Noticias Sistemas Terrestres

Los Ejércitos terrestres del mundo. Actualidad, orden de batalla, operaciones. La Legión Extranjera Francesa. Tanques, blindados y otro armamento.
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Carlos Martín
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Kazakhstan, NATO hold peacekeeping exercises
RIA Novosti

15/09/2008 14:35 ASTANA, September 15 (RIA Novosti) - Kazakhstan and NATO have started joint exercises to evaluate the readiness of Kazakh peacekeepers to take part in NATO-led operations, the Kazakh Defense Ministry said on Monday.

Steppe Eagle is a joint annual exercise which is conducted with the participation of troops from the United States and the U.K. This year it is being held at the Iliysk training grounds near Almaty.

"The joint exercise is a scheduled event held in line with previous agreements [with NATO] on various aspects of military cooperation," the ministry said.

According to the Kazakh military, the exercise will test the standards and potential NATO interoperability of Kazakhstan's peacekeeping forces (KAZBAT), which are currently expanding with U.S. and NATO assistance from battalion to brigade level (KAZBRIG).

Despite its close military ties with Russia, Kazakhstan is striving to become the first country in Central Asia to achieve NATO-interoperability.

The former Soviet republic has deployed a small unit of KAZBAT in Iraq since 2003.

This year's exercise is particularly significant because KAZBAT will be evaluated by NATO observers and experts in accordance with the NATO's Individual Partnership Action Plan agreed to in January 2006.

Kazakhstan joined NATO's Partnership for Peace program in 1994.


Albert Einstein
“Lo importante es no dejar de hacerse preguntas.”
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Carlos Martín
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Mabey Bridge & Shore, Inc., Elkridge, Md., was awarded on Sept. 12, 2008, a $6,073,650 firm/fixed/price contract for procuring 27 Mabey Johnson Logistic Support Bridge ramp sets. Work will be performed in Lydney Industrial Estates, UK, with an estimated completion date of Jan. 15, 2009. One bid was solicited and one bid was received. U.S. Army TACOM, Warren, Mich., is the contracting activity (W56HZV-08-C-0666).


Albert Einstein
“Lo importante es no dejar de hacerse preguntas.”
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Carlos Martín
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Caterpillar Inc., Defense and Federal Products, Peoria, Ill., was awarded on Sept.12, 2008, a $20, 307,131 firm/fixed/price contract for 92 heavy loader Type II with A-kit and 10 C-kit containers. Work will be performed in Montgomery, Ill., with an estimated completion date of Apr. 30, 2010. Bids were solicited via the web and five bids were received. U.S. Army TACOM, Montgomery, Ill., is the contracting activity (W56HZV-05-DL-424).


Albert Einstein
“Lo importante es no dejar de hacerse preguntas.”
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US army unveil latest weapon - the robodog of war
By James Tapper
Last updated at 11:09 PM on 13th September 2008

The US army is poised to unleash the dogs of war – four-legged, petrol-powered robots to help its troops in battle.

Billed as ‘the most advanced quadruped robot on Earth’, BigDog has been devised to support American troops by carrying up to four packs of equipment on awkward terrain unsuitable for wheeled vehicles.

Standing at over 2ft tall and more than 3ft long, BigDog comes equipped with all manner of high-tech gadgets, including laser gyroscopes, a video camera sensor system and a sophisticated on-board computer – but, sadly, no wagging tail.

The 11 stone machine, created by Boston Dynamics, can trot along at up to 4mph – although researchers are hoping to create a much faster version capable of travelling at 22mph – and will even stay on its legs when it is kicked hard in the side.

Its legs are designed to work in a similar way to a real dog’s, even storing energy in shock absorbers when a foot touches the ground.

The machine looks like some of the robots in the Star Wars movies and has developed a cult following on the internet.

The £14million BigDog project is being tested across a five-mile trail used to train the US Marine Corps, carrying the soldiers’ equipment to prove that it can cope with holes, steep slopes and water hazards.

Project manager Robert Mandelbaum said: ‘Some of the wars we’re engaged in now happen to have that kind of terrain. The idea is to look at the way nature has solved different robotics problems.’

Boston Dynamics hopes that each BigDog will cost about the same as a small car. Ultimately, the firm also aims to use the technology for non-military purposes, such as carrying loads for farmers in areas that are difficult to reach.

Aqui teneis un video del bicho. (se puede ver con el windows player)
Un saludo.

Esta ``cosa´´,la vi hace tiempo,hay videos en youtube rulando de este aparatejo,y uno lo que piensa cuando lo ve,es que lo unico que hara sera provocar el panico entre las filas enemigas por el ruido que arma y cosa tan horrorosa que es :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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Weapons Against Robots


Cada día que pasa es mayor el número de robots que “militan” en las fuerzas armadas de los países más poderosos del planeta. Este hecho no pasa desapercibido a muchos expertos, quienes temen que la situación en algún momento se desborde y nos condene a un futuro terrible. Pero siempre hay alguien que ve una oportunidad de hacer un buen negocio, y parece que esta situación no es la excepción.

Como dice Richard Tyler en su columna del Telegraph, no pocos fanáticos de Terminator deben haber asociado la red de supercomputadoras encargadas de lidiar con el enorme volumen de datos generados por el Acelerador de Aartículas.

Es que el Acelerador de partículas ha dado para todo. Nosotros mismos nos hemos pasado un par de meses entre contentos y acojonados, siempre con la mente puesta en el resultado de los choques de extrañas y masivas partículas impulsadas por Dios sabe qué tipo de energías, a través de un túnel frío e interminable. Pero hasta el momento no hemos pensado en un hecho en extremo trascendental: para procesar la información que escupe esa máquina, hace falta una gigantesca grid de superordenadores, capaz de dejar a DeepBlue a la altura de un Commodore 64 averiado.

Pero todo llega. Algunos, como decíamos, han comenzado a pensar que el peligro real está en el ordenador "de a bordo" y no en el acelerador en sí mismo. Y no se han quedado sentados a esperar que T-800 les golpee la puerta, sino que han organizado la resistencia. Ben Way, quien puede ser descrito como un visionario (o un oportunista, según el cristal con el que se lo mire) ha tomado el toro por las astas y, en menos de lo que canta un gallo, se ha montado una ¿empresa? destinada a desarrollar una serie de armas que dejarían a las de los Hombres de Negro absolutamente en ridículo. Ben pretende poner a punto algunas cositas destinadas a patearles el trasero metálico a los robots que podría construir algún día un superordenador encabronado. Si eso no es ser previsor, que me lleven preso.

En realidad, lo que Weapons Against Robots Defence Company intenta haceres ganar un poco de dinero, gracias a nuestro natural rechazo a los robots-malos-que-quieren-hacernos-pedacitos. Su objetivo declarado es "protegernos de las amenazas de un futuro robótico". Según puede verse en su pagina Web, WAR Defence desarrolla productos de tres clases, todos dedicados a salvarnos de los robots. Han puesto a su gente a trabajar en armas capaces de destruir robots; en sistemas para la detección y monitoreo de las amenazas robóticas; y en una serie de virus increíblemente malvados destinados a tomar el control de los robots asesinos y convertirlos en inofensivos adictos al jugo de naranja.

Ben sostiene que “es fundamental que comencemos a discutir ya mismo sobre las consecuencias a largo plazo y las implicaciones éticas que la revolución robótica planteará”. Es que la moda de los robots militares no se detiene. Y, aunque por ahora la decisión de disparar a un humano todavía depende de otro humano, tarde o temprano, cree Ben, esas decisiones se tomarán mediante complejas reglas lógicas y matemáticas programadas en el cerebro de un robot.


Ben, que no tiene un pelo de tonto, asegura que “las consecuencias de un potencial malfuncionamiento de uno de estos cerebros electrónicos podrían ser devastadoras”. Con esta preocupación en mente, ha puesto a sus ingenieros a pensar en formas de recuperar el control en caso de que los robots bélicos del futuro nos metan “en problemas”. Y más tarde especula sobre la evolución de la robótica: “dentro de 15 años, [los robots] serán elementos comunes dentro de nuestra sociedad. Y 15 años más tarde, poseerán un intelecto comparable al de un humano.” En este punto, es lícito preguntarse si Way hace bien en preocuparse por el tema, o simplemente es otro tío buscando la forma de hacerse rico. El profesor de Inteligencia Artificial de la Universidad de Sheffield, Noel Sharkey, asegura que la de Ben es “la primer respuesta real que he visto al uso de robots autónomos como maquinas de guerra”. Bueno, real o no, al menos es un pionero en la materia.

En realidad, uno tiende a preocuparse cuando lee sobre como el ejercito planea constantemente aumentar el numero de robots que emplea en sus filas. O sobre como una rebelión robótica podría complicarnos la vida. Pero es muy probable que Ben se haya adelantado un poco. Tampoco parece muy serio crear una empresa con un nombre bonito para “vender” sistemas de armas y dispositivos de defensa que no existen contra una amenaza que quizás nunca se concrete. Quizás, como siempre, sea más fácil y lógico prevenir que curar, evitando construir maquinas que puedan acabar con nosotros.

Si Asimov, en el siglo pasado, pudo pensar tres leyes para impedir que los robots nos dañen, los ingenieros actuales deberían ponerse a buscar una forma práctica de mantenernos a salvo.

.- Saludos.

Compañero forista fallecido el 16 de julio de 2011. Ver homenaje en el FMG
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Carlos Martín
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Thales unveils a new reconnaissance sub-system for combat vehicles
Written on September 17, 2008 – 11:35 am | by Frontier India Strategic and Defence
Thales Suisse has unveiled a bi-sensor reconnaissance sub-system on the tactical vehicle EAGLE IV by General Dynamics / Mowag. The recce sub-system includes a tactical radar as well as an optical camera on a 10 meter mast. This sub-system will also be exhibited at Comm ‘08 in Frauenfeld.

Mobile reconnaissance systems are an important element for the situation assessment in military operations, peace keeping missions and border defense.

Thales has developed in close co-operation with Mowag a reconnaissance package which has been presented for the first time at Eurosatory in Paris. The module can be mounted quickly onto the EAGLE IV, thus allowing the user to have the vehicle available for the required mission in almost no time.

The demonstrator is equipped with an optronics sensor head (including thermal imaging sensor) with optical zoom and 360 degrees rotator as well as with a tactical radar and an optional data transmission system.

The reconnaissance package enables the extension of a multitude of sensors to up to 10 meters height and to fully retract them into the module in less than two minutes. As a result, all sensors are protected while the vehicle is in motion and the silhouette of the vehicle remains neutral.

Thales ha desarrollado un nuevo subsistema de reconocimiento para vehículos de combate basados en el EAGLE IV. El subsistema incluye un radar táctico y una cámara óptica en un mástil de 10 metros de alto. Ese subsistema será expuesto en el Comm ‘08 en Frauenfeld.
Desarrollado en estrecha colaboración con Mowag, un prototipo fue presentado en el último Eurosatory. El módulo puede montarse rápidamente en el vehículo, permitiendo al usuario tenerlo en servicio cuando sea necesario.
El paquete permite extender un mástil de 10 metros que cuenta con una multitud de sensores, permitiendo una retracción completa dentro del módulo en menos de 2 minutos. Por lo tanto todos los sensores permanecen protegidos mientras el vehículo se desplaza y su silueta permanece neutral.
Un saludo.

Albert Einstein
“Lo importante es no dejar de hacerse preguntas.”
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Carlos Martín
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Australian Army in Germany for exercise co-operative spirit 2008
By: Department of Defence (Australia)

MSPA 302/08 Wednesday, 17 September 2008

The Australian Army's 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (1RAR) has deployed to Germany to participate in Exercise Co-operative Spirit 08 (CS08), a multinational exercise intended to test interoperability among the American, British, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand Armies (ABCA).

CS08 is being conducted by the United States at the Joint Multinational Readiness Centre, located in Hohenfels, Germany and aims to develop skills common to ABCA armies and increase interoperability for combined operations.

During the month long exercise, the 180-strong 1RAR contingent will combine with a company from the 2nd/1st Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment to create the 'ANZAC Battle Group'. Together they will conduct operations in the field, under stressful battlefield conditions, complete with a sophisticated opposing force and realistic training scenarios in a world-class training facility.

"Co-operative Spirit 08 provides an excellent opportunity for the Australian Army to engage in realistic training and to test interoperability with our US, UK, Canadian and NZ counterparts in a scenario based on operations in Afghanistan," Commanding Officer of 1RAR, Lieutenant Colonel Peter Connolly said.

"This coalition training environment will give us a greater understanding of our ABCA partners' tactics, techniques and procedures, cultures and operating picture which will prepare 1 RAR for future deployments."

"Whilst in Germany we will focus on making use of the valuable training experience to learn how to operate better with our coalition partners through building strong working relationships," Lieutenant Colonel Connolly said.

Many of the ABCA units participating in CS08 are expected to deploy to Afghanistan over the coming year. The Australian Army is proud to take part in CS08 and the exercise reaffirms the strong ties between the Australian Army and ABCA Army partners, whilst further developing skills and preparedness for operations in Afghanistan.

El Australian Army's 1st Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment ha sido desplegado a Alemania con el objetivo de tomar parte en los ejercicios multinacionales Co-opertive Spirit 2008 que se van a celebrar durante un mes, y en el que operaran de forma conjunta unidades de los ejércitos de EE.UU., Gran Bretaña, Canada, Australia y Nueva Zelanda.
Serán organizados por los EE.UU. en el centro de preparación multinacional situado en Hohenfels, Alemania.
Durante el siguiente mes, el contingente del 1RAR se unirá con una compañía del 2nd/1st Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment para crear el 'ANZAC Battle Group'. Juntos llevarán a cabo operaciones en el campo, bajo fuertes condiciones, combinados con una fuerza de oposición sofisticada y escenarios de entrenamiento reales.
Esta participación dará a los participantes la oportunidad de compartir las tacticas, procedimientos y técnicas de cada una de ellos, pereparándoles para futuros destacamentos.
Algunas de las unidades participantes serán desplegadas a Afganistán durante el próximo año.

Albert Einstein
“Lo importante es no dejar de hacerse preguntas.”
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Carlos Martín
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By Jung Sung-ki
Staff Reporter

Advanced Patriot missile defense systems from Germany have been deployed on South Korean Air Force bases and unidentified locations nationwide, in an apparent move to counter the increasing threat of North Korean missiles, a military source said Tuesday.

The deployment of upgraded Patriot Advanced Capability-2 (PAC-2) systems is a core part of Seoul's plan to build an independent theater missile defense shield, dubbed the Korean air and missile defense (KAMD) network system.

The KAMD, also involving Aegis destroyer ship-to-air missile defense systems, is designed to intercept low-flying, short- and medium-range missiles from North Korea. The North is believed to have deployed more than 600 Scud missiles with a range of 320 to 500 kilometers, and 200 Rodong missiles that can hit Japan, near the border.

The low-tier missile shield is expected to reach initial operational capability by 2010, while full operational capability is expected by 2012 when a ballistic missile early warning radar is to be introduced. That's also when three 7,600-ton KDX-III Aegis-equipped destroyers will begin service.

``The German PAC-2 systems have recently been delivered to South Korea's Air Force and are being deployed at Air Force bases and other sites,'' the source told The Korea Times on condition of anonymity.

German missile technicians and soldiers who operated the systems are staying in South Korea to help install the Patriots at designated sites, he added.

Another source said some have been deployed in Yeongjongdo Island, Incheon, an Air Force base in Suwon, Gyeonggi Province and Mount Hwangbyeong in Gangwon Province, while other systems are at a testing and evaluation site of the Agency for Defense Development in Seosan, South Chungcheong Province.

Lt. Col. Moon Chae-wook at the Air Force's public affairs office in Seoul declined to confirm this, citing the sensitivity of the issue. He said the Air Force doesn't have a plan to make the new systems public because it could unnecessarily provoke North Korea.

Last year, the Defense Acquisition Program Administration approved the $1 billion SAM-X project to purchase 48 second-hand PAC-2 launch modules, radars and missiles, including the Patriot Anti-Tactical Missile and Guidance Enhanced Missile Plus (GEM+) from Germany.

The agency also signed a contract to buy ground-control equipment from Raytheon of the United States to support two Patriot system battalions. A battalion is usually made up of three units, each of which has eight missile launchers and a command center.

A top official of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said the terminal KAMD system aims to take down North Korean missiles approximately 40 kilometers north of Seoul.

In 2006, Pyongyang test-fired a series of missiles off the eastern coast toward Japan, including a Taepodong-2 ballistic missile with a range of 6,700 kilometers, enough to hit the United States with a light payload. North Korea's short-range missiles pose a grave threat to South Korea and U.S. troops in the South, missile experts say, because they could reach South Korean territory within a few minutes.

South Korea originally planned to deploy more advanced PAC-3 systems to replace its aging ground-to-air Nike Hercules missiles in 2000, but budgetary issues and anti-U.S. sentiment modified the plan. Progressive civic groups argued that the purchase of PAC-3 systems was a move to join the U.S.-led global ballistic missile defense network.

The PAC-3 missile is a smaller interceptor designed to ram incoming targets, while the PAC-2 uses an explosive warhead.

La Fuerza Aérea de Corea del Sur ha comenzado a desplegar sus baterias de misiles Patriot a lo largo del país, como reacción a las pruebas con misiles de su vecino Corea del Norte.
El despliegue de los Patriot Advanced Capability-2 (PAC-2) es una parte del plan surcoreano de crear un propio escudo anti-misiles que refuerza el sistema KAMD de defensa aérea del país.
El sistema KAMD también incluye a los destructores AEGIS, diseñados para interceptar a cuelo bajo, misiles de corto y medio alcance disparados desde Corea del Norte. Se cree que Corea del Norte mantiene deaplegados 600 misiles Scud con un alcance de 320 a 500 kilómetros, y 200 misiles Rodong que pueden alcanzar al propio Japón.
Se espera que la primera fase del escudo anti-misiles tenga capacidad operativa inicial en 2010, mientras que estará completamente operativo en 2012, cuando sea puesto en servicio el radar de alerta temprana de misiles, así como cuando los 3 destructores AEGIS estén en servicio.
El Gobierno surcoreano aprobó la adquisición de 48 lanzadores de misiles PAC-2 de segunda mano, radares y misiles, incluído el Patriot Anti-Tactical Missile and Guidance Enhanced Missile Plus (GEM+) de Alemania.
Así mismo se han comprado a Raytheon estaciones terrestres de control, capaces de apoyar a dos batallones de sistemas Patriot. Cada batallón esta formado normalmente por 3 unidades, constando cada unidad de 8 lanzadores de misiles y un puesto de control.
Según fuentes surcoreanas el sistema KAMD permitiría interceptar los misiles norcoreanos a 40 kilómetros al norte de Seúl.
La intención inicial era adquirir sistemas PAC-3, pero problemas presupuestarios y diversas protestas anti-EE.UU. desaconsejaron su compra para sustituir a los misiles Nike Hercules que se encontraban en servicio en el año 2000.

Albert Einstein
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Mensaje por Txechu »

La noticia tiene unos días pero bueno; Turquía ha anunciado la compra de ATGM Kornet-E por un valor de 70 millones de dólares. El pedido incluye 80 lanzadores y 800 misiles.

Saludos a tod@s

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Mensaje por Carlos Martín »

16 Sep 2008 | Ref. 247/2008

CAPE TOWN, South Africa - BAE Systems has launched the newest version of its acclaimed RG series of mine resistant personnel carrier vehicle, the RG31 Mk6E, which will make its debut at the African Aerospace & Defence 2008 show in Cape Town (17-21 September).

Since receiving a Canadian armed forces order for RG31 Mk3 vehicles in 2003, the Benoni-based company’s RG-series of products have boosted South African exports by more than ZAR3.5 billion ($430 million) with a steadily increasing series of additional orders for vehicles, spares and support from new customers around the globe. It has also created over 300 news jobs at its factory near Johannesburg and many more throughout its supplier network.

“We are confident that this latest development, will further entrench our South African business as the world’s leader in mine protected vehicle technology,” said Johan Steyn, Managing Director of BAE Systems Land Systems South Africa.

“The RG series builds on the three decades of experience we have gained in South Africa, through vehicles such as the Casspir, Mamba and Mfezi. Its success is a result of our ongoing investment into ever improving the vehicle’s protection levels. We achieve this by applying new concepts and designs influenced by customer and operator feedback and simulation,” he explained.

New seats provide enhanced safety and protection

Among the latest developments incorporated in the RG31 Mk6E are new anti-mine seats. These provide enhanced protection to the occupants from lumbar spinal injuries which can be caused by the shock-waves associated with land mine detonations. The seats incorporate shock attenuation crushable elements developed by BAE Systems in South Africa. Tests have shown that these absorb some of the vertical impulse associated with mine blasts, reducing the likelihood of injury during large landmine explosions.

The seats are mounted to the side of the vehicle in such a manner that they can move freely to enable the crushable elements to absorb the energy but without moving unnecessarily during normal operation. The seats are retrofittable to earlier variants of the RG series vehicles and are cheaper than earlier versions.

The RG31 is a 4x4 mine protected vehicle with a V-shaped hull that protects the crew against anti piercing (AP) rifle fire, anti-tank mine detonations and a wide variety of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs). In standard Armoured Personnel Carrier configuration, this air-conditioned vehicle carries a driver and nine troops. Its modular interior allows it to be configured for use in many other tactical applications.

Since 2004, BAE Systems has sold more than 2,200 RG31 vehicles, including a series of major orders for the US military -- which operates both the RG31 and its stable-mate, the RG33 -- in Afghanistan and Iraq. Of these, more than 1,300 RG31 mine-protected vehicles have been delivered to the US and Canadian forces. Another 984 RG31 Mk5E vehicles are currently on order with production underway at Benoni and partners in the US.

The US RG31s are manufactured by BAE Systems in South Africa and under licence by General Dynamics Land Systems Canada. Similarly, the US RG33s are manufactured under licence by BAE Systems’ Ground Systems Division in the USA. The South African company earns royalties on each of its licence-built vehicles.

In addition to ongoing US orders, several European countries are expressing interest in RG31 mine protected vehicle for their forces.

BAE Systems ha lanzado una nueva versión del vehículo RG-31 denominada Mk6, que se caracteriza por contar con un nuevo sistema de asientos que protegen a los ocupantes de posibles heridas causadas por la explosión de una mina.

Albert Einstein
“Lo importante es no dejar de hacerse preguntas.”
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Carlos Martín
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Japan shoots down 'ballistic' missile in interceptor test
Wednesday 17th September, 11:56 PM JST

Japan’s Air Self-Defense Force successfully shot down a mock ballistic missile Wednesday in Japan’s first test of a U.S.-developed land-to-air missile interception system since the country started deploying it late last year, ASDF officials said.

The firing of two Patriot Advanced Capability-3 interceptors the ASDF said was a success marked the end of a series of tests on key capabilities of a nearly 1 trillion yen missile shield Japan is trying to complete by around fiscal 2010.

Japón ha derribado un misil balístico con éxito durante la realización de los primeros test de los misiles Patriot PAC-3 adquiridos el pasado año.

Albert Einstein
“Lo importante es no dejar de hacerse preguntas.”
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Carlos Martín
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Mensaje por Carlos Martín »

US Army Orders Continue for LLDR Systems
17-Sep-2008 15:49 EDT

Related Stories: Americas - USA, Contracts - Awards, Delivery & Task Orders, Northrop-Grumman, Sensors & Guidance

Northrop Grumman Guidance & Electronics in Apopka, FL recently received a $123 million firm-fixed-price contract to buy AN/PED-1 Lightweight Laser Designator Rangefinder (LLDR) components and systems. Work will be performed in Apopka, FL, with an estimated completion date of Sept 27/08. One bid was solicited and one bid was received by the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command at Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD (W91CRB-05-D-0033).

These orders are part of a $336.4 million sole-source contract announced by the Pentagon on Sept 26/06, and awarded to Litton Systems Inc. of Orlando, FL (since acquired by NGC). LLDR’s mix of sensors is used by forward observers to target enemy positions during the day, at night and even through haze, smoke, fog or rain. Using the system, an FO or FAC can use the LLDR to recognize a target, find the range with an eye-safe laser, calculate grid coordinates with built-in GPS, and add elevation and azimuth. The system can then transmit this information to other units, or it can be used directly to illuminate targets for semi-active laser-guided munitions and laser spot trackers.

Northrop se hace con un contrato de 123 millones de $ para suministrar sistemas LLDR AN/PED-1 (Lightweight Laser Designator Rangefinder).
Este pedido forma parte de un pedido anterior de 336,4 millones $ anunciado por el Pentagono el 26 de Septiembre de 2006. El sistema de multi-sensores LLDR es utilizado por observadores avanzados para localizar posiciones enemigas durante el día, la noche e incluso en condiciones climatológicas adversas. El sistema puede enviar información a otras unidades, o puede ser usado para iluminar directamente los objetivos para armas guiadas por láser.

Albert Einstein
“Lo importante es no dejar de hacerse preguntas.”
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Carlos Martín
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Oshkosh Corp., Oshkosh, Wis., is being awarded $10,765,906 for delivery order #0060 under previously awarded indefinite-delivery indefinite quantity contract (M67854-04-D-5016) for the purchase of an additional 48 ready-to-accept Armor Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement cargo trucks. Work will be performed in Oshkosh, Wis., and work is expected to be completed by Mar. 15, 2010. Contract funds will expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The Marine Corps System Command, Quantico, Va., is the contracting activity.


Albert Einstein
“Lo importante es no dejar de hacerse preguntas.”
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General Dynamics Land System, Sterling Heights, Mich., was awarded on Oct. 31, 2008, a $13,046,844 firm fixed price contract for award program Year One INCR 3 of multi-year contract for a quantity of 5 Abrams M1A2 SEPv2 upgrade vehicles. Work will be performed in Lima, Ohio, Tallahassee, Fla., Anniston, Ala., Scranton, Pa., and Sterling Heights, Mich., with an estimated completion date of Oct. 31, 2011. One bid was solicited and one bid was received. TACOM Life Cycle Management Command, Warren, Mich., is the contracting activity (W56HZV-06-G-0006).


Albert Einstein
“Lo importante es no dejar de hacerse preguntas.”
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Carlos Martín
Sargento Segundo
Sargento Segundo
Mensajes: 365
Registrado: 26 Jun 2007, 15:25
Ubicación: Madrid


Mensaje por Carlos Martín »

YUMA PROVING GROUND, Ariz. (Army News Service, Sep. 23, 2008) -- The Future Combat Systems program successfully fired the first artillery projectile from the manned ground vehicle non-line-of-sight cannon prototype.

The successful firing of the projectile is a milestone for the program, said Lt. Col. Robert McVay, Army product manager for NLOS-C.

"This marks the first 155mm round fired from a fully automated howitzer mounted on an FCS hybrid-electric chassis and remotely commanded through its on-board computers and controls," he said.

The NLOS-C has the ability to rapidly deliver precision munitions in both urban and conventional battle space, officials said, adding that it is the lead prototype in the Army's family of eight FCS manned ground vehicles.

Advanced FCS technology provides the two-man artillery crew with the capability to rapidly deliver highly accurate sustained fires for close and destructive fires. That technology includes a fully automated ammunition loading system, improved accuracy through on-board projectile tracking, and the FCS network and sensors.

A total of eight NLOS-C prototypes will be produced between 2008 and 2009. All will undergo rigorous testing, safety certification and evaluations at various Army test facilities, officials said. They said the NLOS-C prototypes will be used for testing and evaluation of not only the artillery system, but also the MGV common chassis and technologies.

The NLOS-C P1 will fire an additional 500 rounds through early 2009 to obtain a safety release that will allow Soldiers to move, shoot, and communicate from an NLOS-C in spring 2009, officials said. Beginning in 2010, Soldiers at the Army's Evaluation Task Force are scheduled to receive the first of 18 NLOS-C platforms. The AETF will put those vehicles through combat scenarios to provide lessons learned that will be used to enhance and finalize design for the final production NLOS-Cs and the rest of the MGV family.

El programa del Combatiente Futuro del US Army continua sus progresos con el primer disparo del vehículo de artillería NLOS-C. Este disparo significa el primero realizado por un obús de forma totalmente automática montado sobre un chásis hibrido FCS y controlado de forma remoto a través de los ordenadores y controles de abordo.
El NLOS-C posee la habilidad de disparar rápidamente proyectiles de precisión tanto en campo abierto como en entornos urbanos, siendo el primer prototipo de una serie de 8 unidades que serán producidas entre 2008 y 2009.
El NLOS-C P1 disparará 500 proyectiles adicionales durante los primeros meses de 2009 para permitir un estreno seguro, que permita a los soldados moverse, disparar y comunicarse desde un NLOS-C en la primavera de 2009. Está previsto que a principios de 2010 la Army's Evaluation Task Force reciba las primeras 18 plataformas del NLOS-C.

Albert Einstein
“Lo importante es no dejar de hacerse preguntas.”

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