War on the Korean peninsula: brinkmanship or a genuine possibility?
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Yet not all were so sure about the prospects of long-term deterrence with a nuclear-capable North Korea.
“In past discussions with North Korean officials, I have been troubled by their lack of understanding of deterrence theory, by the casualness with which they have discussed nuclear war, and by their lack of appreciation of the implications of the nuclear-related threats they continue to make against the United States,” said Evans Revere.
“Much of this may be posturing, and I continue to believe that Kim Jong Un is a rational actor,” he continued. “But, it is possible that North Korea may believe its own propaganda and that Pyongyang may actually think it has the U.S. deterred and that this gives the North license to act aggressively against America’s allies, or even U.S. territory,” a point which could give “considerable reason to be concerned about our ability to deter the regime.”
The former U.S. official who requested anonymity warned that though Kim could “probably be deterred from launching an all-out war or nuclear first strike,” as North Korean weapons capabilities increase, “the risk of war will likely increase.”
“Many observers think that, if the United States intends to attack North Korea’s nuclear and missile facilities, it will first move more military resources to the region and evacuate U.S. citizens from the Korean peninsula,” said the former State Department official who requested anonymity.
“But if Trump really intends to attack North Korea, it is possible he will judge surprise to be a vital element, in which case he may conclude that it unavoidable to allow the lives of Americans in Korea to be put at risk, to avoid putting American lives on the American homeland at risk.
“And we can’t exclude the possibility of the North Koreans launching a first attack or of a war getting started by accident, in which cases also there would also be few or no indicators.””
entre otras. Recomiendo su lectura.
¿Por otro lado, cual creéis que pueda ser la nueva provocación norcoreana tras tanto tiempo sin pruebas de misiles o nucleares, para lo que estábamos acostumbrados este año? ¿La explosión nuclear atmosférica en el Pacifico a que hizo referencia su ministro de asuntos exteriores? ¿El lanzamiento de un IRBM a aguas cercanas a Guam? Según los norcoreanos y el propio KJU iba a ser algo "grande" e inesperado...y de mi propia cosecha, añado otra opción, y dado que hay informes sobre movimientos días atrás de gran cantidad de misiles de corto alcance y quizás de IRBM e ICBM,s, ¿Y si se deciden por un "total show" con un lanzamiento múltiple de SRBM, IRBM e ICBM, que vayan a parar a aguas cercanas a CdS, Japón, Guam, Hawai y la costa oeste de EEUU (y por cercana en el caso de EEUU me refiero a varios cientos de km) el día que Trump visite CdS a principios del próximo mes?
Y cambiando nuevamente de tercio, y poniéndome en clan conspiranoico (que a veces es divertido) y suponiendo que los "halcones" en Washington hubieran decidido que una guerra con CdN es el mejor camino ¿sería posible otro incidente del golfo de Tonking, versión 2017-8? No sería muy difícil de vender, ya que antecedentes de aviones de EEUU derribados y barcos secuestrados ya hay, y de amenazas no se quedan cortos, así que ¿podría resultar creíble a ojos de la opinión pública EEUU?
"Si usted no tiene libertad de pensamiento, la libertad de expresión no tiene ningún valor" - José Luís Sampedro