Noticias de la Armada Española

La Marina de Guerra de España. Actualidades e historial. Unidades y buques. Las fragatas F-100, los aviones Harrier. Construcción naval, el Ferrol.
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Pepillo el Marino
Mensajes: 298
Registrado: 31 Dic 2011, 01:55

Noticias de la Armada española

Mensaje por Pepillo el Marino »

Como siempre cinismo de los "HIJOS DE LA GRAN BRETAÑA" y sus acolitos de turno, cuando ni ellos , ni los Franceses respetan nada en el mar. No como nuestros buques.
Los Vecinos, largan de malas maneras del golfo de Leon y Cerdeña todo lo que llega y no les gusta, para que se los atiendan Italianos o el Mar de cuenta de ellos y ahora se permiten reprochar chorradas, cuando ellos son los que tenian el mando de las operaciones. CINISMO puro, haber si los de asuntos exteriores se espabilan. :dont: :dont:
Última edición por Pepillo el Marino el 29 Mar 2012, 21:12, editado 1 vez en total.

Viejo lema: "Dar primero, dar duro y seguir dando"
General de Ejército
General de Ejército
Mensajes: 11226
Registrado: 05 Mar 2003, 19:07

Noticias de la Armada española

Mensaje por Kraken »

El informe:

110. On 27 March at 20:07 the Italian Naval Fleet Command (CINCNAV) made a call to the Rome MRCC
where the boat in distress was discussed. Importantly, the CINCNAV officer confirms that a military vessel
under NATO command was located around 11 miles away from the boat in distress: the Spanish naval
vessel Méndez Núñez.
111. Given the Méndez Núñez’s distance from the boat, it seems that it could have reached the boat in
distress in less than two hours. It remains unclear why NATO, or the Méndez Núñez itself, failed to provide
this information to the Rome MRCC following the launch of the distress alert. What is clear is that no attempt
was made by the Spanish vessel to approach the boat. Furthermore, the Méndez Núñez is a naval vessel
with the capacity to carry a helicopter. If it had a helicopter on board it would have been an even simpler
operation to check on the boat in distress.
112. During the above-mentioned telephone conversation between the CINCNAV and the Rome MRCC,
shortly after referring to the Méndez Núñez, mention is made of the Italian vessel ITS Etna as being within
the specified region as well as the ITS Borsini. In information provided by NATO, it is confirmed that the ITS
Borsini was 37 nautical miles away, but that the ITS Etna was much further away (155 miles). The presence
of an Italian naval vessel within the specified region could provide a link to the origin of the water and biscuits
dropped by the helicopter to the boat in distress. The ITS Borsini has a helicopter capacity. More information
is needed from the authorities to establish whether or not this vessel was aware or involved in the incident.
113. It also transpires from the aforementioned conversation between the Rome MRCC and the
CINCNAV officer that the CINCNAV officer left it to NATO to deal with its own assets which were “the
nearest of all in absolute terms”.
114. It is not clear whether the NATO vessel located at 24 miles from the boat was the Méndez Núñez, or
another military vessel. It can be noted that 24 miles is a relatively close sailing distance. Indeed, I was told
by the Malta MRCC that when organising a Search and Rescue operation they look for assets in a 100-mile
radius. As one NATO official said: “it would have been a piece of cake” to sail to the boat.
115. NATO officials have confirmed in a meeting, in follow-up written communications, as well as in
several press briefings, that NATO’s operations are fully aware of their international maritime law
responsibilities. Their active involvement in a number of SAR operations during this period resulted in the
saving of hundreds of lives. This is clear evidence of their general readiness to assist when and as
required.27 Yet despite this understanding of international maritime law rules and a willingness to save lives
at sea, no asset known to be close to the boat headed to its rescue.
116. According to NATO, the contents of the message they received from the Rome MRCC in the
evening of 27 March were unclear. NATO told us that the message was not sent in the required format,
standardised for ease of comprehension, and that it was therefore not a clear distress call requesting specific
action. NATO specified that the message’s text “did not convey a sense of seriousness or urgency”.
117. Whilst the indication that the vessel was in difficulty appears to be clear, the message does not
request any prompt specific action and the word “DISTRESS” is not used. The Malta MRCC also commented
on the nature of the alert, saying that there was no specific query as to availability of assets.
118. This possible lack of clarity on the alert level is not seen in the Inmarsat-C Enhanced Group Call
(EGC) launched by Rome (27 March 2011 at 19:54), which clearly indicated the alert’s priority as
“DISTRESS”. The Hydrolant Warning Message launched on 28 March at 06:06 specifically stated that the
persons were in need of assistance, requesting all vessels in the vicinity to keep a sharp lookout and to
119. It is my understanding that the messages were sufficiently clear to indicate that action was
necessary and that they should not be ignored. If authorities were considering not intervening because of the
lack of clarity, asking for clarification from the Italian border guards would have been the most appropriate
step to take.
120. In order to understand the situation better, I wrote to the Ministry of Defence of Spain with respect to
the Méndez Núñez and to NATO with respect to the ITS Etna (which I was informed was under NATO
command) seeking the following information:
– The specific location of the Méndez Núñez and thand the ITS Etna at the time of the Rome MRCC’s fax
alert to NATO, as well as the logs of their respective aircrafts/helicopters;
– The name and nationality of the military vessel located at around 24 miles from the boat;
– The details of any communications between NATO Naples Headquarters and the Méndez Núñez
and the ITS Etna, and also the vessel 24 miles away. Most importantly, I am attempting to ascertain
the specific considerations and decision-making processes that led to these vessels taking no action.
121. On 8 March 2012, I received a reply from the Spanish Minister of Defence assuring me that the
Méndez Núñez “never had any contact at all with [the] vessel adrift” and that it “never was at the distance of
11 nautical miles” referred to in my letter. Furthermore, the Ministry added that “this frigate did not receive any fax from MRCC Rome or any other communication” regarding the matter mentioned in my letter. Finally,
the Ministry underlined that the helicopter from the frigate “did not overfly, and consequently had no chance
to provide any assistance to the boat”.
122. While I was aware that the Rome MRCC did not contact the military vessels directly, I have to
conclude that NATO Naples Headquarters did receive the distress fax. Whether they passed it on to vessels
operating under its command is unclear and contradictory. NATO confirms to me that they did while the
Spanish authorities contradict this saying that they did not receive the message. I also have difficulties in
understanding how the Méndez Núñez, and other vessels could not have received the general Inmarsat and
Hydrolant distress messages which were sent to all vessels in the area.
123. The letter from the Spanish Minister of Defence, while stating that the Méndez Núñez was never at a
distance of 11 nautical miles from the boat, does not provide me with its exact position. It is highly likely that
it was nevertheless extremely close to the boat.
124. Without full information on this matter it is difficult to conclude on the responsibility of NATO or boats
under national command. It is, however, clear to me that there was a failure by NATO to react to the distress
signals. Bearing in mind that the Italian MRCC had no independent way of identifying military vessels in the
area or having direct contact with them, it was up to NATO to take action. Furthermore, the helicopter that
went to the aid of the boat and then disappeared had to be attached to some naval vessel. No explanation
has come forward from any quarter recognising the role of the helicopter or explaining the lack of follow-up to
its mission, including the lack of communication with the MRCC about this flight.

129. NATO’s extensive presence in the region seems to have been planned and implemented with
insufficient consideration of search and rescue structures. I understand that the Rome MRCC did not
consider that its SAR responsibilities extended to military vessels operating under NATO command. When
informed of the Méndez Núñez’s location, the Rome MRCC concluded that it must have received the
Inmarsat-C alert, but stopped short of taking further specific action.
138. The helicopter must almost certainly have come from a ship. From the information I gathered, I can
state that at least two military ships under NATO or national command were in close proximity to the boat at
the time the distress call was made. These boats were the Spanish ship Méndez Núñez and the Italian ship
ITS Borsini; both have aircraft facilities, which means that they are capable of launching helicopters.
139. As noted above, NATO’s written reply to my letter of 8 December states that “based on a review of
existing records in NATO operational headquarters, there is no record of any aircraft or ship under NATO
command having seen or made contact with the small boat in question”.
140. In the light of the information I have received concerning the whereabouts of the Méndez Núñez, the
ITS Etna, I have sent a further letter to NATO and Spain asking for information on the precise location of
these boats and the detailed logs of their respective helicopters. As stated above, the Spanish Minister of
Defence replied to me that the helicopter from the Méndez Núñez “did not overfly, and consequently had no
chance to provide any assistance to the boat”. NATO replied, as already mentioned, that the ITS Etna was
not in the region but that the ITS Borsini was 37 miles away. No mention is made in this reply of the
helicopter activities or rescue activities of the ITS Borsini.

147. The United Kingdom and the United States have not yet replied to my letters.

Ningún plan, por bueno que sea, resiste su primer recorte presupuestario.
Mensajes: 33
Registrado: 26 Abr 2011, 11:10

Noticias de la Armada española

Mensaje por tatostrom »

Curioso intento por pare de la unión europea de emponzoñar el buen nombre de la Armada española y de sus profesionales. No me cabe en la cabeza que ningún miembro de la armada sea capaz de ignorar una petición de auxilio en alta mar. Lo que si tengo claro es que o bien la Otan o bien la UE quieren cubrirse de hacer las cosas mal y que mejor manera que echar la porquería encima de los paises que por su delicada situación económica se tienen que callar la boca y no pueden poner el grito en el cielo...

Vergonzoso, si esto es Europa que se la queden toda para ellos...

General de Ejército
General de Ejército
Mensajes: 11226
Registrado: 05 Mar 2003, 19:07

Re: Noticias de la Armada española

Mensaje por Kraken »

Al parecer una nefasta coordinación de MRCC Rome, que dió muchas cosas por supuestas y que nadie tenía el menor interés en hacerse cargo de los que huían de Libia.

Ningún plan, por bueno que sea, resiste su primer recorte presupuestario.
Sargento Primero
Sargento Primero
Mensajes: 418
Registrado: 14 Mar 2009, 18:15

Noticias de la Armada española

Mensaje por señalero »

Conociendo como conozco a los Mandos de la Mendez Nuñez veo el asunto bastante improbable y no escribo imposible, porqué es una palabra que apenas uso.

Veo también improbable que quepan setenta y dos personas en una embarcación de siete metros.

Veo bastante improbable que la embarcación de siete metros avistara a la Mendez Nuñez a once millas nauticas, el horizonte visual desde el Puente de la Mendez (creo recordar que su base está a 14 metros de altura) es de unas nueve millas a un objeto sobre la superficie del mar de un metro de altura . . ., ya no digo nada de la Fragata italiana que estaba atreinta y siete millas, ni desde el Puente o las cofas de la Mendez Nuñez, el gris de los cascos de los buques de guerra también inluyen en el avistamiento.

Veo bastante improbable la imparcialidad del informe dado el signo político de algunos de los prebostes europeos presentes en la comisión (comisión lo escribo con minúsculas a proposito).

Veo bastante improbable que los ingleses no estén detrás de todo este embrollo . . alguna experiencia con ellos tengo en algún que otro bloqueo naval en aguas del Adriatico.

Veo bastante probable que todo esto sea una patraña, patraña . . . .


General de Ejército
General de Ejército
Mensajes: 11226
Registrado: 05 Mar 2003, 19:07

Re: Noticias de la Armada española

Mensaje por Kraken »

No, desde la embarcación no se divisa a la Mendez Nuñez, lo de las 11 millas es la estimación de situación que proporcionan a MRCC Rome.
110. On 27 March at 20:07 the Italian Naval Fleet Command (CINCNAV) made a call to the Rome MRCC where the boat in distress was discussed. Importantly, the CINCNAV officer confirms that a military vessel
under NATO command was located around 11 miles away from the boat in distress: the Spanish naval vessel Méndez Núñez.

Con la localización aproximada del teléfono via satélite que lleva la lancha y que MRCC Rome proporciona a CINCNAV. Este responde que la Mendez Nuñez está a unas 11 millas de dicha posición y enumera otros buques cercanos a dicha posición. Pero no se le comunica nada a la Mendez Nuñez.
Lo de la comisión es fruto de querer hacer las cosas en un mundo ideal, frente a la cruda realidad. Fundamentalmente que no hay una buena coordinación entre los distintos organismos internacionales.

Ningún plan, por bueno que sea, resiste su primer recorte presupuestario.
iago rivas
Mensajes: 1375
Registrado: 06 Sep 2011, 13:41

Noticias de la Armada española

Mensaje por iago rivas »

Operación 'Atalanta'

El ‘Infanta Elena’ auxilia a dos embarcaciones en dificultades ... iones.html

iago rivas
Mensajes: 1375
Registrado: 06 Sep 2011, 13:41

Noticias de la Armada española

Mensaje por iago rivas »

Los 27 ya dieron luz verde

Piratas.- UPyD exige al Gobierno que someta a autorización parlamentaria la ampliación a tierra de la Operación Atalanta ... 41054.html

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Pepillo el Marino
Mensajes: 298
Registrado: 31 Dic 2011, 01:55

Noticias de la Armada española

Mensaje por Pepillo el Marino »

El tijeretazo nos deja si mas BAM ni F-106 ni "na´de na´"de momento, se veia venir y ya mismo empiezan las bajas de buques y las inmovilizaciones........... :pena: :pena:

Viejo lema: "Dar primero, dar duro y seguir dando"
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Mensajes: 1441
Registrado: 03 May 2010, 20:38

Noticias de la Armada española

Mensaje por siroco »

Hombreeee¡¡¡ el PdA va al desguace en breve, las corbetas de Canarias quizas ni lleguen a Cartagena, estan en tramites de venta, y si no fructifican en cuanto lleguen a la Curra...desguace, la Diana me parece que ya no hace más despliegues por que al desguace y la F-105 esta en venta, y a los de Agricultura ,a pesar de haber dado de baja el Chilreu les sigue sobrando otro, y a los del E.T les sobra o el Camino o el Posadillo... o los dos.
Tambien digo una cosa,quizas esta crisis nos ponga en nuestro sitio y nos haga conscientes de lo que podemos y de lo que no.

El fiero turco en Lepanto, en la Tercera el frances,
en todo mar el ingles , tuvieron de verme espanto,
Rey servido Patria honrada, diran mejor quien he sido,
por la Cruz de mi apellido, y por la cruz de mi espada.
(Don Alvaro de Bazan)
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Pepillo el Marino
Mensajes: 298
Registrado: 31 Dic 2011, 01:55

Noticias de la Armada española

Mensaje por Pepillo el Marino »

Tambien mete en el paquete del desguace seguro al "Pizarro" y el "Contramaestre Casado" posiblemente . Y se "oye" que tres Fragatas tipo Santa Maria se van a inmovilizar (sin mantenimiento , ni operatividad). :axe:

Viejo lema: "Dar primero, dar duro y seguir dando"
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Mensajes: 1441
Registrado: 03 May 2010, 20:38

Re: Noticias de la Armada española

Mensaje por siroco »

El Pizarro si,pero el Casado no.Le pasa lo que al Camino, es viejo pero barato y hacen su labor

El fiero turco en Lepanto, en la Tercera el frances,
en todo mar el ingles , tuvieron de verme espanto,
Rey servido Patria honrada, diran mejor quien he sido,
por la Cruz de mi apellido, y por la cruz de mi espada.
(Don Alvaro de Bazan)
Mensajes: 768
Registrado: 07 Ene 2003, 00:24

Noticias de la Armada española

Mensaje por JoseLs »

Los BAM y la 106 si acaso llegaran.

Es de tontos no encargar los buques y mandar a la gente a la calle a la que encima les tendras que pagar 2 añitos de paro. DE TONTOS. Y de paso te cargas Navantia.

Otra cosa es que esperaran todo lo que puedan y seguramente se monte la mundial en los astilleros. Cuando se huekan las cartas de despido nos vamos a reir de los disturbios de Barcelona.

Un saludo
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Mensajes: 1441
Registrado: 03 May 2010, 20:38

Noticias de la Armada española

Mensaje por siroco »

Navantia debe ser vendida lo antes posible y de hecho creo que hay alguien interesado en su compra.
Por otro lado no puede estar dependiendo de los encargos de la Armada.

El fiero turco en Lepanto, en la Tercera el frances,
en todo mar el ingles , tuvieron de verme espanto,
Rey servido Patria honrada, diran mejor quien he sido,
por la Cruz de mi apellido, y por la cruz de mi espada.
(Don Alvaro de Bazan)
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General de Cuerpo de Ejército
General de Cuerpo de Ejército
Mensajes: 8134
Registrado: 04 Dic 2003, 11:40
Ubicación: Jerez

Noticias de la Armada española

Mensaje por ElCiD »

los bam

La inversión del Ministerio de Defensa en la provincia de Cádiz asciende, según los PGE de este año, a algo más de seis millones de euros. En ellos no aparece ni un sólo euro destinado a la segunda fase de los Buques de Acción Marítima (BAM), que sí cuenta con cantidades mínimas (de seis millones, cinco millones o siete millones) en los ejercicios de 2013 a 2015. Además, en la cuantía total aparece la cifra de 530 millones de euros, cuando la previsión anunciada por el anterior Gobierno era que los cinco buques tendrían un valor aproximado a los 750 millones de euros. Eso hace pensar que no serán cinco las unidades a construir. ... lones.html

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