¡Qué precioso día en mi linda ciudad de Mar del Plata! A ver qué hay en las noticias...turun turun...una entrevista de Fox News a Assad:
Fox News: Did you back your tactics in this war? A year ago, we stood in Homs, one of your great cities, and we watched as your artillery which was lined out around the outskirts of the city pound again and again relentlessly the centre of the city. You say you're going for the enemy, you say you're going for the terrorists, but that, some would call it indiscriminate shelling, has left many, many civilians dead and, frankly, left that city, and many of your other great cities like Aleppo and others, in ruins. I mean, is this the way to go after, if you think that there are some terrorists out there, the terrorist enemies of your state?
President Assad: So, it's like if you say that when the terrorists infiltrate some area or attack a certain part of any city, the civilians would stay? That's impossible. Whenever the terrorists enter an area, the civilians would leave unless they use them as human shields, but in most of the cases the civilians would quit their area because of the terrorists, and that's why you have so many refugees. So, in most of the cases, the Syrian army attacked an area where there's no civilians living in it. In most cases, you can hardly find civilians with terrorists.
"In most of the cases"...Raqqa, una ciudad gobernada por terroristas y llena de civiles que incluso protestan contra ellos.
"In most of the cases"...Los sitios alrededor de Damasco, atacados con armas químicas, donde murieron cientos de civiles que no debían estar allí, pero que estaban porque es uno de esos casos en que los terroristas los usaban de escudos humanos (al menos ya no quedan niños por los cuales preocuparse, luego que los extremistas los sacrificaran por la causa, pueden seguir rociando barrios enteros con bombas y cohetes sin guía, que en adelante sólo matarán terroristas).
"In most of the cases"...Alepo, donde cayeron los scuds, pobres civiles que no pudieron escapar de los terroristas que los usaban como escudos humanos
En fin, vamos a creerle al presidente Assad, que en la mayoría de los casos, ya no hay civiles donde hay terroristas. Para esos casos excepcionales, extremadamente extraños donde esto no se cumpla, pondré mi fe en que Alá guie las bombas frenadas por paracaídas, los proyectiles de artillería, los cohetes sin guía, los misiles balísticos, etc, directamente a las cabezas de los yihadistas
Ya me cayó mal el desayuno, y el día no me parece tan bonito.
Esto para los que afirman que TODOS son terroristas, aprovechen para actualizar sus trolleadas:
President Assad: (...) So nobody has these numbers. We know that we have tens of thousands of Jihadists, but we are on the ground, we live in this country. What I can tell you is 80, and some say 90 – it is difficult to be precise, you don’t have clear and precise data – 80 to 90% of the rebels or terrorists on the ground are Al Qaeda and their offshoots.
Fox News: These are the rebels? You’re not maintaining that all of your opponents are Jihadists, are you?
President Assad: No, not all of them. Of course we have many other different groups, but they are small, they are becoming a minority. At the very beginning, the Jihadists were the minority. In the end of 2012, and during this year they became the majority with the flow of tens of thousands from different countries.
Por último, cifra de muertos en el ejército:
President Assad: We have tens of thousands of Syrians that have died, mainly because of the terrorist attacks, assassinations, and suicide bombers, the majority.
Fox News: And how many are your government’s soldiers?
President Assad: More than 15,000.
El resto de la entrevista la pueden leer aquí:
http://sana.sy/eng/21/2013/09/19/503275.htm (asegúrense que el desayuno haya pasado el estómago).