La noticia recogida en la prensa mundial:
NY Times
After a lengthy inquiry, investigators commissioned by the European Union are expected to conclude that Georgia ignited last year’s war with Russia by attacking separatists in South Ossetia, rejecting the Georgian government’s explanation that the attack was defensive, according to an official familiar with the investigators’ work.
Miami HeraldEU: Georgia began '08 war, but Russia escalated conflict
Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili had no justification under international law when he ordered a military incursion into the breakaway South Ossetia region last year that included missile barrages on civilian areas, according to a European Union-commissioned report released Wednesday.
The TimesIllegal attack by Georgia launched war with Russia
An illegal military attack by Georgia on its breakaway region of South Ossetia triggered last year’s war with Russia, an international report said yesterday.
The IndependentGeorgia began war with Russia, but it was provoked, inquiry finds
The first authoritative study of the war over South Ossetia has concluded that Georgia started the conflict with Russia with an attack that was in violation of international law.
"Operations started with a massive Georgian artillery attack," the report stated. It judged that "the Georgian claim concerning a large-scale Russian military incursion into South Ossetia" before the war began could not be "sufficiently substantiated".
Le Monde (entrevista a la diplomática que elaboró el informe)
"Les deux côtés portent leur part de responsabilité. Si c'est la Géorgie qui a entamé le conflit armé par un assaut d'artillerie sur Tskhinvali dans la nuit du 7 au 8 août 2008, c'est bien la Russie qui a contribué à créer la situation qui a mené à l'éclatement du conflit armé avec la Géorgie."
Le FigaroLa Géorgie accusée d'avoir initié le conflit russo-géorgien
Un désaveu pour le président Saakachvili. Tbilissi est rendu coupable du déclenchement de la guerre dans un rapport d'enquête commandé par l'UE sur le conflit russo-géorgien d'août 2008.
Corriere della SeraVerdetto Ue salomonico sulla Georgia
La Commissione d' inchiesta dell' Unione Europea affermerà domani che fu la Georgia l' 8 agosto del 2008 ad attaccare l' Ossezia del Sud, scatenando così il conflitto con la Russia.
PúblicoRelatório da UE conclui que Tbilissi “disparou primeiro tiro” na guerra da Geórgia
Sobre as responsabilidades, o documento especifica: “Foi o bombardeamento de Tskhinvali pelas forças armadas georgianas na noite de 7 para 8 de Agosto de 2008 que deu início ao conflito armado de vasta amplitude na Geórgia”, do qual resultaram centenas de mortos e milhares de deslocados.