Sí, comieron de lujo...
Encima pones un quote en el que dicen que apenas comían y tu lo entiendes como todo lo contrario...
Private Luis Aparicio claims that he and others once escaped into Port Stanley where they were able to buy cigarettes, jams, bread, apples and cookies and that the corporal in charge of his group would allow them to shoot and eat sheep, but that in the last 20 days they hardly got any food
No tengo ninguna duda, ya se pusieron en este hilo fotos de trozos de carne en una caja de munición vacía.
Los castigos de campo fueron necesarios para mantener a los desertores y/o zurdos bajo control
In 2009, Argentine authorities in Comodoro Rivadavia ratified a decision made by authorities in Río Grande, Tierra del Fuego (which, according to Argentina, have authority over the islands), announcing their intention to charge 70 officers and NCOs with inhumane treatment of conscript soldiers during the war.[17]
"We have testimony from 23 people about a soldier who was shot to death by a corporal, four other former combatants who starved to death, and at least 15 cases of conscripts who were staked out on the ground", Pablo Vassel, president of the Human Rights Department of the province of Corrientes, told Inter Press Service News Agency.[18] The conscript that was supposedly "shot to death", has been identified as Marine Private Rito Portillo, who according to the military surgeon that attended him, Major Andino Luis Francisco, was shot in error on the night of 4–5 May when returning to his tent from nearby latrines.[19] There are serious claims that false testimonies were used as evidence in accusing the Argentine officers and NCOs and Vassel had to step down from his post in 2010.[20] Since the 2009 announcement was made, no one in the military or among the retired officers and NCOs has been charged, causing Pablo Vassel in April 2014 to comment:
For over two years we've been waiting for a final say on behalf of the courts ... There are some types of crimes that no state should allow to go unpunished, no matter how much time has passed, such as the crimes of the dictatorship. Last year Germany sentenced a 98-year-old corporal for his role in the concentration camps in one of the Eastern European countries occupied by Nazi Germany. It didn't take into account his age or rank.[21]
Claro, igual que se hacía con los contrarios a la dictadura.
Vamos, los ejércitos normales, ya en esos años, lo que hacían era juzgar a la gente, con unas garantías mínimas, pero eso de pegarles un tiro...Y encima lo defiendes...
Entre eso, y el quote "vomitivo" que has puesto, intentado defender lo indefendible, ya veo de donde viene tu defensa tan enconada de algo como las Malvinas.
“…Las piezas de campaña se perdieron; bandera de español ninguna…” Duque de Alba tras la batalla de Heiligerlee.