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Registrado: 21 Nov 2006, 21:17

Mensaje por Iris »

El consejero delegado de EADS, Louis Gallois, afirma que los empleos en España están asegurados


El consejero delegado de EADS, Louis Gallois, ha negado tajantemente que los puestos de trabajo en España vinculados con la división de transporte militar corran peligro alguno. Así lo ha manifestado en una entrevista a El País, en la que ha querido tranquilizar los ánimos y las sospechas derivadas del proceso de integración de la División de Aviones de Transporte Militar (MTAD) en Airbus y las tensiones generadas entre el por el momento presidente de MTAD Carlos Suárez y el también consejero delegado Tom Enders.

Gallois confirma que habló con el ministro de Industria Miguel Sebastián el pasado miércoles, cuando todas las informaciones apuntaban a una inminente dimisión de Carlos Suárez al frente de MTAD y su sustitución por el también español Domingo Ureña. Hechos que, finalmente, fueron paralizados por la oposición de la Administración española. "Yo estoy en contacto permanente con personas responsables en este sector. Pero los nombramientos los toma el Consejo de Administración tras mi propuesta", explica Gallois, "son decisiones internas, pero esto no excluye que haya discusiones previas con las autoridades, incluido en este caso el ministro".

Así las cosas, el CEO del consorcio aeronáutico niega que se haya decidido el futuro de Suárez en MTAD y que, en caso de ser destituido, ocupará otro puesto en EADS. En cuanto a la autonomía de la división española, puesta en entredicho en el proceso de integración, Gallois apunta que "la autonomía no es concepto aplicable a las empresas. Lo que existe es la responsabilidad y los medios para ejercerla. Airbus Military (heredera de MTAD) gozará de cuentas propias y de medios suficientes como para sacar adelante sus objetivos económicos y técnicos".

Louis Gallois entiende que una división pequeña tema integrarse en una organización más grande como es Airbus, pero insiste en que Airbus Military será dirigida por un español y que ningún puesto de trabajo en España corre peligro alguno. "Ninguno", sentencia Gallois, "Y debo añadir que en 2001 había 7.376 españoles trabajando en EADS y ahora hay 9.832. El volumen de negocios en España se ha multiplicado por cuatro. España es uno de los países fundadores de EADS y siempre ha sido fiel. El Estado español, además, es muy buen cliente y esa fidelidad es un activo que EADS quiere proteger".

En cuanto al programa A400M cuyos retrasos y derivadas pérdidas han ocasionado la reestructuración de MTAD, el CEO de EADS afirma que seguirá adelante y se están buscando soluciones con los países que más presionan en el proyecto como son Reino Unido y Francia: "Estamos estudiando soluciones transitorias que les sirvan a ellos. Pero eso es algo que tengo que discutir con ellos directamente, y no puedo precisar más".

.- Saludos.

Compañero forista fallecido el 16 de julio de 2011. Ver homenaje en el FMG
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Registrado: 21 Nov 2006, 21:17

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El Gobierno de Rumanía ha decidido posponer la compra de un nuevo avión de combate debido a la falta de fondos provocada por la crisis económica.
En Septiembre del año pasado se estaba cerca de aprobar una decisión definitiva, que fue posteriormente postergada debido a las elecciones parlamentarias de Noviembre.
El apoyo de las tropas desplegadas en el exterior será la prioridad de los gastos de Defensa, ha asegurado un miembro del Gobierno.
Rumanía, el segundo país mas pobre de la UE, lanzó una competición valorada en 4 mil millones de dólares para reemplazar sus MiG-21. Entre los candidatos estaban el Rafale, el Eurofighter, el F-18, el F-16block 52 y el GripenNG ... 0320090219

.- Saludos.

Compañero forista fallecido el 16 de julio de 2011. Ver homenaje en el FMG
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Registrado: 21 Nov 2006, 21:17

Mensaje por Iris »

Lanzamiento de dos satélites "Spirale" de demostración de un sistema de alerta temprana Europeos

Dos satélites Spirale de demostración fueron lanzados con éxito desde la base de Kourou, en la Guayana Francesa, por un cohete Ariane 5.

Como contratista principal de este programa nacional francés, la DGA (Dirección General de Armamaento) gala, EADS Astrium suministrará y operará un sistema completo diseñado para recoger las imágenes de infrarrojos del fondo terrestre. Thales Alenia Space, encargada del segmento espacial, diseñó y desarrolló los dos microsatélites haciendo uso de la plataforma Myriade, desarrollada por la agencia espacial francesa CNES, que fueron integrados por EADS Astrium en Toulouse.

Esta fase de demostración es un paso esencial en el desarrollo de un futuro "sistema operacional de alerta temprana." Cada un mide 90 cm de alto y pesa 120 kg.

Se les coloca en una órbita elíptica ecuatorial para observar la atmósfera de la tierra en una amplia variedad de condiciones (en mono o estéreo, alturas, anchos de banda, hora local, etc.). El telescopio de la carga útil destaca por su avanzada tecnología, en particular, una fibra de carbono reforzada con carbono de silicio (CSiC), más comúnmente conocido el material como Cesic, un cerámico que ofrece la mejor combinación de bajo peso y alto rendimiento.


.- Saludos.

Compañero forista fallecido el 16 de julio de 2011. Ver homenaje en el FMG
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Registrado: 25 Dic 2008, 07:31

Mensaje por __DiaMoND__ »

LAN es destacada entre las seis mejores empresas del mundo


Junto a otras cinco compañías de carácter global -Nokia, Iberdrola (energía renovable), Tesco (supermercados), ArcelorMittal (acero) y Telenor (telecomunicaciones)-, la aerolínea chilena LAN fue destacada en el Foro Económico Mundial de Davos, que se realizó en los últimos días de enero en Suiza.

Tras evaluar a 375 empresas provenientes de todas las industrias y representando a 53 mercados tanto desarrollados como emergentes, la consultora Accenture recoció a LAN Airlines por su "buen desempeño en un mundo multipolar".

Del total de firmas que fueron evaluadas, la mayoría tenía como su mercado principal Asia-Pacífico (29%), Europa Occidental (28%) y Norteamérica (26%), y más del 80% de ellas operaba en múltiples países.

El estudio incluyó desde empresas con ingresos menores a US$ 500 millones hasta otras que facturan más de US$ 10 mil millones.

Los criterios que utilizó Accenture para su evaluación fueron cinco: nuevos consumidores, talento, innovación, desarrollo sustentable y capital.

Por qué la chilena

Según el informe, el nuevo modelo de negocios doméstico de LAN -junto a un servicio premium de larga distancia- fue uno de los impulsores del aumento de las ventas, del tráfico de pasajeros y del crecimiento de las utilidades de la compañía en más de un 15% en 2007. Y que en el segundo trimestre de 2008 se dispararon en 38,8%.

La revista Harvard Business Review destacó en 2005 el estudio de buen desempeño de la consultora Accenture -que se elabora anualmente desde 2002- como una de las más notables iniciativas en este campo en el último cuarto de siglo.

Resultados Los ingresos de LAN Airlines a diciembre de 2008 fueron de US$ 335 millones.

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Registrado: 10 Dic 2008, 18:42

Mensaje por fdelrio7 »

Video donde se muestra lo peor de Lima además de ser de hace varios años atras se transmitía en los vuelos de Lan Perú, dañando la imagen del Perú en general y siendo una ofensa grave hacia los peruanos que le abrieros las puertas. Chilenos malagradecidos.

Acusan a LAN Perú de querer monopolizar venta de pasajes

Miercoles, 10 de Enero del 2007

( La decisión de LAN Perú, seguida de la aerolínea TACA, de reducir del seis al uno por ciento las comisiones a las agencias de viajes por la venta de pasajes, causaría el inmediato desempleo de más de cuarenta mil trabajadores.

Según señaló el diario, para el representante de la Asociación Peruana de Agencias de Viajes y Turismo (Apavit), Héctor Velit, la justificación de LAN Perú respecto de la decisión basada en supuestas pérdidas económicas carece de asidero.

Velit afirmó que con esta medida se quiere instaurar en el corto plazo un "monopolio" en la venta de los pasajes al pretender que el público compre los boletos a través de la página web, con lo cual LAN Perú provocaría pérdidas al erario nacional al no tributar el Impuesto a la Renta (IR).

Al respecto, el gerente general de la agencia de viajes Unión Tours, Oscar Samanez, aseguró que “los pasajeros se verán perjudicados al estar en las manos de las líneas aéreas que subirán y bajarán los precios de los boletos a su libre albedrío”. La decisión de LAN Perú, seguida de la aerolínea TACA, de reducir del seis al uno por ciento las comisiones a las agencias de viajes por la venta de pasajes, causaría el inmediato desempleo de más de cuarenta mil trabajadores.

Para el representante de la Asociación Peruana de Agencias de Viajes y Turismo (Apavit), Héctor Velit, la justificación de LAN Perú respecto de la decisión basada en supuestas pérdidas económicas carece de asidero.

Velit afirmó que con esta medida se quiere instaurar en el corto plazo un “monopolio” en la venta de los pasajes al pretender que el público compre los boletos a través de la página web, con lo cual LAN Perú provocaría pérdidas al erario nacional al no tributar el Impuesto a la Renta (IR).

Al respecto, el gerente general de la agencia de viajes Unión Tours, Oscar Samanez, aseguró que “los pasajeros se verán perjudicados al estar en las manos de las líneas aéreas que subirán y bajarán los precios de los boletos a su libre albedrío”.


Escrito por Plana Periodística
lunes, 02 de febrero de 2009

Los vuelos regulares en el Perú en el 2008 han registrado que más de 4 millones de pasajeros hayan abordado líneas aéreas regulares entre enero y diciembre, lo que significó un aumento del 10.92% respecto al 2007 en donde se movilizaron 3.66 millones de pasajeros, estos datos se desprenden de un informe de la Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil del Perú que prueba que LAN PERÚ tuvo la más alta participación en el mercado con 73.40% de pasajeros.

Le siguieron Star Peru con 13.9% y Aerocondor con 6.26%. Debemos recordar que una extraña decisión de la ex ministra Verónica Zavala con malas artes sacó a Aerocondor del mercado regular, en el segundo semestre del 2008, por lo que a la fecha, todo hace parecer que en el 2009 LAN PERÚ superará el 85% de su participación en el mercado nacional.

El cuasi monopolio de la empresa aérea chilena en el espacio aéreo peruano que significa en algunos periodos tarifas exorbitantes y una posición de dominio en perjuicio de los usuarios tiene nombre y apellido, la ex ministra de Transportes Verónica Zavala y el ex viceministro de Transportes Carlos Puga Pomareda que dejaron a 700 familias peruanas de Aerocondor sin trabajo y a todo su equipo técnico manejando hasta ahora la Dirección General de Aeronáutica Civil del Perú. ... &Itemid=56

Chile frena monopolio de Lan y flexibiliza licitación de frecuencias aéreas con Perú

martes, 20 de enero de 2009

El Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia (TDLC) de Chile, ordenó modificar las bases de licitación elaboradas por la Junta de Aeronáutica Civil (JAC) de ese país, para adjudicar siete frecuencias aéreas entre Santiago y Lima.

Según publica hoy el diario "El Mercurio", el fallo en mención señala que "el objeto de propender (inclinarse) a la entrada de algún nuevo operador en dicha ruta" y que tenga la posibilidad de desafiar al incumbente (Lan Perú, filial de Lan Airlines).

Agrega el fallo que de este modo, se va a introducir presión competitiva "que pueda redundar en menores precios al usuario final y en mejoras en la calidad del servicio".

El tribunal ordenó que la JAC de Chile deberá procurar que, en una primera ronda de la licitación, ninguna línea aérea se quede con más del 75% del total de frecuencias existentes en dicha ruta, sumadas las disponibles y las asignadas en el pasado. A falta de interesados, se deberá producir una segunda vuelta en la que la autoridad podrá no aplicar la limitación antes mencionada.

Además consideró que deben modificarse las reglas que establece el Decreto Supremo 102, de 1981, para establecer mecanismos de asignación de rutas aéreas internacionales restringidas que, además del factor de mejor oferta monetaria, consideren criterios que propendan a mejores condiciones de competencia.

"Lo anterior en razón de que no existe competencia efectiva en la industria aérea en Chile y existe un actor dominante", señaló el fallo del tribunal. Cabe precisar que "una política unilateral de cielos abiertos, sin reciprocidad", fue lo que recomendó aplicar el TDLC.

Procurador del Congreso autorizado a iniciar acciones legales contra LAN Perú

Escrito por Periodismo en Línea
jueves, 12 de febrero de 2009
Sigue el escándalo en torno a la discriminación que habría sufrido la legisladora Susana Vilca en un vuelo de LAN Perú. Ahora la Mesa Directiva del Congreso autorizó a su procurador a tomar las acciones legales del caso contra la citada aerolínea, para defender a la citada legisladora.

Así lo anunció el presidente del Congreso, Javier Velásquez, tras instalar la legislatura extraordinaria convocada por el Presidente de la República, a fin de tratar la conformación de una comisión investigadora del caso Petro-Tech y un proyecto de ley remitido por el Ejecutivo.

“La Mesa Directiva al tomar conocimiento de la denuncia, le ha solicitado a la congresista Susana Vilca todos los antecedentes, para que el procurador a nombre del Congreso pueda tomar las acciones”, indicó.

Previamente, el legislador Rafael Vásquez, del Partido Nacionalista, pidió la solidaridad del Parlamento con la referida parlamentaria.

Al respecto, la legisladora Mercedes Cabanillas dijo que los ciudadanos peruanos tienen derecho a ser tratados bien por la aerolínea, más aún si se tiene en cuenta que es una compañía que goza de todo privilegio; y que tiene una presencia dominante en el mercado.

“En una economía de libre oferta faltaría promover que otras aerolíneas puedan venir, somos respetuosos de la inversión privada pero no somos tolerantes con los abusos. La compañía tiene la obligación de tratar bien a los clientes, y tenemos que ser racionalmente solidarios con la congresista en cuento los hechos que se han relatado así sucedieron”, dijo.

Susana Vilca presentó ayer denuncia contra la empresa de aviación Lan Perú, por una presunta violación a la norma de Protección al Consumidor, y solicitó una indemnización equivalente a un millón de dólares.

La parlamentaria de oposición fundamentó su queja en el agravio del que dijo haber sido víctima el 1 de febrero, cuando se le impidió tomar un vuelo de Lan Perú que la debía trasladar a la ciudad de Juliaca, en la Región Puno.

Así cualquiera, comprando funcionarios corruptas es fácil ser super rentable.

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Registrado: 06 Oct 2004, 22:21
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Eurocopter Committed to Meet the Military Requirements of the Middle East Region
With a wide range of helicopters, Eurocopter is supporting the region's air forces for missions including combat, transport, Search and Rescue (SAR), counter-terrorism, special missions and training. Currently more than 650 Eurocopter helicopters fly in the Arab world, with more than 80 percent of them for military use.

Eurocopter is committed to keep on meeting the specific requirements of the governments and their Armed Forces in the Arab world. The company showcases its military capabilities and expertise at IDEX at the EADS booth in Hall 8, C20 and displays one EC135 Police helicopter in full scale.

“With a strong footprint in the region, we continue to see a demand for our helicopters for military use. Equipped with the latest technology, they are able to perform all their missions in the most severe operational environment and critical situations,” says Xavier Hay, Eurocopter's Vice-President for Middle East and Africa.”


Eurocopter has the largest line-up of military helicopters in the world, ranging from 2-11-ton class and a solid customer base in the Middle East.

The military proven Fennec AS550 is a multipurpose single engine helicopter suited for extremely hot climates and high altitudes and well adapted for training, observation, fire support, protection and combat mission. In the region, several countries fly the Fennec like the United Arab Emirates Armed Forces. Over 4000 helicopters of the Ecureuil / Fennec family in its single and twin variants have been delivered to over 70 countries.

The light twin, multi-mission Eurocopter EC635 – the military version of the EC135 – is perfectly adapted for troop and/or load transports, training, light armed reconnaissance, Medevac and SAR missions. The EC635 gives a choice of twin engine models-each featuring a Full Authority Digital Electronic Control (FADEC) system for the state-of-the-art power management, providing optimized performance, safety and fuel efficiency. The EC635 is operational in the Kingdom of Jordan (Air Force and Police) and its cutting-edge technology generates keen interest by many countries in the region.

For heavy helicopters, Eurocopter counts on a great history in the Gulf countries with a large Puma and Super Puma / Cougar fleet including more than 110 aircraft in operation in Kuwait, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Pakistan and other countries.

As the latest generation of the family with enhanced multi-role capabilities, the EC725 helicopter is the logical choice of acquisition for the region Armed Forces. It enlarges the scope of missions including Combat-SAR, long distance tactical transport, medical evacuation, logistics support. The twin-engine EC725 helicopter with 11 metric tons has superior performance.

It has been selected by the French Armed Forces and deployed in extreme combat conditions. By end of November 2008, 96 EC725 had been ordered by 17 different countries. The utility/escort and VVIP version EC225 is already flying in the Arab World.

Meanwhile, whereas being well appreciated by the operators, the Puma and Super Puma / Cougar Eurocopter fleet can also be refurbished as it is the case in several Gulf countries having engaged major overhaul programs such as in the UAE. There are plans to increase Puma refurbishments as well in Pakistan in 2009. The Super Puma helicopters are highly efficient in Search and Rescue roles and assist Governments in public services such as police, fire fighting and EMS missions.

Also for tactical transport of troops and anti-submarine warfare combat the 10-metric ton class NH90 is an ideal choice. NHIndustries has received so far 529 orders globally for the NH90 with Eurocopter as major partner Company. The NH90 is offered as Army version (TTH) and as Navy version (NFH). So far 25 NH90 were delivered, 50 are currently under production. It is a fly-by-wire and all-composite construction helicopter with the highest crash-worthiness-standards. The first customer of the NH90 in the Middle East is the Sultanate of Oman.

In order to take into account the new military environment in the region, the Tiger is perfectly matching the new stakes as currently being the most modern combat helicopter in the world designed for the scenarios of the 21st century. In total, 206 aircraft have been ordered by France, Germany, Australia and Spain and 48 Tigers have already been delivered.

Based on a core platform which gives flexibility for the weaponry, the Tiger is delivered in various configurations: HAP (French Army), UHT (German Army), ARH for Australian Army and HAD version (France and Spain), which is perfectly adapted to the Middle East region thanks to its enhanced engine.


Police and law enforcement agencies are prime Eurocopter customers in a large number of Gulf countries. A complete range of Eurocopter light twin helicopters from 2 to 4 tons encompassing the Twinstar AS355, BK117, EC135, EC145 and Dauphin N3 are protecting the population in the Arab world.

The powerful and highly dependable Ecureuil AS350 B3 -that represents unrivalled versatile platform and requires low maintenance – is in operation in the UAE and Jordan and is primarily used for aerial work, training and utility mission like broadcasting.

Established in 1992, the Franco-German-Spanish Eurocopter Group is a Division of EADS, a world leader in aerospace, defence and related services. The Eurocopter Group employs approx. 15,600 people. In 2008, Eurocopter confirmed its position as the world’s No. 1 helicopter manufacturer in the civil and parapublic market, with a turnover of 4.5 billion Euros, orders for 715 new helicopters, and a 53 percent market share in the civil and parapublic sectors.



Si caigo en combate, toma la bandera, dale un beso y continúa adelante......
General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Registrado: 06 Oct 2004, 22:21
Ubicación: Ciudad de Panamá

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High-Maintenance F-22 Stealth Features Keeping It in the Shop
Project On Government Oversight (POGO)
The Project On Government Oversight (POGO) has learned from internal Pentagon sources that stealth maintenance on the F-22 fighter aircraft is the primary cause of its maintenance headaches, which are in turn undermining its mission capability. POGO believes that this may be the primary reason for Defense Department Acquisition Chief John Young’s findings that the F-22’s mission capable rate was too low to waste additional taxpayer dollars on further procurement.

One of the key justifications for the F-22 is that it will achieve air-superiority advantage by its low observability (LO), or stealth. When fully operational, LO suppresses the F-22’s visual signature, radar signature, infrared signature, electromagnetic emissions, and sound. The F-22’s LO is designed to provide improved survivability and lethality against air-to-air and surface-to-air threats.

However, sources tell POGO that LO maintenance hours accounts for over half of all maintenance time, not only significantly reducing the mission capability of the plane, but also undermining the [US Air Force’s] claim that the F-22 will “have better reliability and maintainability than any fighter aircraft in history.”

LO maintenance hours, which include time for the planes to cure, translate into time that the F-22 is not operable. As a result, there are concerns that there will be too many F-22’s unable to fly when they are needed. Air Force Chief of Staff General Norton Schwartz has stated publicly that given these stealth issues, the F-22’s mission capable rate is only 60 percent.

“At a total of $354 million per plane this new information shows the F-22 is not only the most expensive but also the most difficult fighter aircraft to maintain—and it isn’t even experiencing combat stress,” said Danielle Brian, Executive Director of the Project On Government Oversight.

“Congress and the Defense Department should recognize these dollars would be better spent on modernized F-15s or F-16s. More procurement of the F-22 isn’t smart strategically or financially.”

Congress has given the Defense Department a March 1 deadline to determine whether to buy more F-22s or to shut down the plane’s production line.

Founded in 1981, the Project On Government Oversight (POGO) is an independent nonprofit that investigates and exposes corruption in order to achieve a more accountable federal government.



Si caigo en combate, toma la bandera, dale un beso y continúa adelante......
General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Registrado: 06 Oct 2004, 22:21
Ubicación: Ciudad de Panamá

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Chief of Staff Sees UAS Role Expanding
US Air Force
RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas: The Air Force chief of staff called the buildup of the unmanned aircraft system program "profoundly important" Feb. 19 during a visit with instructor and student aviators here.

In remarks during a question and answer session with 12th Operations Group instructors, students and staff, Gen. Norton Schwartz said UAS capabilities play an important role in joint operations at a critical juncture in Air Force history.

"This is one of those inflection points, one of those times when the whole path of history shifts," General Schwartz said. "That's what's happening, and the question is whether the United States Air Force wants to be on that wave or left behind."

As Air Force leaders build their roadmap for the future of UAS operations, the highest-ranking Airman told the group of about 50 aviators that UAS support of ground forces has never been more important.

"We've got eyes 24/7 on bad guys," he said of UAS capabilities. "We're at the point now where (ground forces) say, 'I'm not going in that door or turning that corner if I don't have my top cover.'

"That is the reality," he added. "That's how important what we're doing has become, and I think this is going to continue."

The ability to field more UAS platforms depends on having a cadre of qualified operators. The first step toward that qualification takes place here at the 563rd Flying Training Squadron in a UAS Fundamentals Course launched in November.

The four-week course provides student aviators the tactical foundation of UAS platforms and weapons employment before they head to Creech Air Force Base, Nev., and eventually train with actual UA systems. Randolph AFB is the temporary home for the course, which eventually will be housed at Holloman AFB, N.M.

While technology allows Air Force warfighters to do things that were not possible before, General Schwartz said "the truth of the matter is what we're able to do (with UAS platforms) is a better approach to making sure the joint team can succeed and accomplish the missions we've been assigned."

In reference to the issue of people in favor of manned versus unmanned aircraft operations, the chief of staff put the debate into perspective.

"The question is, 'Is this about personal satisfaction or about contribution?' Your Air Force is about contribution, not attribution," he said.

That's not to say the general foresees a future without manned aircraft.

"There will always be a need for manned aviation, but it will be a lesser proportion of the fleet than is currently the case," he said.

The new generation of aviators who will operate unmanned aircraft may not have the in-cockpit skills of the pilots who fly manned aircraft, the general said, but they will have the smarts and multi-tasking capabilities to maximize UAS effectiveness.

"They will know about airspace, they will know about air-to-ground coordination, they will know the difference between hostile and non-hostile (threats), and they will be able to do things our generation never could think of," General Schwartz said. "I'm convinced that this part of our force mix will be vitally important as we go down the road. The people who operate unmanned systems will have a place in our Air Force as far as the eye can see."

The current Air Force fleet of UAS platforms consists of the MQ-1 Predator, MQ-9 Reaper and RQ-4 Global Hawk.



Si caigo en combate, toma la bandera, dale un beso y continúa adelante......
General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Mensajes: 703
Registrado: 06 Oct 2004, 22:21
Ubicación: Ciudad de Panamá

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Bell Provides Update on its Military Programs
Bell Helicopter
FORT WORTH, TEXAS: Bell Helicopter, a Textron Inc. company, this week provided a progress report on its military aircraft programs.

Rich Linhart, Bell's vice president for Military Business Development said, Bell Helicopter continues to make significant advances in its key rotorcraft programs for our nation's military forces. Both the V-22 and H-1 programs made significant progress in 2008 as we continued to ramp up our military aircraft production efforts.

The Bell Boeing V-22 program achieved a significant milestone in March 2008 when it received a five-year Multi Year Procurement contract for 141 MV-22 and 26 CC-22 aircraft. In September 2008, supplemental defense authorization legislation added five additional CV-22s and two more MV-22s to that contract, and in January 2009 Naval Air Systems Command signed Phase I of a five-year Joint Performance Based Logistics Contract that covers both MV-22 and CV-22 aircraft.

In October 2008 U.S. Marine Corps MV-22s passed the one-year mark on their deployment to Iraq. The Osprey continues to perform well in the combat zone, demonstrating the exceptional flexibility, speed and range offered by tiltrotor technology. In October four CV-22s from the Air Force Special Operations Command accomplished their first trans-Atlantic self deployment when they participated in a joint, multi-national exercise in Trans-Saharan Africa.

In 2008 the Bell Boeing V-22 program delivered a total of 18 aircraft, with the last seven aircraft delivered early to contract. August saw the groundbreaking on a 176,000 sq ft. expansion of the V-22 final assembly area at the Bell Helicopter Military Aircraft Assemble Center in Amarillo, Texas. Construction is scheduled to be complete in July 2009, and by 2012 the V-22 program is expected to ramp up to delivering 39 aircraft per year.

In August 2008 the U.S. Marine Corps declared Initial Operational Capability for its UH-1Y utility helicopter, and full-rate production of the aircraft was approved in September. Three Yankees embarked on their first operational deployment in January 2009 sailing with the 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit on the USS Boxer.

Bell delivered 12 H-1 aircraft to the U.S. Marines in 2008, three AH-1Zs and nine UH-1Ys, with the last five aircraft all delivered early to contract. The program expects to ramp up to 27 aircraft per year in 2012.

The original program of record for the H-1 Upgrade Program was set at 100 UH-1Ys and 180 AH-1Zs. However, in order to accommodate the U.S. Marine Corps Grow the Force initiative, in December 2008 the Department of Defense approved an increase in the program of record to 123 UH-1Ys and 226 AH-1Zs.

Bell continues to support the Army's OH-58D Kiowa Warrior which is currently deployed in both Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2008 the company delivered nine upgraded Kiowas under the OH-58D Safety Enhancement Program, and is on contract to complete 18 more upgrades in the first half of 2009. Bell continues to deliver all of the SEP program aircraft back to the Army two months ahead of schedule.

Linhart summarized Bell's 2008 accomplishments, Across the company, we are extremely proud of our support of America's warfighters, both with new aircraft production and with our continuing support of the many Bell products currently deployed in combat, he said.

Bell Helicopter, a wholly owned subsidiary of Textron Inc., is an industry-leading producer of commercial and military, manned and unmanned vertical lift aircraft and the pioneer of the revolutionary tilt rotor aircraft. Globally recognized for world-class customer service, innovation and superior quality, Bell's global workforce serves customers flying Bell aircraft in more than 120 countries.



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RAAF Deploys to the United States for Exercise Red Flag 2009
Australian Department of Defense
Royal Australian Air Force aircraft and personnel are preparing to deploy to Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, to participate in the US-led “Red Flag” exercise series. Red Flag provides the highest level of air combat training, in the most realistic war scenario available to be simulated.

Number 6 Squadron from RAAF Amberley is leading the push, with six F-111 jet aircraft deploying to Nellis Air Force Base, to conduct high-level coalition training at the purpose designed Red Flag facilities.

A pair of C-130H Hercules, from No 37 Squadron at RAAF Base Richmond, will transport equipment and personnel to the United States as well as participate in the exercise.

These Hercules will conduct combat airlift missions in to the exercise area, evading ‘enemy’ fighters and landing on semi-prepared airstrips in day and night situations.

Commander Air Combat Group, Air Commodore Neil Hart, has highlighted the value of Air Force’s participation in the exercise.

“Exercise Red Flag provides a level of operational simulation not available in Australia or the region, and regular participation is a major contributor to Australia’s high standard of air combat capability,” Air Commodore Hart said.

“The opportunity to participate in Red Flag allows Air Force personnel to hone their skills to the highest level, together with our closest ally, and at one of the world’s best air combat training facilities.”

Exercise Red Flag will be conducted from 21 February 2009 until 14 March 2009 over the deserts of Nevada in the US. The activity is a multi-national exercise including US, UK, Canada and Australia.



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First time for AFMC at Red Flag exercise
US Air Force
EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE: The 416th Flight Test Squadron conquered the vast bombing and gunnery ranges of Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., as they participated in Red Flag 09-2, marking the first time an Air Force Materiel Command unit has ever deployed and participated in the exercise.

"Red Flag allowed us to provide the most thorough, integrated evaluation of an F-16 software release in the 30-year history of the combined test force," said Lt. Col. Todd Ericson, 416th FLTS commander. "We also saved nearly $100,000 in range costs by conducting live air-to-ground weapons delivery evaluations at Red Flag as opposed to scheduling a dedicated range time as an exclusive event."

Administered by the U.S. Air Force Warfare Center and Nellis AFB through the 414th Combat Training Squadron involving the air forces of the United States and the United Kingdom, Red Flag is the Air Force's premier combat training exercise. The most recent exercise took place from Jan. 26 to Feb. 6

Col. William Thornton, 412th Training Wing commander, said he was proud of his team's results.

He said the deployment was critical in conducting better and more realistic testing, saving taxpayer dollars. "We could not have replicated this intense level of testing here at Edwards with all the assets assembled for Red Flag," Colonel Thornton said. "Ultimately this deployment will result in increased combat capability to the warfighter in less time and cost."

The exercise provides realistic training in a combined air, ground and electronic threat environment while providing for a free exchange of ideas between forces. The 416th FLTS team also used the Red Flag environment to evaluate the F-16 Fighting Falcons' latest operating system, M5.1+ software.

"The Red Flag environment allowed us to evaluate the interoperability of our five M5.1+ F-16 Fighting Falcons with other aircraft, such as F-22 Raptor, B-2 Spirit and MQ-1 Predator," said Colonel Ericson. "We also assessed the aircraft's performance in both a (Global Positioning System) and electronic jamming environment -- all of which would have been impossible to accomplish at Edwards for both logistical and cost reasons."

Through the Red Flag exercise, the 416th FLTS was able to fly 54 sorties at a cost equivalent to flying eight to 10 integrated systems evaluation sorties at Edwards.
An ISE is an evaluation of the military utility of the aircraft where test pilots use all the systems as they would be in combat prior to providing a fielding recommendation to operational test.

The combined test force was able to evaluate the aircraft in missions currently flown by the F-16 such as defensive-counter air, interdiction, suppression and destruction of enemy air defenses, time-sensitive targeting and close-air support.

Deploying to Red Flag provided an opportunity for the 416th FLTS to expand their view of the software and see the enhancements in combat capability proven on each sortie, Colonel Ericson said.

Imagen Kenny Booth prepares to taxi an F-16 Fighting Falcon in support of Red Flag 09-2 Feb. 4 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. Red Flag is a multi-national exercise providing a realistic environment to practice combat scenarios. The experience gained during the exercise is vital to the survival of aircrews in combat. Mr. Booth is a crew chief assigned to the 416th Flight Test Squadron at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif. (U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Nadine Y. Barclay)



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Air Force efforts put nuclear security back on track
US Air Force
MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, ND: Prioritization and "incredible attention to detail" have restored "nuclear surety" in the Air Force, the general in charge of the service's nuclear program said here Feb. 19.

Nuclear surety is the equipment, people and processes aimed at ensuring the safety, security, reliability and control of nuclear weapons.

After an erosion of the nuclear process that began at the end of the Cold War, Maj. Gen. Roger Burg, commander of the 20th Air Force, said he feels the service is back on track, even though the required standards to pass a nuclear surety inspection have never changed. What is different, he said, is how the service has applied the standards.

"I will say our application of those standards has changed dramatically," General Burg said. "And our oversight of any problems identified in the inspections has changed dramatically."

It wasn't until a B-52 Stratofortress from Minot Air Force Base flew nuclear-tipped missiles cross-country to Barksdale AFB, La., in October 2007 that nuclear surety became a newsworthy topic, General Burg said.

"An equally well-publicized event that occurred several years earlier ... involved the [intercontinental ballistic missile] force [and] the fuses that were erroneously sent to Taiwan," he said. "I think it rightly made all of us question how could such a thing happen."

The fuses were shipped to Taiwan from Utah in August 2006.

These are the types of incidents nuclear surety is designed to prevent.

A nuclear surety inspection for an ICBM or bomber unit is a broad, intrusive type of inspection, General Burg said. Hundreds of areas might be inspected and each area may have hundreds or even thousands of individual pieces of equipment, records, and activities to be inspected.

After the Cold War, Air Force leaders decided to shorten the inspection time frame and decrease the size of its inspection team. Instead of inspecting everything, they began taking representative samples, General Burg said.

"It wasn't an intent to say, 'Let's not take care of this business,'" he said. "It was an intent to say, 'How can we do this business more efficiently?"

The 2007 and 2008 incidents prompted the Air Force to resume 100 percent inspections, General Burg added. That includes personnel medical records in addition to equipment and activity logs.

"One of our key areas is looking at the Personnel Reliability Program, which is how we maintain confidence in the people who are working around nuclear weapons," he said. "In the past, we might inspect 20 percent of the medical and personnel records of people associated with a certain unit.

"You'll have thousands of potential points [to inspect], any one of which, if found to be deficient in a critical way, could lead to the finding of an unsatisfactory for the wing," General Burg said. Deficiencies receive immediate attention, he said.

The process of maintaining nuclear surety has become the top Air Force priority, Navy Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff noted during his visit this week here. The chairman toured several sites including the weapons storage area and a missile maintenance trainer.

The Air Force is reorganizing to better support the nuclear enterprise, General Burg said. But inspections will get a unit only so far.

"You do not make an organization excellent by inspecting it," he said. "You make it excellent by supporting it with priority, with resources, with people, with experience. That's what the Air Force is doing with these nuclear units now."

General Burg added that he's OK with inspections turning up deficiencies despite the goal of achieving excellence.

"I'm never satisfied that ... we're getting better because we're not finding fewer problems," he said. "[What] we're not finding now indicates an incredible attention to detail."



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Sukhoi confirms Su-35 deliveries to Russian Air Force in 2011
RIA Novosti
MOSCOW: Russia's Sukhoi aircraft maker confirmed on Thursday that the advanced Su-35 Flanker multi-role fighter would enter service with the Russian Air Force in 2011.

"The current progress of the Su-35 testing program confirms the earlier announced timeframe for the deliveries of the aircraft to Russian and foreign customers in 2011," the company said in a statement.

The first two Su-35 prototypes have successfully conducted 87 flights since July 2008, demonstrating the aircraft's superior technical and combat characteristics.

Sukhoi is planning to add a Russia's Su-35 fighter to the testing program in 2009, and boost the current number of test flights to 150-160.

The Su-35 fighter, powered by two 117S engines with thrust vectoring, combines high maneuverability and the capability to effectively engage several air targets simultaneously using both guided and unguided missiles and weapon systems.

The aircraft features the new Irbis-E radar with a phased antenna array, which allows the pilot to detect and track up to 30 air targets, while simultaneously engaging up to eight targets.

It is equipped with a 30-mm cannon with 150 rounds and can carry up to eight tons of combat payload on 12 external mounts.

The company earlier said it planned to produce the new aircraft, billed as "4++ generation using fifth-generation technology," over a period of 10 years up to 2020.

The company is expecting to export at least 160 Su-35 fighters in the future to a number of countries, including India, Malaysia and Algeria.
Su-35 Fighter Aircraft



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Iran develops spy drone capable of reaching Israel
RIA Novosti
TEHRAN: Iranian scientists have developed an unmanned aerial vehicle capable of reaching Israel, an Iranian news agency said on Wednesday, citing a senior military official.

Deputy Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi made the announcement on Tuesday and described the development as "an important achievement," the Fars news agency reported.

"However, we cannot disclose the details of this project at present," the official said.

The reported range of 1,000 kilometers (600 miles) would make it possible for the Iranian drone to reach Israel.

Iran launched a domestic arms development program after a U.S. weapons embargo was imposed during its 1980-88 war with Iraq. Since 1992, Iran has reportedly produced its own Saeqeh and Azarakhsh jet fighters, stealth-capable Ghadir submarine, missile boats, torpedoes, tanks and armored carrier vehicles.

Iranian Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar said on January 27 that Iran had achieved self-sufficiency in manufacturing combat missiles of various modifications.

He added that Iran would continue to build up its defense capability to ensure regional stability and security.

"Our greater defense power is no threat to other countries," he said. "Iran only needs a system to deter and repulse possible external aggression against it."

Both Israel and the United States have refused to rule out the possibility of military action against Tehran over its failure to obey international nuclear non-proliferation demands.



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General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Manas Air Base 'Not Irreplaceable,' Official Says
US Department of Defense
WASHINGTON: Kyrgyzstan’s parliament voted today to close Manas Air Base, a key logistics hub for the U.S. military, but a senior Pentagon official said the base closure would not affect operations in Afghanistan.

“[Manas Air Base] is an important base for operations in Afghanistan, but it’s not irreplaceable,” Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman told reporters here today. “If it’s not available to us, we’ll find other means.”

Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev still must sign the bill for the eviction to be official. If he signs the bill, troops will have 180 days to withdraw, based on a previous agreement made by the U.S. and Kyrgyz governments, he said.

Pentagon officials are aware of news reports that Bakiyev intends to close the base, Whitman said, but the United States hasn’t received any official notification or orders to withdraw its military forces. “Our operations there today remain normal,” he said.

Defense Department officials are considering what it may be able to offer the Kyrgyz government to continue operations, but will not agree to any price, Whitman said. Other options in the region are being considered, he said, but he would not give specifics on countries or the status of discussions.

“We remain in close contact with allies in the region,” he said.

Russia and Kazakhstan reportedly have given the United States permission to transport nonlethal equipment and supplies by train into Afghanistan. Uzbekistan and Tajikistan also reportedly are being considered.

The United States pays $17.4 million a year to use Manas Air Base, a major logistical and refueling hub supporting international troops in Afghanistan. The United States and Kyrgyzstan signed a “protocol of intentions” in 2006 that allowed the United States to renew the arrangement in one-year increments through July 2011. The air base has been facilitating U.S. troops since 2001, shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks.

About 15,000 people and 500 tons of cargo transit through Manas each month. About 1,000 troops, most of them American, but some from France and Spain, are assigned to the base.

President Barack Obama authorized 17,000 more troops this week to reinforce international forces in Afghanistan, and Whitman said there will be no disruption in current or future operations there.

“The announcements we made are going to go forward with no disruption,” he said. “If we are no longer permitted to use that base, we will start to transition our activities elsewhere.”



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General Omar Torrijos Herrera

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