por MedalOfHorror » 11 Jul 2014, 15:53 escribió:Si el ISIS toma el control de todos estos grupos y consigue el apoyo de toda la resistencia suní para ahcer frente al despotismo "ilustrado" y abusos de los grupos Chiies y el apoyo del gobierno a ellos...a tomar por c*lo Iraq por enésima vez, y lo que hay estos días son sólo los primeros pedruscos que caen antes de la llegada del asteroide que lo puede arrasar todo.
Iraq Crisis: Saddam Hussein's Generals Fighting with Jihadist ISIS Insurgency (June 12, 2014 11:49 BST)
The Sunni insurgency that is storming Iraq towards the capital Baghdad reportedly includes Baathist military officers from the era of Saddam Hussein's regime.
http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/iraq-crisis-sa ... cy-1452365
Iraqi Official: Sunni Insurgents, Baathists Fighting One Another (June 21, 2014)
In-fighting could destabilize an unlikely partnership between enemies of Iraq's Prime Minister
More Than ISIS, Iraq’s Sunni Insurgency (June 17, 2014)
The story of the ongoing events in Iraq is one of lost opportunities. By December 2013, many Sunni leaders had become tired of the jihadi group the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) actions, in their areas and on the other side of the border in Syria, and publicly supported the federal government’s military campaign against the group’s bases. At that time, the momentum against ISIS offered a renewed opportunity for Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to work with these Sunni tribal and religious leaders to combat terrorism.
http://carnegieendowment.org/sada/2014/ ... gency/hdvi
Uneasy Alliance Gives Insurgents an Edge in Iraq (JUNE 18, 2014)
Now, though, with Iraq facing its gravest crisis in years, as Sunni insurgents have swept through northern and central Iraq, Mr. Maliki’s claims about Baathist plots have been at least partly vindicated. While fighters for the extremist Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, once an offshoot of Al Qaeda, have taken on the most prominent role in the new insurgency, they have done so in alliance with a deeply rooted network of former loyalists to Saddam Hussein.
http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/19/world ... world&_r=1
En fin...voy a callarme por gafe