Cartaphilus escribió:Habrá quien diga que los tienen almacenados en EEUU y que sólo los enviarían a Chile en caso de guerra...
En fin.
No, no es eso.
No se cómo explicarme, así que aquí va sin anestesia:
No estoy acusando a nadie de nada. Eso a priori. Pero cuando se posteó esta nota a finales de Febrero me dió un nosequé de que algo no cuadraba. La nota tiene dos errores gramaticales, uno de los cuales en particular
sería asombroso que lo cometa una persona cuyo primer idioma es el Inglés. Ya con el detector Bravo Sierra prendido, hice lo que cualquier persona normal haría: hice un FOIA request. Luego de varios meses de e-mails de ida y vuelta he recibido esto como respuesta final de la oficina del DSCA.
This is the final response to your electronic Freedom of Information Act
request, as stated below. Your request was received in this office on March
2, 2012 and assigned FOIA case number 12-F-0596.
This Office initiated a search for responsive records with the Defense
Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), a component of the Office of the
Secretary of Defense, which resulted in no records responsive to your
request. Please be advised that based on the information you have provided
and thorough searches of the paper and electronic files of DSCA, Mr. Thomas
Tudor, Deputy General Counsel and FOIA Initial Denial Authority for DSCA,
advised that a search of their records did not locate a Congressional report
for the country of Chile under Transmittal No. 09-08. We believe that these
search methods were appropriate and could reasonably be expected to produce
the requested records if they existed.
If you are not satisfied with this response, you may submit an
administrative appeal to James Hogan, Defense Freedom of Information Policy
Office, 1155 Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-1155, citing case number
12-F-0596. Your appeal should be postmarked within 60 calendar days of the
date of this response and should be clearly marked "Freedom of Information
Act Appeal." Your request is now closed in this Office. There are no fees
associated with this response.
Adrienne M. XXXXXX, FOIA Analyst
For Suzanne Council on behalf of
Paul Jacobsmeyer, Chief, Office of Freedom of Information
OSD/JS Freedom of Information Act Requester Service Center
(571) 372-0414
No se si me hago entender. Entonces,
sin acusar a nadie de nada*, ¿Alguien ha cotejado esta historia? ¿Es efectivo? ¿O se trata de uso creativo de PowerPoint, por llamarlo de alguna forma?
* por ahora