La compra de dos corbertas rusas clase "Tigre".
Berlín luz verde para un contrato militar con 10 mill millones de euros con Argelia
-La modernización de los MiG-29 en Bielorrusia al estándar MiG-29BM.
Sobre el LPD, parece un clase San Giorgio pero actualizado:
Compact 76mm SR
VLS con SM-2/Aster?
Non ci sono commesse in vista eccetto una nave da guerra algerina che comunque non potrebbe partire prima del 2012
Fincantieri, Rixi: “Commessa della marina militare algerina a Riva Trigoso”
A dimostrarlo è la Marina militare algerina che ha voluto fossimo noi a costruire il prossimo Lpd». Ragioni di merito, dunque, che i lavoratori sono pronti a far valere.
Riva Trigoso: lo stabilimento inizierà a lavorare ad una commessa militare ordinata dalla Marina Militare dell’Algeria
Argelia - Alemania /
Creación de la empresa de fabricación alemana y Argelia conjunto de sistemas electrónicos
Como parte de la aplicación del Memorando de Entendimiento en junio de 2010 celebrado por el Ministerio de Defensa Nacional, el Ministerio de Industria, Pequeña Empresa y de Promoción de Inversiones, por un lado, y el Grupo de la República Federal de Alemania, compuesto por las empresas EADS / Alemania, Carl Zeiss Optronics y Rohde & Schwarz por su parte, fue tomada hoy en la firma conjunta en la sede de la Defensa Nacional, el acuerdo de accionistas en el establecimiento, de acuerdo con la ley de presupuesto suplementario de 2009, la empresa mixta argelino-alemana para la fabricación de sistemas electrónicos, en el sitio de la EPA / ENIE Sidi Bel Abbes.
Partes de Argelia, representada por el Establecimiento Público de Industrial y Comercial de la armada argelina , llamada la Plataforma de Sistemas Electrónicos (PSE) y la Empresa Pública ALFATRON económica, las empresas alemanas se unirá a EADS / Deutschland, Carl Zeiss y Rohde & Schwarz, diseñar, producir y desarrollar los sistemas electrónicos.
La ceremonia de firma fue presidido por el Ministro Delegado para la Defensa Nacional, asistieron, el Ministro de Hacienda, el Secretario General de la Defensa Nacional, Su Excelencia el Embajador de la República Federal de Alemania en Argelia y Los ejecutivos de la ANP.
MAKS 2011: New ‘Super’ Version of Sukhoi Su-30MK Announced
The Su-30MK development aircraft was shown at the previous Moscow Air Show in 2009. At this year’s show, a new version featuring an AESA radar was announced.
Irkut Corp. reported that Russia and India have reached agreement on the technical specification of the Super 30, a new version of the Sukhoi Su-30MK twinjet with an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, replacing the older N-011M Bars radar with its passive electronic scanning antenna. Irkut claims that the heavy, twin-seat, multi-role supersonic jet with thrust-vectored engines will be the first exportable Russian fighter with an AESA. It is believed that an enlarged version of the Phazotron Zhuk-AE radar will be fitted to the Super 30.
Despite its elimination from the Indian medium multi-role combat aircraft (MMRCA) competition, the MiG-35 and its newly developed Zhuk-MA AESA radar demonstrated significant capabilities, including ground-mapping modes and the ability to detect, track and shoot at aerial targets. During demonstration flights, a MiG-35D development prototype destroyed an aerial drone with an air-to-air missile launched by an Indian pilot.
However, an alternative AESA is available for the Super 30 in the form of Tikhomirov’s NIIP. Having revealed an experimental AESA at MAKS 2009, Tikhomirov demonstrated an improved version at the Moscow Air Show (MAKS 2011) earlier this month.
India and Russia are also discussing other ways of further improving the baseline Su-30MKI. The list of air-launched precision-guided missiles for the Super 30 will be expanded to include non-Russian weapons. Russia has also agreed to integrate the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile on the Super 30, despite its large dimensions and heavy weight, in excess of 2.5 metric tons for the newly developed, air-launched model. Aircrew may be instructed to drop the weapon before landing, if it is not launched in flight.
To date, 170 Irkut-built Su-30MK series aircraft are in service with the Indian, Algerian and Malaysian air forces out of “over 300” ordered. Irkut continues to supply assembly kits to Hindustan Aeronautics Limited of India, which is gradually mastering Su-30MKI license production.
Rosboronexport is understood to have clinched a follow-on order from Algeria of 16 Su-30MKAs broadly similar to the Indian Su-30MKI. Rosoboronexport and Irkut refuse to give exact numbers, but say the new contract is made up of firm orders and options.
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