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Brazil Signs $1B+ Production MoU for Cougar Helicopters

In November 2007, “Brazil Embarking Upon F-X2 Fighter Program?” discussed both the revived fighter competition, and Brazil’s surprising 50% boost to its defense budget. Other programs mentioned in that article included Brazil’s selection of a medium transport helicopter and of an attack helicopter, with other programs to follow. After decades of neglect, Brazil is reconstituting both its armed forces, and a defense industry that once offered an array of competitive products on the global stage.
The medium transport helicopter competition featured 3 established players: AgustaWestland’s EH101 has found success in Britain, Europe, and Japan, and was chosen as the base for the USA’s VH-71 Presidential helicopter before that program was canceled. Eurocopter’s EC725 Cougar is an updated version of the popular AS332/532 Super Puma, and has been ordered in limited quantities by the French and Mexican governments. An up-to-date version of Russia’s widely used Mi-17 was the 3rd contender; like the Super Puma, Mi-8 and Mi-17 helicopters are already in wide use within Latin America.

In truth, however, Eurocopter always had an edge. The Brazilian Amy’s Aviacao do Exercito already uses the AS532/”HM-3” Super Puma, basing them in the Amazon at Manaus. Its Navy also uses Super Puma variants: AS332s and AS532s both serve in the Navy as the UH-14, flying from Brazil’s NAe Sao Paulo aircraft carrier and from the southeastern base of Sao Pedro da Aldeia in support of Brazil’s Marines. Now, Eurocopter’s offering will become Brazil’s medium-lift helicopter across all services… thanks to a new contract.

The Cougar and the Opportunity

The helicopters in question will be EC725s. While Eurocopter itself uses the Cougar designation primarily for its new EC725 and its EC225 civilian version, Helibras’ pages refer to the AS532 as “Cougar” in line with Aerospatiale marketing efforts since 1990. Compared to the AS532, the EC725 Cougar uses more advanced modular design of the mechanical assemblies, more composite materials, state of the art avionics, and prognostic monitoring systems for key components. Jobim’s reference to a “Super Cougar” helicopter, and reports that Eurocopter will invest $300-400 million in Helibras Minas Gerais plant as part of the deal, both pointed to the EC725 as the likely model under order. This was subsequently confirmed in an MDD release.

Brazil’s Navy and Army will each receive 16 helicopters to support their missions. The Air Force will receive 18; 16 for general tasks, and 2 configured as VIP transports.

Meanwhile, the deal itself offers important benefits to both parties. The Brazilians make some progress in the area of fleet standardization, though they will continue to operate helicopters from Bell and Sikorsky as well. They also strengthen a key defense industry relationship, and build national capability with the upgraded Helibras facility. There are rumors that Snecma’s Turbomeca will set up an “industrial facility” in Rio de Janeiro for helicopter engines. All of these moves will make a difference to Brazil’s long term costs. Local production of Cougar helicopters in Brazil also creates a local source for state firms like Petrobras, who may need long-range helicopters for their offshore oil rigs, and for “para-public” agencies like law enforcement et. al.

EADS Eurocopter gains as well. On the one hand, the deal doesn’t quite establish production in a dollar zone, which has been a goal of EADS leadership. Brazil’s Real has increased in value from about $0.35 in January 2004 to almost $0.65 in June 2008, and has even increased in value relative to the Euro, rising from EUR 0.28 to EUR 0.40 over that same period. With Brazil moving away from the US dollar as a reference currency in international trade, Brazilian production will have to compete on its own economic merits, rather than benefiting from currency externalities.

On the other hand, the global medium helicopter market is currently very tight, with demand outstripping supply. EH101 production is backlogged to the point that Britain moved to buy Denmark’s fleet, rather than wait for factory deliveries of extra machines for the front lines. NHI/Eurocopter’s smaller NH90 is in an even worse state, and is backlogged by years; so is Boeing’s heavy-lift CH-47F Chinook production line. Sikorsky’s medium-heavy CH-53K will not be a realistic option before 2016 or so. Its smaller H-92 Superhawk has yet to be delivered, has not been ordered in a military transport version, and currently has just one small military customer in Canada. This leaves Russia’s Mi-17, which has its own steady flow of demand and attracts questions about its Rosoboronexport’s support and negotiating approaches, or Eurocopter.

An additional production line and firm orders for the EC725 offer Eurocopter additional capacity to meet global demand, while fulfilling their existing commitments. It also offers them a key reference customer beyond France, giving their new model credibility as a viable long-term choice for existing Puma and Super Puma operators.



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General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Pratt & Whitney investigates new fan blade glitch for F135

"Pratt & Whitney is investigating how a "handful" of fan blade tips damaged an F135 engine during a ground test simulating the Lockheed Martin F-35's engine performance at supersonic speeds. The F-35 Joint Programme Office estimates it will take five days to identify the cause and corrective action for the F135's latest glitch, says a P&W programme expert who asked to remain anonymous. Engineers discovered the problem when they noticed sparks flying out of the tail pipe for a convetional-takeoff-and-landing (CTOL) version of the F135 engine.
Upon inspection, the errant parts were traced to several missing fan blade tips that somehow broke off. The parts were ingested into the compressor, which also sustained damaged in the first and second stages, P&W's expert says. The combustor and turbine stages escaped harm from the flying debris.
Besides the fan blades, P&W also intends to retrieve an unidentified part found on the bottom of the engine bay between the fan and compressor stages. Although the investigation is ongoing, the supersonic acceleration is not considered to be a direct cause of the blade problem. P&W is considering other possible causes such as foreign object debris and the structural design of the blades.
P&W officials emphasized that the incident occurred after the engine completed 2,455 cycles, simulating 8 years of operational service life. That should give P&W several years to develop and install a fix for the problem, the expert adds.
The Department of Defense wants to cancel the F136 and make P&W the sole engine supplier for the F-35 programme, arguing that the costs to develop an alternate engine out weight certain benefits such as supplier competition and reducing the risk of dependence on the F135 to power thousands of tactical fighters.
But some in Congress have pushed to overturn the DOD's decision. The House of Representatives has approved a version of the defence spending bill that restores full funding for the F136, but Senate appropriators have agreed to cancel the programme. The two houses decide the issue during upcoming conference negotiations on a final spending bill." ... h-for.html


"That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important lesson history has to tell."
Aldous Huxley 1894-1963
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More C-17 sales possible after C-5A retirement ban lifted

The USAF stopped requesting funds for more C-17s after ordering 180 aircraft. But the US Congress has already stepped in to order 25 more C-17s, and, if the current legislations passes, the USAF's total orders would rise to 223 C-17s. Foreign customers have also extended Boeing's production line, with six countries ordering about 20 C-17s since 2007. ... ifted.html


"That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important lesson history has to tell."
Aldous Huxley 1894-1963
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Las maniobras "NATO Tiger Meet" que realiza la OTAN a partir de hoy y se extenderán hasta el 25 de este mes en una base aérea a 160 kilómetros de la capital belga y serán las mayores de 2009, comunicaron los medios de prensa locales.

El objetivo de las maniobras, que se desarrollarán por séptima vez, será practicar la coordinación entre la aviación de los aliados que estará representada por 17 países de la OTAN. Participará un total de 60 aviones y helicópteros, entre ellos los aviones de vigilancia aérea AWACS y los vehículos aéreos no tripulados.

Durante ocho días se prevé realizar más de 800 vuelos para entrenarse en las técnicas de combate aéreo, apoyo a las tropas terrestres y en operaciones de búsqueda y rescate de los pilotos de los aviones derribados sobre el territorio del enemigo hipotético. La mejor unidad aérea recibirá la estatuilla "Tigre de Plata", galardón que el año pasado se adjudicaron los pilotos suizos. ... ws&id=7243

.- Saludos.

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Israeli F-16 pilot killed in training mishap ... ishap.html


"That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important lesson history has to tell."
Aldous Huxley 1894-1963
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Super Galaxy And Super Hercules Strengthen Global Airlift Capability

Lockheed Martin

WASHINGTON, D.C., September 15th, 2009 - Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] senior leadership briefed members of the media about three growing air mobility business areas at this year’s Air Force Association Air and Space Conference and Technology Exposition. Speakers provided details on how well the C-5M Super Galaxy and C-130J Super Hercules are performing and the company offered insight into future airlift technology concepts.

"With the C-5M program now fully underway, and the global demand for the C-130J increasing, this is an exciting time to be in the airlifter business," said Jim Grant, vice president of Business Development. "The fully modernized C-5M Super Galaxy will provide the U.S. Air Force with unmatched strategic lift. The C-5M has range and payload capability twice that of un-modernized C-5s or any other U.S. airlifter. The C-5M will allow the Unites States to project its forces anywhere in the world efficiently and effectively."

Each day, the C-130J Super Hercules is engaged in high-tempo operations in multiple combat theaters and is routinely deployed in support of both peacekeeping and humanitarian missions. The C-130J is a proven airlifter that has been selected by 10 nations. The production rate at Marietta is increasing to match the need for effective, efficient and proven airlift.

"The need for dependable airlift is a constant that will not change as we look to the future," said Grant. "What will change is the technology included in future air mobility solutions and how it contributes to joint forces. We are investing in mobility research and development related to lightweight materials, low cost manufacturing, survivability technologies, powered lift and advanced aerodynamic concepts. Additionally, we are exploring short take-off and landing and heavy lift vertical take-off and landing concepts to potentially address joint air mobility needs."




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Sniper ATP Demonstrates Enhanced ISR Capability at Empire Challenge

Lockheed Martin
ORLANDO, FL, September 15th, 2009 - Lockheed Martin’s [NYSE: LMT] Sniper® Advanced Targeting Pod (ATP) demonstrated its advanced intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) capability during the recent joint forces Empire Challenge exercise. The enhancements respond to U.S. defense officials' call for improved ISR for convoy route reconnaissance and battlefield situational awareness.

During the joint and coalition military exercise conducted at Nellis Air Force Base, NV, and China Lake Naval Air Station, CA, pilots demonstrated a Sniper pod with enhanced algorithms, a digital data recorder and a high-definition sensor and datalink. U.S. Air Force crews flew the pod on an F-16 in support of the exercise’s key objective – to evaluate proposed ISR solutions for Warfighter requirements.

“Field reports from ongoing contingency operations routinely attest to the use of the Sniper ATP to conduct non-traditional ISR missions,” said Ken Fuhr, Fixed-Wing Program director at Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control. “To better serve the Warfighter, we’re expanding the pod’s role as an ISR tool. Empire Challenge provided an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the pod’s capability in support of improvised explosive device search, convoy support and armed overwatch.”

During the exercise, Sniper pod’s ISR capabilities demonstrated autonomous reconnaissance and data collection, providing a complete battlefield picture for intelligence operations. Directed by pre-defined or pilot-designated flight points, this capability can be used to monitor convoy routes or wide areas of interest, in addition to capturing images of infrastructure such as oil pipelines, power lines and roadways.

Packaged in a single lightweight pod, Sniper ATP’s enhanced image clarity provides critical long-range, positive identification of both moving and stationary air and ground targets, as well as real-time targeting for advanced laser-guided weapons. It is also equipped with a video downlink that relays high-resolution streaming video to forward-deployed forces for non-traditional ISR and rapid target coordination.

Competitively selected as the U. S. Air Force’s advanced targeting pod in 2001, the Sniper ATP is used by the U.S. Air Force in current combat operations and is actively deployed on five different U.S. and coalition platforms.

With a proven 98 percent field availability rate and demonstrated supportability worldwide, Sniper ATP is designed to be “plug-and-play” for optimal flexibility. The Sniper pod is operational on U.S. Air Force, Air National Guard and multinational F-16, F-15, B-1, CF-18, Harrier, A-10 and Tornado aircraft. It is currently being integrated and is flying on the B-52. Sniper pods provide discriminating capability to the U.S. Air Force, Air National Guard and 11 international air forces, including coalition partners.



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General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Boeing Delivers 12-Nation Strategic Airlift Capability's 2nd C-17 Globemaster III


LONG BEACH, Calif., Sept. 17, 2009 - The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today delivered to the NATO Airlift Management Organization (NAMO) a second C-17 Globemaster III that will support NAMO's 12-nation Strategic Airlift Capability (SAC) initiative. The delivery took place at Boeing's final assembly facility in Long Beach.

The advanced airlifter, known as SAC 02, is the second of three C-17s that will be assigned to SAC's Heavy Airlift Wing (HAW) in western Hungary this year and will support International Security Assistance Force operations in Afghanistan as well as the airlift requirements of SAC member nations. Boeing will deliver SAC 03 in early October.

"Delivery of SAC 02 is a tremendous milestone, achieved in less than three years," said Bogdan Horvat, Chairman, NAMO board of directors. "I congratulate all of the participating nations, the Heavy Airlift Wing, NAMO, and the Boeing team that built such a tremendous airlifter."

The SAC group includes 10 NATO nations - Bulgaria, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, United States - and Partnership for Peace members Sweden and Finland. They will share acquisition and operating costs for the fleet of three C-17s over a nearly 30-year agreement. SAC's approach to shared use of the strategic airlifter is regarded as a model for the pooled acquisition and management of defense capabilities.

"This effort symbolizes solidarity at its best - 12 nations demonstrating what can be accomplished when they pool resources and goodwill to collectively serve those in need around the world," said Gunnar Borch, General Manager of the NATO Airlift Management Agency (NAMA), the executive body of NAMO. "This is on display here today in Long Beach and at Pápa Air Base in Hungary, where multinational forces are working side-by-side to support the SAC mission and one another."

NAMA is responsible for the acquisition, day-to-day management, and support of the C-17 fleet on behalf of NATO and all participating SAC nations. The HAW is operated by multinational crews from the 12 participating nations.

"Every day, on the flight line at Pápa Air Base, I have the privilege of seeing the men and women from the SAC nations serving together - their teamwork on display, their sense of purpose clear, their commitment to serving those in need unwavering," said Col. Fredrik Héden, deputy wing commander, HAW. "The 12-nation mix of NATO and Partnership for Peace nations found it possible to work together to make SAC a reality, and because of that we are now prepared to meet today's humanitarian needs and security challenges."

A Boeing team based at Pápa provides support for the SAC C-17s, including material management and depot maintenance support, under Boeing Global Services & Support’s C-17 Globemaster III Sustainment Partnership.

"Boeing is so proud to be a part of this effort," Jean Chamberlin, Boeing vice president and general manager, Global Mobility Systems, said to the customer representatives at the delivery ceremony. "You will continue to have our support, wherever and whenever you need us."



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Boeing Meets With Brazilian Industry, Reaffirms Super Hornet as Best-Value Solution

SÃO PAULO, Sept. 15, 2009 - The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] today kicked off a two-day conference with 140 potential partner and supplier companies in São Paulo, reaffirming its commitment to fulfill all of Brazil's requirements with its Super Hornet solution to the F-X2 fighter competition.

"We are confident that our offer represents the best-value solution for Brazil, offering the most advanced technology, a proven superior logistics-support system and a price that is considerably lower than that of the Rafale," said Bob Gower, vice president of the Boeing F/A-18E/F Program.

Competitors have been given until Sept. 18 to make further improvements to their offers, and Boeing is looking at all options.

Boeing delivered an offer to the Brazilian Air Force in August that included full technology transfer. The offer also includes the option of Super Hornet co-production in Brazil and the sharing of technology that would allow Brazil to integrate its own weapons.

The U.S. Department of Defense, Department of State, and Congress have fully authorized and approved the Super Hornet sale to Brazil.

"The U.S. government has taken unprecedented steps to support this opportunity, both in terms of accelerating the normal approval process and in supporting Brazil’s goals for national autonomy," said Gower.

During the conference, Boeing Supplier Management leaders are meeting with representatives from Brazilian firms to discuss the requirements and certifications necessary to do business with Boeing, and to gain a better understanding of the particular standards and complexities of conducting international business in the aerospace industry.

"Boeing's goal is to assemble a supply chain that represents the very best of industry, and we see promising opportunities in Brazil," said Ron Shelley, vice president of Supplier Management & Global Sourcing for Boeing Integrated Defense Systems. "Opportunities for companies in Latin America's largest nation extend far beyond the F-X2 competition to all areas of Boeing's business."

Boeing has a 100 percent success rate in conducting industrial cooperation programs in nearly 40 countries. It has completed more than $31 billion of industrial obligations on time or ahead of schedule. Boeing currently has more than 45 active industrial programs worth an additional $13 billion in more than 17 countries, representing more than a dozen Boeing products



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Russia opens criminal case over MiG fighters returned by Algeria

RIA Novosti

MOSCOW, September 18 (RIA Novosti) - Criminal charges have been laid against the top management of a company accused of providing low-quality equipment for MiG-29 fighters later rejected by Algeria, Russia's business daily Kommersant said on Friday.

Musail Ismailov, chief of the Aviaremsnab company, and his deputy Alexander Kutumov are currently serving jail terms for similar offences. They were convicted for fraud in May after investigators determined the company used forged certificates and tags on old aviation equipment and sold it as new to the MiG company.

Under the $14.3 million contract, Aviaremsnab was to supply MiG with new spare parts and equipment. The company received $1.7 million in advance payments for components made in 2005-2006, but received products manufactured between 1982 and 1996, with forged certificates.

Some of the parts were to be shipped to the Polish air force, and others were to be used in the 24 MiG fighters that Algeria later refused to accept due to their "inferior quality."

The fraud, however, had been uncovered before the components were installed.

Russian arms export monopoly Rosoboronexport signed a $1.3 bln contract to deliver 28 one-seat MiG-29SMT fighters and six two-seat MiG-29UB combat trainers to Algeria in March 2006 as part of an $8 billion military cooperation agreement.

However, after receiving 15 MiG fighters, Algeria in May 2007 refused further deliveries. Then in October 2007 it froze all payments stipulated in contracts with Russia, requiring that Moscow first take back the 15 MiG-29s due to their "inferior quality."

The aircraft were eventually returned to Russia in April, and after thorough testing were approved for the service with the Russian Air Force.

Meanwhile, following a MiG-29 crash in East Siberia last December, the Defense Ministry admitted for the first time last week that Russia's MiG-29 fleet of 281 aircraft was mostly outdated and not capable of performing combat duties.

Military experts believe the aircraft, which was developed in the 1970s and supplied to the Air Force between 1983 and 1993, has become obsolete and needs to be removed from active service.

MiG-29SMT is an upgraded version of the MiG-29 fighter, carrying a wide range of air-to-air and air-to-surface weaponry.

The MiG aircraft maker has said that after an upgrade the combat effectiveness of the aircraft increased three-fold and operating costs dropped by about 40%.



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Russia to complete overhaul of 63 Indian fighter jets in 2013

RIA Novosti
MOSCOW, September 18 (RIA Novosti) - Russia will finish upgrading MiG-29 fighters in service with the Indian air force in 2013, a Russian defense industry source has said.

Russia's MiG company signed last year a contract with the Indian Defense Ministry to upgrade over 60 MiG-29 fighters, in service since the 1980s.

"The implementation of the contract started last year, and it will be fulfilled in 2013," the source told RIA Novosti on Thursday.

According to the source, during the upgrade the MiG-29s will be fitted with advanced avionics, new multi-functional Zhuk-ME radars, a new weapon control system, as well as revamped engines.

The service life of the aircraft will be extended from 25 to 40 years.

The official said the first four Indian MiG-29 fighters are being modernized and flight-tested in Russia and the remaining aircraft will be overhauled in India with the aid of Russian experts.

The contract stipulates the construction of MiG consignment depots and service centers in India, along with simulators for pilot training.



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General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Russian fighter jets for Indian tender to have new radar

RIA Novosti
MOSCOW, September 17 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's Phazotron NIIR corporation said on Thursday it has developed a new-generation airborne radar for MiG-35 fighter jets which participate in the Indian fighter tender.

Six major aircraft makers - Lockheed and Boeing from the United States, Russia's MiG, which is part of the UAC, France's Dassault, Sweden's Saab and the EADS consortium of British, German, Spanish and Italian companies - are in contention to win the $10 billion contract for 126 light fighters to be supplied to the Indian Air Force.

One of the selection criteria in the tender is that the fighter's radar must have an active phased array radar with a target detection range of at least 130 kilometers (about 80 miles).

"We have met this requirement of the Indian tender and built the Zhuk-AE active phased array radar with a proven range of 148 kilometers," said Vyacheslav Tishchenko, the company's general director.

The X-band radar can track 30 aerial targets in the track-while-scan mode, and engage six targets simultaneously in the attack mode.

Tishchenko said the detection range could be increased up to 200 km (125 miles).

Russia's MiG-35 Fulcrum-F, an export version of the MiG-29M OVT is a highly maneuverable air superiority fighter, which won high international acclaim.

The fighter is powered by RD-33 OVT thrust vectoring engines. The RD-33 OVT engines provide superior maneuverability and enhance the fighter's performance in close air engagements.

The first demonstration flights of two MiG-35s in the Indian tender will be carried out in late October-early November in north-eastern India.

The aircraft will conduct live-firing tests of on-board weaponry on a testing range in southern Russia in March-April 2010.



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Sweden Sweetens Bid for Brazil Fighter Jet Deal
Published: 18 Sep 2009 07:57

BRASILIA - Sweden has sweetened its bid for a lucrative contract to sell 36 fighter jets to Brazil, promising that 40 percent of the supersonic Gripen aircraft would be built in Brazil, officials said September 17.

The offer came on top of a promise that Brazil would have full access to the technology used in the state-of-the-art military aircraft.

A similar offer helped give France front-runner status in high-stakes bidding for the coveted fighter jet contract, valued at $4 billion to $7 billion.

"The Swedish government and the SAAB motor company are 100 percent committed to making the technology transfer," Swedish State Secretary for Defense Hakan Jevrell said at a press conference, accompanied by a Saab representative.

"There will be no restriction in the transfer of technology."

Jevrell said that in addition to the technology, Sweden would offer Brazil "a very competitive price" for the fighter jets.

The sweetener offered by Stockholm is the latest from one of three major aerospace powers - France, Sweden and the United States - jostling to win the coveted fighter jet contract, as Brazil seeks to modernize its air force in a bid to become Latin America's preeminent military power.

French manufacturer Dassault appears to have a lock on the contract: Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and French President Nicolas Sarkozy last week issued a joint statement opening Brazil's official negotiations to buy 36 of Dassault's Rafale jets without, however, ending the tender process.

The Swedish offer is in line with requirements laid out by President Lula, who said he wants to secure technology transfers and build the planes in Brazil.

Dassault, fielding its high-tech Rafale fighter, had been seen as the leading contender because of its guarantee to share all technology with Brazil.

"The air force has the technological know-how to make the evaluation, and it will do so," he added. "But the decision is political and strategic, and it's up to the president of the republic and no one else," Lula said recently.

Brazil has set a September 21 deadline for the contenders to finalize their bids.



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General Omar Torrijos Herrera
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Registrado: 21 Nov 2006, 21:17

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Industria militar rusa apunta a occidente


Industria rusa de defensa tendrá que trabajar mirando a Occidente
Foto:el caza esperimental SU-47 de alas en flecha inversa.

La creciente presencia de material importado en el Ejército ruso hace a la industria local de defensa trabajar mirando a Occidente, expresa un artículo escrito en el diario Izvestia.

El Viceministro Vladímir Popovkin, quien supervisa en Defensa las compras de armamento, considera que es una tendencia lógica: "La cooperación internacional y cierta base de importaciones son necesarias porque no siempre podemos arreglárnoslas con componentes domésticos en la actualidad", dijo.

Popovkin afirmó que los militares rusos se dotarán de materiales importados cuando la industria doméstica no pueda ofrecerles productos de calidad. También mencionó que las armas rusas ya se ofrecen muchas veces a precios similares a los de equipos occidentales. "Habida cuenta de las diferencias en el nivel de la retribución, ello lleva a pensar que el dinero se les va en gastos indirectos", dijo.

La importación de armas proporciona al país el acceso a tecnologías modernas. Así, Rusia negocia actualmente con Francia la compra de un portahelicópteros Mistral pero al mismo tiempo insiste en la coproducción local de otros tres navíos de la misma clase, lo cual implica la construcción de nuevos astilleros, formación de técnicos y adquisición de flamante maquinaria. Holanda y España también aspira a venderle a Rusia un portahelicópteros de la clase Rotterdam/Galicia e incluco el de más capacidad "Juan Carlos I", así que los militares tendrán que convocar seguramente un concurso para determinar la mejor oferta.

Vadim Koziulin, profesor de la Academia de Ciencias Militares, constata "el surgimiento real de un entorno competitivo en el mercado ruso de armas y material bélico, antes totalmente cerrado y monopolizado por empresas sueltas". "Ni siquiera podía llamarse mercado, pues todo se decidía en los pasillos. Ahora, la industria rusa de defensa tendrá que trabajar mirando a Occidente y cooperando con empresas occidentales para mejorar la calidad", afirmó el experto.

.- Saludos.

Compañero forista fallecido el 16 de julio de 2011. Ver homenaje en el FMG
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Escuela de pilotos de la OTAN inicia su actividad en Albacete


El Programa Liderazgo Táctico (TLP) de Operaciones de Mando Aliado de la Alianza Atlántica, una escuela avanzada de pilotos de élite, iniciará sus actividades el uno de octubre en las nuevas instalaciones de la Base Aérea de los Llanos en Albacete, anunció el coronel jefe del programa TLP, Ignacio Bengoechea. La inversión ha superado los 32 millones de euros.

El coronel jefe detalló que el primer curso teórico en Albacete se iniciará el cinco de octubre y el primero práctico el nueve de noviembre. Además, los primeros vuelos de los pilotos de la OTAN comenzarán a partir del 11 de noviembre.

Bengoechea destacó que el componente humano del TLP estará formado por 55 personas procedentes de las diez naciones que participan en el programa, la mayor parte de las cuales se encuentran ya trabajando en Albacete. Este programa dará trabajo a personas de la zona de Albacete a través de un contrato multiservicios.


Impacto económico

El traslado del TLP desde Florennes (Bélgica), donde operaba hasta el mes de mayo, a Albacete ha producido un impacto positivo en la economía local durante el período 2008/2009 y se calcula que la inversión total en la Base Aérea ha superado los 32 millones de euros en infraestructuras y equipamiento, en cuyas obras o adquisiciones han participado activamente empresas de Albacete.

Dicho programa maneja un presupuesto anual de casi cinco millones de euros y, aunque no existen estimaciones sobre el impacto económico que el despliegue de más de 400 personas, seis veces al año para participar en los diversos cursos puede significar para la economía local, tendrá un efecto positivo en toda la provincia, según la documentación entregada por el Ejército del Aire español.

Bengoechea fue nombrado jefe del TLP y de su componente nacional el pasado 31 de julio. Anteriormente, estuvo destinado en la Ala 12, en la Base Aérea de Torrejón de Ardoz y en el gabinete técnico del Ministerio de Defensa. Cuenta con más de 3.000 horas de vuelo, de las que más de 1.000 son en Mirage III y el resto en F-18.

ISDEFE, gestionó la construcción

El Ejército del Aire contrato el año pasado a ISDEFE S.A. para la gestión de las obras de construcción de los edificios necesarios para el establecimiento del TLP en la Base Aérea de Los Llanos (Albacete) por cerca de 10,8 millones de euros.

Los contratos estipulaban que ISDEFE deberá gestionar las obras de infraestructura necesarias para la construcción del edificio del cuartel general del TLP, el hangar de mantenimiento de aviones y el vial de conexión, así como el pabellón de alojamiento de pilotos y personal de apoyo de la OTAN.

Los hangares tienen capacidad para albergar 15 destacamentos de escuadrones de vuelo simultáneamente y dar mantenimiento a seis aviones a la vez. Por otra parte, el pabellón de alojamiento tiene capacidad para 500 personas.

800 pilotos aliados anuales

El 31 de noviembre de 2006 se firmó el acuerdo técnico sobre la reubicación del TLP en España cuando era secretario de Defensa Francisco Pardo, quien explicó entonces que el centro formará a una media de 800 pilotos anuales y organizará seis cursos anuales de vuelo con la participación de 30 aviones, así como impartirá también 14 cursos académicos de una semana de duración y cuatro reuniones de doctrina al año, también de una semana de duración.

El TLP se encuentra actualmente en la base de Florennes (Bélgica) y es un programa de adiestramiento de pilotos para grandes formaciones de aviones en misiones de ataque aire-tierra o aire-aire. Esta orientado a adiestrar a los comandantes de estos escuadrones ("leadership", o liderazgo) y esta formado por EEUU, Alemania, Bélgica, Dinamarca, Gran Bretaña, Holanda, Italia y España.

.- Saludos.

Compañero forista fallecido el 16 de julio de 2011. Ver homenaje en el FMG

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