Metal Storm
- Teniente Coronel
- Mensajes: 2002
- Registrado: 06 Feb 2007, 19:25
- Ubicación: BRICS
Metal Storm
Metal Storm:
Metal Storm is a revolutionary type of ballistics technology, utilizing electrical impulses to fire projectiles, rather than conventional mechanical impulses. These weapons have no moving parts aside from the projectiles themselves. The bullets are stacked on end in the barrel, separated only by a thin layer of propellant. A small electric current passing through the barrel ignites the propellant, firing the bullet from the barrel. To prevent one layer of propellant from igniting the rest of the propellant in the barrel, causing a disastrous chain reaction, the bullets are modified so that the head of the bullet will expand, sealing the barrel, when the bullet ahead of it is fired. Because of this and the nature of its electrical firing system, Metal Storm offers a variable rate of fire, from semi-automatic to a devastating 45 thousand rounds per minute per barrel, with each bullet leaving the barrel at only 4” behind the last. Also, because all that is necessary to propel a bullet from the barrel is an electrical impulse, many barrels can be placed in an array and fired all at once. Metal Storm Ltd., the company that produces Metal Storm ballistics technology, has produced a prototype gun, nicknamed “Bertha,” which can fire at a rate of up to 1.62 million rounds per minute. Comparing this to the fastest rate previously achieved by a machine gun of 6,000 rounds per minute, one can begin to see the deadly power of this technology. And while one might think that energy would be an inherent problem with an electrical firing system, in this case, it’s not. Because the electric current is only used to ignite the gun propellant, only a very small amount of energy is required, and Metal Storm weapon can operate easily on the power from a simply flashlight battery.
Videos: ... 6845156128
fonte: ... hPaper.htm
Metal Storm is a revolutionary type of ballistics technology, utilizing electrical impulses to fire projectiles, rather than conventional mechanical impulses. These weapons have no moving parts aside from the projectiles themselves. The bullets are stacked on end in the barrel, separated only by a thin layer of propellant. A small electric current passing through the barrel ignites the propellant, firing the bullet from the barrel. To prevent one layer of propellant from igniting the rest of the propellant in the barrel, causing a disastrous chain reaction, the bullets are modified so that the head of the bullet will expand, sealing the barrel, when the bullet ahead of it is fired. Because of this and the nature of its electrical firing system, Metal Storm offers a variable rate of fire, from semi-automatic to a devastating 45 thousand rounds per minute per barrel, with each bullet leaving the barrel at only 4” behind the last. Also, because all that is necessary to propel a bullet from the barrel is an electrical impulse, many barrels can be placed in an array and fired all at once. Metal Storm Ltd., the company that produces Metal Storm ballistics technology, has produced a prototype gun, nicknamed “Bertha,” which can fire at a rate of up to 1.62 million rounds per minute. Comparing this to the fastest rate previously achieved by a machine gun of 6,000 rounds per minute, one can begin to see the deadly power of this technology. And while one might think that energy would be an inherent problem with an electrical firing system, in this case, it’s not. Because the electric current is only used to ignite the gun propellant, only a very small amount of energy is required, and Metal Storm weapon can operate easily on the power from a simply flashlight battery.
Videos: ... 6845156128
fonte: ... hPaper.htm
- ACB, el Mutie
- General de Brigada
- Mensajes: 5741
- Registrado: 10 Feb 2008, 16:21
- Ubicación: Base Militar Mariposa
El problema de este tipo de sistemas es que disparan mucha munición de forma innecesaria. Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial hubo un "bombardero" que disparaba multitud de ametralladoras a la vez, causando una intensa lluvia de plomo, pero es que eso mismo no es más potente que disparar una bomba con explosivo. En tierra también hay ametralladoras Gattling (las giratorias de 6 y 8 cañones) que tiene un poder de fuego enorme, pero casi no se usa.
Tú dame el tanque y yo haré el resto ;)
Las verdades a medias son mentiras
Las verdades a medias son mentiras
- ACB, el Mutie
- General de Brigada
- Mensajes: 5741
- Registrado: 10 Feb 2008, 16:21
- Ubicación: Base Militar Mariposa
- Soldado
- Mensajes: 27
- Registrado: 17 Ago 2010, 02:33
- Ubicación: Las Palmas
- Recluta
- Mensajes: 2
- Registrado: 09 Ago 2010, 07:47
Si bien no estoy muy metido en el tema y no conozco las prestaciones de los actuales CIWs, 1,600,000 balas por segundo, me parece una verdadera exageracion. Primero por el tema de los costos, salvo que se abaraten muchisimo las balas, esto me parece antieconomico. Ademas, que objetivo no podria inutilizarse (No hablo de destruir, simplemente inutilizar), con una decima parte de la velocidad de fuego?
- Cabo Primero
- Mensajes: 173
- Registrado: 09 Sep 2008, 13:49
- Soldado
- Mensajes: 27
- Registrado: 17 Ago 2010, 02:33
- Ubicación: Las Palmas
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