La Primavera Árabe - Siria
- emanuel
- General de División
- Mensajes: 6680
- Registrado: 12 Ene 2006, 02:13
La Primavera Árabe - Siria
Si seguimos asi,("esperando que llueva cafe en el monte"),hasta el Papa junto con Putin y su amigo chino,van a conseguir una "solucion politica" para el conflicto sirio.
Rusia y China estan haciendo muchisima fuerza para librar a Assad de un ataque militar estadounidense,con el argumento de que Assad no tiene armas quimicas y que
el ataque con gas sarin sobre los civiles fue perpretado por los rebeldes,un cuento que cada vez tiene mas seguidores en el mundo.
Mientras tanto Obama se cura en salud descargando sus decisiones sobre el Congreso de EEUU.Obama no quiere tener remordimientos de conciencia ni pesadillas por este tema.
Rusia y China estan haciendo muchisima fuerza para librar a Assad de un ataque militar estadounidense,con el argumento de que Assad no tiene armas quimicas y que
el ataque con gas sarin sobre los civiles fue perpretado por los rebeldes,un cuento que cada vez tiene mas seguidores en el mundo.
Mientras tanto Obama se cura en salud descargando sus decisiones sobre el Congreso de EEUU.Obama no quiere tener remordimientos de conciencia ni pesadillas por este tema.
Shema Israel...
- Ismael
- General
- Mensajes: 20003
- Registrado: 28 Ene 2003, 13:20
- Ubicación: Por ahí.
La Primavera Árabe - Siria
MauricioA escribió:Maaloula queda al NORTE de Damasco , Entre Maaloula y la frontera del Líbano existen otros 20 pueblos,
Pues en el google earth o wikimapia me salen sólo 15 kilómetros en línea recta entre Maaloula y la frontera libanesa, y sólo se ven uno o dos pueblos (Hosh Arab y Jabadeen), según qué ruta tomes para salir del lugar. Uno de los dos (¡qué coincidencia!) lo han bombardeado hoy: ... _zrJeF1xmk
Un saludo
PD: Kerry ha dado un plazo de 7 días a Assad para entregar sus armas químicas, si quiere evitar el ataque ( ... CMP=twt_gu ). Curiosamente, su colega ruso, Lavrov, aún sin poner plazo, ha venido a reclamar lo mismo también: ... dover-615/
Si Dios me hubiere consultado sobre el sistema del universo, le habría dado unas cuantas ideas (Alfonso X el Sabio)
Debemos perdonar a nuestros enemigos, pero nunca antes de que los cuelguen (H.Heine)
Debemos perdonar a nuestros enemigos, pero nunca antes de que los cuelguen (H.Heine)
- General de División
- Mensajes: 7125
- Registrado: 31 Dic 2010, 09:08
La Primavera Árabe - Siria
Los liberadores de Levante atacando tanques en las montañas del este de la ciudad de Zabdani (?)
Las fuerzas del SAA en Maalula
Negociación con soldados del FSA , posteriormente capturados
Las fuerzas del SAA en Maalula
Negociación con soldados del FSA , posteriormente capturados
- General
- Mensajes: 31166
- Registrado: 03 Nov 2008, 11:08
La Primavera Árabe - Siria
Ismael escribió:MauricioA escribió:Maaloula queda al NORTE de Damasco , Entre Maaloula y la frontera del Líbano existen otros 20 pueblos,
Pues en el google earth o wikimapia me salen sólo 15 kilómetros en línea recta entre Maaloula y la frontera libanesa, y sólo se ven uno o dos pueblos (Hosh Arab y Jabadeen), según qué ruta tomes para salir del lugar. Uno de los dos (¡qué coincidencia!) lo han bombardeado hoy:
[ Imagen ] ... _zrJeF1xmk
[ Imagen ]
Un saludo
PD: Kerry ha dado un plazo de 7 días a Assad para entregar sus armas químicas, si quiere evitar el ataque ( ... CMP=twt_gu ). Curiosamente, su colega ruso, Lavrov, aún sin poner plazo, ha venido a reclamar lo mismo también: ... dover-615/
que Kerry hace qué?? no era esa la linea roja, la de la no vuelta atrás??
Y Lavrov ahora no niega??
Reconozcan que esto parece de sainete de Martes y trece de su buen época....
Miedo, tengo miedo, miedo, de perderte....
Que pena...
simplemente, hola
- General de División
- Mensajes: 7125
- Registrado: 31 Dic 2010, 09:08
La Primavera Árabe - Siria
Es una jugarreta infantil...otra tontería de la administración Obama liderada por el inepto de Kerry
Básicamente "o haces un triple salto mortal inverso en tanga o te crujo"
Básicamente "o haces un triple salto mortal inverso en tanga o te crujo"
- Recluta
- Mensajes: 6
- Registrado: 31 Ago 2013, 21:52
La Primavera Árabe - Siria
No va a caer ningún misil americano en siria. Obama esta intentando salir de este lío como puede. Al final la credibilidad suya y la de EEUU va a estar por los suelos.
El viernes que comunico en directo que pedía autorización al congreso no buscaba respaldo para su ataque, buscaba tiempo para salir se esté lío sin atacar a nadie. Pensarlo cada día que pasa hay más cosas en contra que a favor ( mas voces en contra, en el terreno mejor para siria, etc...)no tenia sentido retrasarlo. Si.tenia sentido porque no se iba a hacer nada.
Por otro lado con 6 burles, algún submarino y las task forcé del Nimitz no os parece poca cosa para semejante avispero?
El viernes que comunico en directo que pedía autorización al congreso no buscaba respaldo para su ataque, buscaba tiempo para salir se esté lío sin atacar a nadie. Pensarlo cada día que pasa hay más cosas en contra que a favor ( mas voces en contra, en el terreno mejor para siria, etc...)no tenia sentido retrasarlo. Si.tenia sentido porque no se iba a hacer nada.
Por otro lado con 6 burles, algún submarino y las task forcé del Nimitz no os parece poca cosa para semejante avispero?
- Cabo
- Mensajes: 129
- Registrado: 04 Feb 2012, 20:39
La Primavera Árabe - Siria
Siria, dispuesta a entregar su arsenal químico a la ONU para evitar el ataque
Y por otra parte, espero que no suceda:
Fuentes de RT: Rebeldes planean ataque químico contra Israel desde territorio controlado por Assad
Y por otra parte, espero que no suceda:
Fuentes de RT: Rebeldes planean ataque químico contra Israel desde territorio controlado por Assad
El mal no puede existir sino hay bien, pero por cuanto más tiempo perdure, mayor será la desgracia.
- General
- Mensajes: 31166
- Registrado: 03 Nov 2008, 11:08
La Primavera Árabe - Siria
Claro, no estamos de risas, no??
El Ministro de Exteriores sirio....
Esto es muy grande...
De verdad, ni Tip y Coll juntos hacen una locura como los últimos post que se leen aquí...
El Ministro de Exteriores sirio....
Esto es muy grande...
De verdad, ni Tip y Coll juntos hacen una locura como los últimos post que se leen aquí...
simplemente, hola
- Recluta
- Mensajes: 6
- Registrado: 31 Ago 2013, 21:52
La Primavera Árabe - Siria
Como puede decir Obama que no iba a quedar impune el uso de amas químicas por al Asad, y que debía ser castigado y que Kerry diga ahora que si en una semana las desmantelan no se atacará, pero esto que es??
- General
- Mensajes: 31166
- Registrado: 03 Nov 2008, 11:08
La Primavera Árabe - Siria
Lo mismo que la petición de Lavrov y la respuesta del Ministro de exteriores sirio...
Hierbas de esas de las que causan risa..
si no, no me explico nada...
Hierbas de esas de las que causan risa..
si no, no me explico nada...
simplemente, hola
- victormikecharlie
- Sargento
- Mensajes: 212
- Registrado: 29 Jul 2012, 02:48
- Ubicación: Tijuana
La Primavera Árabe - Siria
Lo de algunos ya es despotricar por despotricar, si el gran satan ataca a siria es que son unos belicosos imperialistas, pero si dan marcha atras es que son cobardes y no tienen credibilidad; Obama no se quiere meter en ese berenjenal que es Siria, no tiene mucho que ganar
"Todo por México"
- General de Cuerpo de Ejército
- Mensajes: 9625
- Registrado: 31 Ago 2008, 03:50
- Ubicación: ora aquí, ora allá y acullá
La Primavera Árabe - Siria
Vamos a ver MauricioA... que parece ser que leer un mensaje tuyo con un destellito de inteligencia es un privilegio al que no tendremos la suerte de asistir.
Escribí "continuidad", es decir, una forma culta e inalcanzable para ti de dar a entender "el camino entre Damasco y la frontera", "el trayecto entre Damasco y la frontera". Dicho pa'tontos: corta el camino. ¿T'antera'o?
Así que la imbecilidad del rollo de no-sé-cuantos pueblos hay entre Maloula y la frontera queda en eso: en una imbecilidad.
El estimado Ismael ha tenido la bondad de ponértelo con imágenes. Qué la inteligencia espacial sea contigo. A ver si hay suerte y te enteras de algo.
Por otro lado, frente al valor objetivo estratégico del pueblo y la oportunidad de distraer tropas, tú antepones la subjetividad de que es un objetivo religioso. Tus güevos.
Segunda oportunidad. Identifica a quien apoya a los terroristas, pídeme excusas por decir que apoyo al terrorismo. En caso contrario, con la paciencia que me caracteriza, tendré que empezar a llamarte cosas muy gordas (entra las que "terrorista" por apoyar los asesinatos en masa sería no menor). Y no estoy de humor.
Hace siglos que terminaron las Cruzadas y todavía hay imbéciles que se visten de Guerrero del Antifaz. Es lo que tiene la LOGSE.
Y encima, el vídeo era de Irak. Con lo simple que eres y parece mentira la empanada mental que tienes en la cabeza. "Tese" cruzan los temas. Escucha, por atención. No te me distraigas: Este hilo... es de Siria.
Del Guerrero del Antifaz o de Roberto Alcázar y Pedrín... no lo sé. Pero de alguna cosa de comic quieres ir disfrazado...
Hala, a mejorarse.
PD para inteligentes (MauricioA, puedes oir a hacer un pis):
Siria "da la bienvenida" a la petición rusa de que las armas químicas sirias se pongan bajo control occidental. Hay una versión corta de la noticia...
... Y la versión larguísima, publicada en SANA, donde es difícil saber donde está esa bienvenida... pero, al final se encuentra el trozo donde dicen que están encantados de hacer caso de lo que les diga quien más manda en Siria: Rusia.
Si Rusia le dice a Assad, salta, Assad, salta.
"Al-Moallem: Syria welcomes Russia's proposal to prevent U.S. aggression
Sep 09, 2013
Moscow, (SANA) –Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister , Walid al-Moallem, announced that the Syrian Arab Republic welcomes the proposal o...f the Russian leadership based on the commitment of the Syrian leadership to ensure the safety of its citizens and the security of its territories and based on confidence in the Russian leadership which is seeking to prevent U.S. aggression in the Syrian people.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed Monday that Russia is doing its best to prevent the occurrence of the scenario of war in Syria and to follow the path of the peaceful solution to the crisis.
After talks with Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem in Moscow, Lavrov urged in a joint press conference the United States to focus its efforts on finding a peaceful solution through convening the intended international conference in Geneva instead of preparing the scenario of war.
He warned that the use of force would incur "orgy" of the terrorists' activities in Syria and the rest of the region's countries and a very high increase in the number of refugees, adding that this is already happening after the statement of US President Barack Obama.
He noted that Russia's assessments in this regard are shared by "statesmen and politicians all over the world."
He pointed out that al-Moallem's visit came in time "to hold deliberations and exchange views about our positions with the aim to not allow the occurrence of aggression against Damascus."
Lavrov said that despite the seriousness of the latest situation, "we and our partners are convinced of the existence of peaceful means to politically settle the crisis in Syria."
The Russian Foreign Minister called for investigation into all the possible cases of chemical weapons use in Syria, reminding that the leaders of the G8 Summit, held last June in Northern Ireland agreed that "all information and news in this regard should be investigated in a professional and objective way" and the results are to be submitted to the Security Council "to make the necessary conclusions."
Lavrov said it is important that the statement of the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon comes in time regarding the necessity for the expert team investigating chemical weapons use to return to Syria and finish their missions according to the concluded agreements.
He said Russia is keen on abiding by the international legitimacy and is working to implement the agreements reached at the latest G8 Summit regarding a call to "the government and opposition to exert all efforts to expel the terrorists"
Lavrov stressed that Syria has given a positive respond to this call and expressed its readiness to do so.
He added that Syria has also expressed readiness to participate in the international conference 'Geneva 2' so as to try to find the common stances with the opposition in line with the final statement of the first Geneva.
"We expect that the opposition representatives will issue similar statements in accordance with the joint Russian-American initiative last May 7th," said Lavrov.
"We urge our American sounterparts to focus their efforts on these moves exactly and not on preparing the scenario of war," he added.
Lavrov asserted that Russia will continue, through the international institutions in charge and through bilateral channels, to deliver support and humanitarian aid to the Syrian people in the affected areas.
He pointed out that a final settlment for the aggravated humanitarian situation in Syria can only be achieved after reaching the political settlement and with the rejection of the option of force.
For his part, Foreign Minister al-Moallem renewed Syria's gratitude for the support of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his efforts to prevent an aggression on Syria.
"History's judgment will be that the president who seeks to prevent war and make peace is stronger than the president who seeks war, because history has taught us that the first victims of all the wars that happened were children and women," al-Moallem said.
He affirmed that Syria will fully cooperate with Russia in order to keep off the pretexts of aggression on Syria and protect its people, children and country, questioning the U.S. officials' pretexts of chemical weapons use.
Al-Moallem said that if the US's motives were really those of chemical weapons use "then we say that the diplomatic channels to resolve this issue have not been exhausted."
"However, if the goal of this aggression on Syria, and this is what we think it is, is to strike the capabilities of the Syrian Arab army in favor of al-Qaeda and its arms in Syria, like Jabhat al-Nusra, Ahrar al-Sham brigade and the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham, then this is another matter," al-Moallem added.
Al-Moallem questioned the US's real interest in launching an aggression in Jabhat al-Nusra's favor "in a powder-keg region".
"We are asking ourselves how Obama can support those who in their time blew up the World Trade Center in New York," he told the press conference, wondering if the US didn't learn from what happened in Afghanistan when it supported Al Qaeda in the 1980s and ended up fighting it there now, asking if the US wants to make Syria a base for Al Qaeda from which to move to neighboring countries.
Al-Moallem extended greetings to the American people for their awareness and support for Syria against war.
He also greeted Pope Francis for his prayers for peace in Syria and the European peoples whose majority had stood against the aggression, referring to what happened in the British House of Commons as an example to that.
In this context, al-Moallem slammed Obama for his claims of democracy while he does not listen to the majority of his people.
Responding to a question on the discussions between the two Ministers on Monday, Lavrov said that they discussed the alarming current situation and steps to stabilize the polticial process, stressing that the Geneva conference can't be held yet, not because of Russia or Syria, but because the opposition coalition which the US and other countries view as the main representative of the opposition doesn't want the conference to be held.
Lavrov said that Russia has been in contact with all opposition groups and will continue to try and convince them to participate in an international conference, adding that nobody is excluded in this initiative as the invitation is open to everyone who supports peace and political solution in Syria and rejects war and strikes.
He affirmed the importance of launching dialogue among all Syrians and that Russia is convinced that there can be no alternative to dialogue-based political settlement, adding that he and al-Moallem agreed to continue working to bring back the UN experts to Syria to finish their investigation of all reports of chemical weapons use.
"The Secretary-General announced that he intends to send the UN experts back to Syria as soon as possible… we have some doubts about that, but in any case, we will insist and attempt to make this happen," Lavrov said, adding that the Syrian government wants and even insists on this happening, noting that he perceived during talks and discussions that Syrian officials are taking highly responsible stances.
In response to the same question, al-Moallem said that Syria is ready for holding the Geneva conference without preconditions and holding dialogue with all forces in Syria working for peace, affirming readiness to receive the chemical weapons investigation committee and to cooperate with Russia to dismantle any excuses for aggression.
On whether there are international investigations of the crimes committed by armed groups in Syria, Lavrov said that there are many testimonies and evidence to these crimes, including videos available on the internet, in addition to the opinions of experts like Carla del Ponte, saying that all these facts should result in something.
In this context, al-Moallem affirmed that Syria directed more than 400 letters documenting these crimes to the Security Council and the UN Secretary-General, and that whenever Russia's representative at the Security Council presented a statement to condemn a massacre, he was foiled each time by US or British or French rejection.
"I say it frankly: we don't need to exert efforts to expose these massacres, as terrorists record them on their websites and boast about them," al-Moallem said.
Responding to a question on an envelope delivered by Deputy Foreign Minister Fayssal Mikdad to the investigation committee, al-Moallem said that the envelope contained a copy of a letter sent to the UN Secretary-General requesting investigation of three sites in al-Ghouta area where terrorists used chemical weapons, adding "regrettably, the committee was withdrawn before investigating their sites… we hope they will come again, and this is why I welcomed their coming again."
On the prospects of holding the Geneva conference if there are strikes on Syria, the possibility of responding to strikes, and reports of a deal through a letter sent by the US to Syria through the G20, Lavrov said that efforts will continue to prevent the war scenario, adding "like al-Moallem said, if the United States is really concerned about the proliferation and use of chemical weapons, then this problem can be resolved."
He said that if the strikes actually occur, then most experts believe that the chances of holding the Geneva conference will be very slim, something that was affirmed by Lakhdar Brahimi during a meeting with Lavrov on the sidelines of the G20 summit.
"As for our support for the Syrian people's efforts to protect their sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence and freedom, this issue was discussed in detail by President Putin in a press conference at the G20 summit," Lavrov said.
Regarding the alleged US letter, al-Moallem said that he doesn't know anything about such a letter, and Lavrov said the same and therefore he wouldn't respond to such a question, asserting that there can be no deals behind the Syrian people's back, not now, and not in the future.
Lavrov: If supervising chemical weapons in Syria will avoid strikes, we will begin working on this with Damascus
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that he held negotiations with Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem, and after the talks he received word that US state Secretary John Kerry made a statement saying that Syria can avoid strikes against it if it turns over its chemical weapons to the international community.
In a press statement, Lavrov said "we don't know if Syria will agree to this, but if holding international supervision on chemical weapons in Syria will allow for avoiding the threat of strikes then in this case we will begin working with Damascus.
"We appeal to the Syrian leadership not only to reach an agreement on submitting the locations and stores of chemical weapons to international supervision, but to also destroy them and join the chemical weapons non-proliferation organization," Lavrov said.
He pointed out that this suggestion was submitted to al-Moallem who is currently visiting Moscow, and that Russia is expecting a quick and positive response from the Syrian government."
En fin; se abre otro juego. A ver hasta dónde da de sí.
MauricioA escribió:2. Porque amenaza la continuidad assadista entre Damasco y la frontera libanesa a través del valle de la Bekaa.
Maaloula queda al NORTE de Damasco , Entre Maaloula y la frontera del Líbano existen otros 20 pueblos, esto no tiene nada que ver con el control de la frontera con el Líbano quieren disfrazar un ataque religioso como si tuviera algún propósito en la guerra contra Al Assad.
Escribí "continuidad", es decir, una forma culta e inalcanzable para ti de dar a entender "el camino entre Damasco y la frontera", "el trayecto entre Damasco y la frontera". Dicho pa'tontos: corta el camino. ¿T'antera'o?
Así que la imbecilidad del rollo de no-sé-cuantos pueblos hay entre Maloula y la frontera queda en eso: en una imbecilidad.
El estimado Ismael ha tenido la bondad de ponértelo con imágenes. Qué la inteligencia espacial sea contigo. A ver si hay suerte y te enteras de algo.
Por otro lado, frente al valor objetivo estratégico del pueblo y la oportunidad de distraer tropas, tú antepones la subjetividad de que es un objetivo religioso. Tus güevos.
MauricioA escribió:No es ningún mensaje simplista , si apoyas a los terroristas asesinos eres un colaborador de terroristas, el hecho de que en este caso los terroristas quieran eliminar a Al Assad no los redime de sus pecados y siguen siendo terroristas.
Segunda oportunidad. Identifica a quien apoya a los terroristas, pídeme excusas por decir que apoyo al terrorismo. En caso contrario, con la paciencia que me caracteriza, tendré que empezar a llamarte cosas muy gordas (entra las que "terrorista" por apoyar los asesinatos en masa sería no menor). Y no estoy de humor.
MauricioA escribió:Cuando lleguen a Egipto también defenderé a la dictadura militar en Egipto, alguien debe detenerlos
Hace siglos que terminaron las Cruzadas y todavía hay imbéciles que se visten de Guerrero del Antifaz. Es lo que tiene la LOGSE.
Y encima, el vídeo era de Irak. Con lo simple que eres y parece mentira la empanada mental que tienes en la cabeza. "Tese" cruzan los temas. Escucha, por atención. No te me distraigas: Este hilo... es de Siria.
MauricioA escribió:Ya que los terroristas Islamistas radicales están en una Jihad y atacan pueblos cristianos que no tienen nada que ver con su guerra contra Al Assad , los cristianos deberíamos llamar a una cruzada para defender estos pueblos...
Del Guerrero del Antifaz o de Roberto Alcázar y Pedrín... no lo sé. Pero de alguna cosa de comic quieres ir disfrazado...
Hala, a mejorarse.
PD para inteligentes (MauricioA, puedes oir a hacer un pis):
Siria "da la bienvenida" a la petición rusa de que las armas químicas sirias se pongan bajo control occidental. Hay una versión corta de la noticia...
... Y la versión larguísima, publicada en SANA, donde es difícil saber donde está esa bienvenida... pero, al final se encuentra el trozo donde dicen que están encantados de hacer caso de lo que les diga quien más manda en Siria: Rusia.
Si Rusia le dice a Assad, salta, Assad, salta.
"Al-Moallem: Syria welcomes Russia's proposal to prevent U.S. aggression
Sep 09, 2013
Moscow, (SANA) –Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister , Walid al-Moallem, announced that the Syrian Arab Republic welcomes the proposal o...f the Russian leadership based on the commitment of the Syrian leadership to ensure the safety of its citizens and the security of its territories and based on confidence in the Russian leadership which is seeking to prevent U.S. aggression in the Syrian people.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed Monday that Russia is doing its best to prevent the occurrence of the scenario of war in Syria and to follow the path of the peaceful solution to the crisis.
After talks with Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem in Moscow, Lavrov urged in a joint press conference the United States to focus its efforts on finding a peaceful solution through convening the intended international conference in Geneva instead of preparing the scenario of war.
He warned that the use of force would incur "orgy" of the terrorists' activities in Syria and the rest of the region's countries and a very high increase in the number of refugees, adding that this is already happening after the statement of US President Barack Obama.
He noted that Russia's assessments in this regard are shared by "statesmen and politicians all over the world."
He pointed out that al-Moallem's visit came in time "to hold deliberations and exchange views about our positions with the aim to not allow the occurrence of aggression against Damascus."
Lavrov said that despite the seriousness of the latest situation, "we and our partners are convinced of the existence of peaceful means to politically settle the crisis in Syria."
The Russian Foreign Minister called for investigation into all the possible cases of chemical weapons use in Syria, reminding that the leaders of the G8 Summit, held last June in Northern Ireland agreed that "all information and news in this regard should be investigated in a professional and objective way" and the results are to be submitted to the Security Council "to make the necessary conclusions."
Lavrov said it is important that the statement of the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon comes in time regarding the necessity for the expert team investigating chemical weapons use to return to Syria and finish their missions according to the concluded agreements.
He said Russia is keen on abiding by the international legitimacy and is working to implement the agreements reached at the latest G8 Summit regarding a call to "the government and opposition to exert all efforts to expel the terrorists"
Lavrov stressed that Syria has given a positive respond to this call and expressed its readiness to do so.
He added that Syria has also expressed readiness to participate in the international conference 'Geneva 2' so as to try to find the common stances with the opposition in line with the final statement of the first Geneva.
"We expect that the opposition representatives will issue similar statements in accordance with the joint Russian-American initiative last May 7th," said Lavrov.
"We urge our American sounterparts to focus their efforts on these moves exactly and not on preparing the scenario of war," he added.
Lavrov asserted that Russia will continue, through the international institutions in charge and through bilateral channels, to deliver support and humanitarian aid to the Syrian people in the affected areas.
He pointed out that a final settlment for the aggravated humanitarian situation in Syria can only be achieved after reaching the political settlement and with the rejection of the option of force.
For his part, Foreign Minister al-Moallem renewed Syria's gratitude for the support of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his efforts to prevent an aggression on Syria.
"History's judgment will be that the president who seeks to prevent war and make peace is stronger than the president who seeks war, because history has taught us that the first victims of all the wars that happened were children and women," al-Moallem said.
He affirmed that Syria will fully cooperate with Russia in order to keep off the pretexts of aggression on Syria and protect its people, children and country, questioning the U.S. officials' pretexts of chemical weapons use.
Al-Moallem said that if the US's motives were really those of chemical weapons use "then we say that the diplomatic channels to resolve this issue have not been exhausted."
"However, if the goal of this aggression on Syria, and this is what we think it is, is to strike the capabilities of the Syrian Arab army in favor of al-Qaeda and its arms in Syria, like Jabhat al-Nusra, Ahrar al-Sham brigade and the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham, then this is another matter," al-Moallem added.
Al-Moallem questioned the US's real interest in launching an aggression in Jabhat al-Nusra's favor "in a powder-keg region".
"We are asking ourselves how Obama can support those who in their time blew up the World Trade Center in New York," he told the press conference, wondering if the US didn't learn from what happened in Afghanistan when it supported Al Qaeda in the 1980s and ended up fighting it there now, asking if the US wants to make Syria a base for Al Qaeda from which to move to neighboring countries.
Al-Moallem extended greetings to the American people for their awareness and support for Syria against war.
He also greeted Pope Francis for his prayers for peace in Syria and the European peoples whose majority had stood against the aggression, referring to what happened in the British House of Commons as an example to that.
In this context, al-Moallem slammed Obama for his claims of democracy while he does not listen to the majority of his people.
Responding to a question on the discussions between the two Ministers on Monday, Lavrov said that they discussed the alarming current situation and steps to stabilize the polticial process, stressing that the Geneva conference can't be held yet, not because of Russia or Syria, but because the opposition coalition which the US and other countries view as the main representative of the opposition doesn't want the conference to be held.
Lavrov said that Russia has been in contact with all opposition groups and will continue to try and convince them to participate in an international conference, adding that nobody is excluded in this initiative as the invitation is open to everyone who supports peace and political solution in Syria and rejects war and strikes.
He affirmed the importance of launching dialogue among all Syrians and that Russia is convinced that there can be no alternative to dialogue-based political settlement, adding that he and al-Moallem agreed to continue working to bring back the UN experts to Syria to finish their investigation of all reports of chemical weapons use.
"The Secretary-General announced that he intends to send the UN experts back to Syria as soon as possible… we have some doubts about that, but in any case, we will insist and attempt to make this happen," Lavrov said, adding that the Syrian government wants and even insists on this happening, noting that he perceived during talks and discussions that Syrian officials are taking highly responsible stances.
In response to the same question, al-Moallem said that Syria is ready for holding the Geneva conference without preconditions and holding dialogue with all forces in Syria working for peace, affirming readiness to receive the chemical weapons investigation committee and to cooperate with Russia to dismantle any excuses for aggression.
On whether there are international investigations of the crimes committed by armed groups in Syria, Lavrov said that there are many testimonies and evidence to these crimes, including videos available on the internet, in addition to the opinions of experts like Carla del Ponte, saying that all these facts should result in something.
In this context, al-Moallem affirmed that Syria directed more than 400 letters documenting these crimes to the Security Council and the UN Secretary-General, and that whenever Russia's representative at the Security Council presented a statement to condemn a massacre, he was foiled each time by US or British or French rejection.
"I say it frankly: we don't need to exert efforts to expose these massacres, as terrorists record them on their websites and boast about them," al-Moallem said.
Responding to a question on an envelope delivered by Deputy Foreign Minister Fayssal Mikdad to the investigation committee, al-Moallem said that the envelope contained a copy of a letter sent to the UN Secretary-General requesting investigation of three sites in al-Ghouta area where terrorists used chemical weapons, adding "regrettably, the committee was withdrawn before investigating their sites… we hope they will come again, and this is why I welcomed their coming again."
On the prospects of holding the Geneva conference if there are strikes on Syria, the possibility of responding to strikes, and reports of a deal through a letter sent by the US to Syria through the G20, Lavrov said that efforts will continue to prevent the war scenario, adding "like al-Moallem said, if the United States is really concerned about the proliferation and use of chemical weapons, then this problem can be resolved."
He said that if the strikes actually occur, then most experts believe that the chances of holding the Geneva conference will be very slim, something that was affirmed by Lakhdar Brahimi during a meeting with Lavrov on the sidelines of the G20 summit.
"As for our support for the Syrian people's efforts to protect their sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence and freedom, this issue was discussed in detail by President Putin in a press conference at the G20 summit," Lavrov said.
Regarding the alleged US letter, al-Moallem said that he doesn't know anything about such a letter, and Lavrov said the same and therefore he wouldn't respond to such a question, asserting that there can be no deals behind the Syrian people's back, not now, and not in the future.
Lavrov: If supervising chemical weapons in Syria will avoid strikes, we will begin working on this with Damascus
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that he held negotiations with Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Minister Walid al-Moallem, and after the talks he received word that US state Secretary John Kerry made a statement saying that Syria can avoid strikes against it if it turns over its chemical weapons to the international community.
In a press statement, Lavrov said "we don't know if Syria will agree to this, but if holding international supervision on chemical weapons in Syria will allow for avoiding the threat of strikes then in this case we will begin working with Damascus.
"We appeal to the Syrian leadership not only to reach an agreement on submitting the locations and stores of chemical weapons to international supervision, but to also destroy them and join the chemical weapons non-proliferation organization," Lavrov said.
He pointed out that this suggestion was submitted to al-Moallem who is currently visiting Moscow, and that Russia is expecting a quick and positive response from the Syrian government."
En fin; se abre otro juego. A ver hasta dónde da de sí.
- Coronel
- Mensajes: 3202
- Registrado: 30 Ago 2010, 19:44
La Primavera Árabe - Siria
M a r i a escribió:Pues si, el número de congresistas de EEUU que rechazan en público el ataque contra Siria triplica al de los partidarios, posiblemente hayan valorado que no existe tanto petróleo como pensaban.
Albertopus escribió:Es posible que haya algún congresista que maneje argumentos más serios. Quizá todos sean capaz de superar el nivel de competencia de esa reflexión. Incluso alguno esté destinando más tiempo y atención a su decisión que el que tomaste para escribir este mensaje.
Pues no se porqué el triple de los congresistas rechazan el ataque contra Síria. Sus motivos tendrán.
M a r i a escribió:Asad es un mandatario terrible. Pero no lo era tanto cuando se reunía con Aznar: ...
Albertopus escribió:¿Hay datos del CNI o de otra fuente de inteligencia que señale que el presidente Aznar recibió a Assad cuando ya había ordenado una represión brutal contra su pueblo y había sido el responsable de desencadenar una guerra?
Creo que en ese años ambos estaban ayudando a Bush, a encontrar las armas de destrucción masiva, Aznar a caballo, claro.
Un saludo,
- Subteniente
- Mensajes: 881
- Registrado: 01 Nov 2012, 01:12
La Primavera Árabe - Siria
victormikecharlie escribió:Lo de algunos ya es despotricar por despotricar, si el gran satan ataca a siria es que son unos belicosos imperialistas, pero si dan marcha atras es que son cobardes y no tienen credibilidad; Obama no se quiere meter en ese berenjenal que es Siria, no tiene mucho que ganar
Para, para hombre!! STOP!
que el Gran Satán era el impresentable Busch, blanco y republicano,
Obama es demócrata, medio progre y afrodescendiente negro,
así que de Satán nada!!
Si Él dice que Al Asad es malo, es Malo. ¿Ta? y hay que hacerlo pumba!!,
hay que bombardear los no ya 50 puntos donde inteligencia sospeche que pueda estár escondido, sinó 200 objetivos para asegurarnos,
porque si vamos a hacerlo, vamos a hacerlo bien!!
Como que la cosa está medio desproporcionada ¿no?
Última edición por Maguila el 09 Sep 2013, 20:19, editado 2 veces en total.
"árbol sin raíces no aguanta parado ningún temporal".
- General de Cuerpo de Ejército
- Mensajes: 9625
- Registrado: 31 Ago 2008, 03:50
- Ubicación: ora aquí, ora allá y acullá
La Primavera Árabe - Siria
Estimada M a r i a:
En efecto. Y la prensa seria habla de alguno de ellos. Entre los que no está el petróleo.
Sí. No digo que no. Y la Pantoja estaría paseando los amores con el "bigotes" de Marbella, y mira que malísimamente acabó la cosa. Pero, ¿tiene eso algo que ver con que entonces Assad fuera el responsable directo de decenas de miles de muertos en su país?
M a r i a escribió:Pues no se porqué el triple de los congresistas rechazan el ataque contra Síria. Sus motivos tendrán...
En efecto. Y la prensa seria habla de alguno de ellos. Entre los que no está el petróleo.
M a r i a escribió:Creo que en ese años ambos estaban ayudando a Bush, a encontrar las armas de destrucción masiva, Aznar a caballo, claro.
Sí. No digo que no. Y la Pantoja estaría paseando los amores con el "bigotes" de Marbella, y mira que malísimamente acabó la cosa. Pero, ¿tiene eso algo que ver con que entonces Assad fuera el responsable directo de decenas de miles de muertos en su país?
¿Quién está conectado?
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