Noticias Aeronáuticas del Mundo (archivo)

Fuerzas Aéreas del Mundo. Noticias e historia. Sus aviones de guerra, helicópteros y misiles. Programas de construcción aérea. Pilotos y paracaidistas.
Orel .
Teniente Coronel
Teniente Coronel
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Registrado: 18 Dic 2005, 14:28

Mensaje por Orel . »

Sí, también, la pega es que ya hay bastantes modelos en el mercado así que la competencia es muy dura: están los modelos AEW yanquis (E-2, los derivados del B707 como el E-3, del B737 y del B767), los israelíes (aviones mayoritariamente de Boeing con electrónica israelí), las versiones de aviones con Erieye sueco, los modelos rusos (A-50 o Il-76 modificados menormente)...

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General de Cuerpo de Ejército
General de Cuerpo de Ejército
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Registrado: 11 Ene 2003, 13:03
Ubicación: Hispania Citerior

Mensaje por maximo »

Como hacer se puede hacer cualquier cosa. De lo que se trata es de tener lo que se puede. Si te vas al segmento superior hay cosas muy majas, pero es que el segmento inferior te esta ofreciendo ya prestaciones realmente magnificas donde te pones a comparar costes y costes de operacion y las cuentas te empiezan a salir bastante bien. Los E3 son cojonudos... pero para buscarles una situacion donde se aprovechen todas sus maravillas hace falta mucho trabajo. Ahora, con sistemas tipo Erieye tienes coberturas mas que suficientes a costes mucho mas contenidos.

\\"Un cerdo que no vuela solo es un cerdo\\"
Marco Porcellino.
Orel .
Teniente Coronel
Teniente Coronel
Mensajes: 2413
Registrado: 18 Dic 2005, 14:28

Mensaje por Orel . »

Pues eso , Maximo, que en el mercado tienes de todo: desde pequeños aviones con Erieye, pasando por aviones medianos como el B-737 modificados, hasta grandes aviones como el B-707, Il-76 o B-767 modificados. Todo el segmento está cubierto. Otra cosa es que se quiera entrar en ese mercado porque salga rentable e interese a las naciones participantes.
Yo por mí sí, desde luego. Que Europa desarrolle y disponga de un abanico de sistemas de armas propios y eficaces que puedan cubrir toda necesidad posible. Pero...

Mensajes: 1637
Registrado: 03 Oct 2008, 23:48
Ubicación: Ucrania

Mensaje por Bogdan-The-Kozak »


F-15SE "Silent Eagle"
Lo presentaron ayer. Tiene tech stealth incorporada.
Los vuelos de prueba empezarán en 2010. ... type/4926/

Offtopic: Gracias a Dios, con esto me saqué los 666 post en el foro xD

"A los esclavos, no los dejan ir al Cielo". Ivan Sirkó.
Mensajes: 110
Registrado: 19 Mar 2008, 22:20

Mensaje por Teide »

La royal navy compra 3 prototipos del f35 con lo que probablemente de el empujon al programa que estaba necesitando.

On a visit to Washington, Defence Secretary John Hutton has today announced the decision to purchase three Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) test aircraft - the UK's next generation of supersonic stealth fast jets.

This deal marks a significant milestone in the UK's commitment to the Joint Strike Fighter project. Acquisition of JSF will provide the UK with an unrivalled "fifth-generation" tactical air system, designed with stealth characteristics and advanced sensors, and will afford the UK a 'step change' in capability. UK military personnel will work alongside their US counterparts in an initial operational test and evaluation programme for the aircraft.

Defence Secretary John Hutton said:

"The Joint Strike Fighter will form an essential part of our Future Combat Air Capability.

By purchasing three aircraft for testing, we will secure access to the development of the programme. Working alongside their US colleagues, our pilots will gain an unrivalled understanding of this awesome aircraft and its capabilities.

This is a vital programme for UK Defence both for the military and for industry, with over 100 UK companies involved in the programme."

JSF is the aircraft of choice to fulfil MoD's Joint Combat Aircraft requirement and will fly off the two new Royal Navy Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers. The purchase of three test aircraft will enable MOD to move forward in developing the Carrier Strike capability.

MoD is a partner in the JSF programme and is investing £2Bn to develop the aircraft. The prime contracts for these aircraft will be placed in the US but the decision to place an order for UK aircraft is equally good news for UK industry. There is significant UK industrial interest in the JSF Programme with over 100 companies involved in the programme, ranging from major UK JSF industrial partners down to lower tier suppliers of composite materials. The potential UK return on investment is substantial.

Mensajes: 206
Registrado: 04 Abr 2005, 12:26
Ubicación: Huelva, Andalucia, España, La Tierra

Mensaje por alfavega »

Presentación oficial de Boeing del F-15SE Silent Eagle

ST. LOUIS, March 17, 2009 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today in St. Louis unveiled the F-15 Silent Eagle (F-15SE), a new F-15 configuration designed to meet the future needs of international customers.

"The F-15 Silent Eagle is designed to meet our international customers' anticipated need for cost-effective stealth technologies, as well as for large and diverse weapons payloads," said Mark Bass, F-15 Program vice president for Boeing. "The innovative Silent Eagle is a balanced, affordable approach designed to meet future survivability needs."

Improvements in stealth include coatings and treatments on the aircraft. With the added advantage of redesigned conformal fuel tanks (CFTs) that allow for internal weapons carriage, the Silent Eagle becomes a very attractive fighter for Boeing's international customers.

Depending on the specific mission, the customer can use the CFTs that are designed for internal carriage or change back to the traditional CFTs for optimum fuel capacity and external weapons carriage. The Silent Eagle will be able to internally carry air-to-air missiles such as the AIM-9 and AIM-120 and air-to-ground weapons such as the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) and Small Diameter Bomb (SDB). The standard weapons load used on current versions of the F-15 is available with the traditional CFTs installed.

The aircraft's canted vertical tails improve aerodynamic efficiency, provide lift, and reduce airframe weight. Another aerodynamic improvement is the Digital Flight Control System, which improves the aircraft's reliability and reduces airframe weight.

Survivability improvements include a BAES Digital Electronic Warfare System (DEWS) working in concert with the Raytheon Advanced Electronic Scanning Array (AESA) radar.

Boeing has completed a conceptual prototype of the CFT internal-carriage concept, and plans to flight-test a prototype by the first quarter of 2010, including a live missile launch.

The design, development, and test of this internal carriage system are available as a collaborative project with an international aerospace partner. ... 7a_nr.html ... fault.aspx ... hy-f-.html

Teniente Coronel
Teniente Coronel
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Registrado: 19 Sep 2008, 02:28

Mensaje por Maya »

"The F-15 Silent Eagle is designed to meet our international customers' anticipated need for cost-effective stealth technologies, as well as for large and diverse weapons payloads," said Mark Bass, F-15 Program vice president for Boeing. "The innovative Silent Eagle is a balanced, affordable approach designed to meet future survivability needs."

Muy interesante alternativa para las fuerzas armadas de esta parte del mundo ( iberoamerica) y que pudiesen costearlo...




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Registrado: 21 Nov 2006, 21:17

Mensaje por Iris »

Libia, puede adquirir algunos caza-bombarderos RAFALE, aunque todo lo que sea sobre las ventas de éste avión, haya que tomarlo con mucha cautela.

¿ Rafale para Libia ?. Podría estar cerca un acuerdo para la venta de 14 aviones a este país. Conviene si es tocante a las ventas de este avión ser cautos.

.- Saludos.

Compañero forista fallecido el 16 de julio de 2011. Ver homenaje en el FMG
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Registrado: 06 Oct 2004, 22:21
Ubicación: Ciudad de Panamá

Mensaje por moises »

IAF Plans for Additional Hawks Jet Trainers Shelved
Press Trust of India
NEW DELHI: Upset over problems relating to spares supply for British Hawk Advanced Jet Trainers (AJTs), India has shelved plans to place follow-on orders for the aircraft and instead floated new tenders to supplement its trainer fleet.

Indian Air Force (IAF) sources said here on Tuesday that the new tenders -- Request for Proposals (RFP) in defence parlance -- were issued about a month ago to six global aircraft manufacturers.

Surprisingly, UK-based Hawks manufacturer BAE Systems finds a place among the six companies which had received the fresh tenders. But it was being approached for an upgraded version of the AJTs, sources said.

Others trainers that the IAF has shown interest in and sent the tender papers to were Italy’s Alenia for the M-346, Korean T-50s, the Chez L-159, Russian YAK-130 and MiG AT Trainer, sources said.

After a procurement process that lasted nearly 20 years, India finally entered a contract for the delivery of 66 Hawks trainers with BAE in 2004. The contract had an in-built provision for a follow-on order for 40 more aircraft.

But the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) had been finding it difficult to maintain the production lines for the aircraft at its facility due to considerable delays in spares supplies, sources said.

The move of the IAF to go in for a new brand of trainer aircraft came as a surprise, as it had originally planned to have a single type of trainers in the fleet to train future fighter pilots.



Si caigo en combate, toma la bandera, dale un beso y continúa adelante......
General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Registrado: 06 Oct 2004, 22:21
Ubicación: Ciudad de Panamá

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US approves sale of anti-sub planes to India
Agence France-Presse
Washington: Washington has approved the sale to India of eight Boeing anti-submarine aircraft, a 2.1 billion dollar transaction which would be the largest ever sale of US arms to India, the State Department said Tuesday.

"The Department of State has notified Congress of the potential sale of eight P8i long-range maritime reconnaissance, anti-submarine warfare aircraft to the government of India," State Department spokesman Robert Wood told reporters.

"The US government is prepared to license the export of these items, having taken into account political, military, economic, human rights and arms control considerations," he said.

The sale is in keeping with India's drive to modernize its military. The Indian military plans to hand out contracts worth 50 billion US dollars by 2018.

India, which has tense relations with fellow nuclear-armed neighbor Pakistan, currently is mostly outfitted with military equipment from the former Soviet Union.



Si caigo en combate, toma la bandera, dale un beso y continúa adelante......
General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Registrado: 06 Oct 2004, 22:21
Ubicación: Ciudad de Panamá

Mensaje por moises »

Taiwan Renews Push for F-16 Fighter Jets
Taiwan Government News
Taiwan has renewed a drive to buy advanced U.S.-built F-16 fighter aircraft, confronting President Barack Obama with a delicate decision.

Detailing its arms shopping list for the first time since Obama took office, Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) said Taiwan's current fighter force was inadequate to a potential threat from China. The largest part of Taiwan's air force, the F-5 fighter, has been in service for more than 34 years, said TECRO's spokesman.

"The planes now are obsolete and spare parts are difficult to obtain," said spokesman, Vance Chang, in an email response to questions about Taiwan's arms requests. China has built increasingly advanced fighters, the statement said, "therefore our air superiority capability is at a serious disadvantage."

"Taiwan's determination to defend itself is indisputable," it added.

Taiwan has been trying for 12 years to buy F-16 C/D models built by Lockheed Martin Corp of Bethesda, Maryland. The U.S. government is required by a 1979 law to provide Taiwan sufficient arms to defend itself.

Successive U.S. administrations, both Democratic and Republican, have managed the weapons flow to minimize fallout with China. In its final years, former President George W. Bush's administration would not even accept a formal request for the advanced F-16s, said the U.S.-Taiwan Business Council, which represents about 100 companies, including Lockheed Martin.

The United States "has an obligation to assist Taiwan to maintain a credible defense of its air space, which includes modern fighters," said council president Rupert Hammond-Chambers.

Taiwan wants 66 F-16 C/Ds valued at up to US$4.9 billion to bolster 150 F-16A/B models it bought in 1992.

The State Department had no immediate comment on the statement from TECRO.

In October, the Bush administration notified Congress of possible arms sales to Taiwan of up to US$6.4 billion, including Patriot "Advanced Capability" antimissile batteries, Apache attack helicopters and Harpoon anti-ship missiles.

"We were eager to achieve a golden mean - a robust package of arms sales that met Taiwan's immediate defense needs but was not perceived in Beijing as undermining the progress in cross-strait relations," said Dennis Wilder, senior director for East Asian affairs on Bush's White House National Security Council. "I believe we achieved that goal," he added in an email response to Reuters.

TECRO made clear Ma's administration was still seeking UH-60 Black Hawk utility helicopters built by United Technologies Corp's Sikorsky unit and design work on modern diesel-electric submarines.

These two items were cleared for release to Taiwan by Bush as part of a landmark arms offer in April 2001, but left out of the October notification to Congress. The deals were held up for years, largely by partisan hurdles to funding in Taiwan.

Wilder said the Bush administration had told Taiwan that it was not denying it any of the weapons approved in 2001, but would leave the decision to Obama.



Si caigo en combate, toma la bandera, dale un beso y continúa adelante......
General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Registrado: 25 Dic 2008, 07:31

Mensaje por __DiaMoND__ »

F-22 crashes in California

3/25/2009 - EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (AFNS) -- An Air Force F-22 Raptor from Edwards Air Force Base crashed about 10 a.m. March 25 approximately 35 miles northeast of the base.

The condition of the pilot is unknown at this time.

The aircraft was on a test mission at the time of the accident. A board of officers will investigate the accident.

As soon as additional details become available, they will be provided.

en español es basicamente asi

un avion f-22 raptor se estrello a unos 50 km de la base aerea Eduards en california a las 10:00am

la condicion del piloto es desconocida

Tan pronto como se disponga de datos adicionales, que se aportarán.

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General de Cuerpo de Ejército
General de Cuerpo de Ejército
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Registrado: 11 Ene 2003, 13:03
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Mensaje por maximo »

Lamentablemente, como dicen en las peliculas, el piloto "no lo consiguio". :cry: :cry:

\\"Un cerdo que no vuela solo es un cerdo\\"
Marco Porcellino.
Sargento Primero
Sargento Primero
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Registrado: 29 Oct 2008, 14:41

Mensaje por Meteorswarm »

La venta tambien supone transferencia tecnologica a china,pues no es la primera vez que ciertos detalles militares caen en manos chinas(que casualidad).

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Registrado: 21 Nov 2006, 21:17

Mensaje por Iris »


El Ministerio de Defensa de Suiza ha decidido posponer hasta al menos 2010 el concurso para un nuevo avión de combate que debía de reemplazar parcialmente la flota de aviones F-5.

Suiza había lanzado un concurso para la compra de 33 aviones ( a un costo aproximado de 1900 millones de dólares ) con los cuales reemplazar parte de su flota de aviones F-5 E/F. El Typhoon, el Gripen y el Rafale son los tres finalistas del concurso.

La decisión de retrasar este concurso ha sido oficialmente anunciada ya que se quiere entregar en Diciembre de este año un informe sobre la política de defensa del país, donde se aclararia si se necesitan estos nuevos aviones.

El concurso suizo ha levantado gran polémica en el país, donde muchos ciudadanos no ven la necesidad de esta compra. La actual crisis económica parece que ha añadido mas presión a esta compra.

El Typhoon parece que era el favorito de los suizos, y desde Alemania se ha atacado esta decisión de retrasar el concurso como una represalia contra las presiones alemanas para acabar con el secreto bancario suizo. Esta semana los periódicos suizos anunciaban la posibilidad de anunciar este retraso por los ataques franceses y alemanes contra el sistema bancario suizo.

.- Saludos.

Compañero forista fallecido el 16 de julio de 2011. Ver homenaje en el FMG

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