A esto hay que sumar:
19,510 Tanques (americanos, ingleses y canadienses)
17,821 aviones (americanos e ingleses)
Los famosos tanques Sherman tan "buenos" que incluso se creo el mito que se necesitaban 5 sherman para destruir un panzer.
¿Sin estas cifras, cual podria haber sido el resultado, perdiendo esa cantidad de material motorizado y aereo?
El Reino Unido recibio el triple, ¿con eso hubiese podido derrotar a Alemania?
Si RU no podria con Alemania, ¿porque la URSS pudo con menos?
Ademas la primera derrota de Hitler fue en Moscu, 5 dias antes de que los EEUU entraran en la guerra.
Creo que no sólo te equivocas en los datos, francotirador, tal y como te ha evidenciado Silver_Dragón. También en los conceptos. Un camión no detiene por sí solo a un panzer, pero los 30 hombres que pudiese transportar hasta el frente, sí; y las municiones que pudiesen necesitar, y los suministros médicos y mecánicos, y las armas y cañones de todo tipo que arrastraron; y los alimentos que sustentaban a las tropas, y el combustible; y las minas... ¡Claro que esos camiones detuvieron a muchos panzers!
La URSS recibio 400,000 vehiculos entre (jeeps y camiones), las cifras estan correctas, recibio 15 millones de toneladas, por un valor de 11 mil millones de US$.
Y esos 30 hombres con que van a detener un tanque, a escupitajos, ahora dime si yo con un tanque hago explotar un camion lleno de hombres ¿quien pierde?
Nunca he dicho que los camiones no fueron importantes, pero dime ¿has leido como se peleo en Stalingrado?
dudo mucho que un camion hubiese hecho la diferencia.
Qte “Hitler was well aware that the Lend-Lease Law virtually implied that the USA had declared war on Germany. Hitler believed that it was an attempt to make the Third Reich’s Fuhrer declare war on the States. Hitler did not intend to do that, though. He wanted to get Stalin out of the game, for Churchill and Roosevelt had big hopes about the Soviet leader. On December 18th, 1940, the Fuhrer approved Operation Barbarossa Plan. In a message dated 21 June, 1941, to the leader of the Italian fascists, Benito Mussolini, Hitler wrote that England's hopes of winning the war were based on two factors only - America and Russia. Adolf Hitler knew that Germany had no opportunity of getting rid of the States, although Germany could achieve such an objective as far as Russia was concerned. It was the growing American and English power that made Adolf Hitler attack the Soviet Union.
That was definitely a suicidal decision to make, but Hitler did not have any other choice. Stalin's tragic mistake was that he failed to evaluate the real situation until the very beginning of the war on June 22, 1941. Stalin never planned for the war, which made the USSR suffer immense losses.
In the autumn of 1941 the German army occupied Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, the Baltic republics and several regions in Russia. The fascists approached Moscow. On September 22 - October 1, the USSR, the USA and Great Britain agreed upon the delivery of 400 planes, 500 tanks, anti-aircraft, anti-tank arms, ammunition, aluminium, and other strategic materials to the USSR on a monthly basis. Roosevelt's "garden hose" started working nine months before the lend-lease agreement was officially signed between America and the Soviet Union.
During the WWII years, the USA delivered defense technology in the sum of $46 billion to the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition. The costs made up 13 percent of America's defense spending. The lion's share of deliveries was given to England - $30.3 billion. The Soviet Union received defense technology in the sum of $9.8 billion, France $1,4 billion and China $631 million. In total, the USA supplied arms to 42 countries.
The USSR received hundreds of thousands of military vehicles and motorbikes. Lack of fuel was ameliorated with deliveries of 2.5 million tons of petroleum products. The profusion of Roosevelt's "garden hose" provided Stalin with 595 ships, including 28 frigates, 105 submarines, 77 trawlers, 22 torpedo boats, 140 anti-submarine vessels and others. The Soviet air force received 4,952 Aerocobra and 2,410 Kingcobra fighter jets. Soviet pilot Alexander Pokryshkin fought with Hitler's Luftwaffe aces in Aerocobra planes, which made him a Hero of the Soviet Union hero three times over.
The lend-lease agreement supplied the USSR with 2,7 thousand A-20 and 861 B-25 bomber planes. Soviet tank divisions received 7,056 tanks, 8,218 anti-aircraft emplacements, 131,600 machine guns and other arms.
Soviet propaganda tried to diminish the importance of the American help. Back in those years, it was said that the Soviet Union had produced 30,000 tanks and 40,000 planes since the middle of 1943. Well, as a matter of fact, this was true. However, one has to take into consideration the fact that lend and lease deliveries were made to the USSR during the most difficult period of the war - during the second half of 1942. In addition, the USSR would not have been capable of producing its arms without the lend-lease agreement: The USA shipped 2.3 million tons of steel to the USSR during the WWII years. That volume of steel was enough for the production of 70,000 T-34 tanks. Aluminum was received in the volume of 229,000 tons, which helped the Soviet aviation and tank industries to run for two years. One has to mention food deliveries as well: 3.8 million tons of tinned pork, sausages, butter, chocolate, egg powder and so on. The lend-lease agreement provided orderlies with 423,000 telephones and tens of thousands of wireless stations. Deliveries also included oil distillation equipment, field bakeries, tents, parachutes, and so on and so forth. The Soviet Union also received 15 million pairs of army boots.
The help was delivered to the USSR via Iran and major Soviet sea ports. About 3,000 transport vessels arrived at the ports of Murmansk, Arkhangelsk and Vladivostok, and delivered 1.3 million tons of cargo. It would be incorrect to diminish the significance of such all-embracing help from the New World as a serious factor that assisted in the victorious ending of the war.
Historians and politicians keep on arguing about the results and lessons of WWII. The basic results of the war are known: the war was lost by the two major participants inthe "grand political game" of 1939-1940 - both Hitler and Stalin. Of course, the Soviet leader defeated Hitler, although it then resulted in the ideological crisis and, eventually, in the tragic collapse of the totalitarian superpower - the USSR. It is worth mentioning here that the debt of the Soviet Union - $722 million - for the lend-lease contract has not been completely paid to the States yet.
Stanislav Korolev,
WWII veteran
Zerkalo Nedely
Menos de los 11 mil millones que yo postie.